Never heard that expression before. Curious what it means. apologies for going off topic ... but you have my interest
Islam is a peaceful religion.... The same as Hebrew and Christianity... I get what you're saying, but it's not fair to blame an entire religion for some idiots... If that's the case you can make that assumption about a lot of religions. T_Man
I'm very anti war. Pretty much a Bernie Sanders/Ron Paul type of person in that regard. But when push comes to shove, it doesn't matter. You wipe these guys off the map where they are. After that you deal with what you have to.
not expected in a calm cheerful place like this rate probably zero chance merkel gets re-elected now
No, they are not the same. Start with the founder of Christianity and the founder of Islam. One was a peacenik Hippie, the other one was a pedophile warlord who personally ordered mass beheadings. How are they the same?
I agree with you, but I agree with him also. There is a distinction there. A lot LOT more of "their idiots" are acting. Over and over and over again. Killing a ton of innocent people that have nothing to do with anything. And then they hide among civilians where they live to use them as human shields. They are despicable in every way.
Well, the problem is that when you have several million people in your country who follow an ideology that is the same in name - and not 100 %, but to a large extent in the beliefs adhered to - how do you even know what to do? You don't want to discriminate, you want to be welcoming to foreigners and not xenophobic, but how do you even spot the bad apples? And that is only talking about terrorism. There are very few among the followers of the ideology of Islam who take it to that extreme, but there are a lot more who have beliefs that are incompatible with Western values.
And yet it is almost precisely what Obama says we need whenever this sort of thing happens here, which appears to be happening with increasing frequency on Obama's watch. But as we see here, the terrorists and the criminals are not obeying the law and continue to murder people anyway.
going to war for years on years is exactly what they want, not only does it drain U.Smoney and morale, but every bomb that lands on one of their civilians will be good for their recruitment you have to get them with special ops.
That is the problem and we should not be trying to modernize them... We invaded their country to change their culture and that's not right.... Just like people from other countries try to come here and try to change our culture. Neither is right.... In a lot of countries they but Religion first, in america religion may make it to 4 or 5 on the list.... Now the things that are going on are just sickening and I agree with aroundtheworld... ISIS is spreading their OWN Ideology the same as any cult. T_Man
Exactly. The true believers WANT a "holy war" that they think will trigger the apocalypse. This is necessary reading: The Atlantic: What ISIS Really Wants
People of that same "religion" targeted the holiest site of "that religion." They're a cartel more than anything else. Worse actually with the type of stories of their torture that are coming out.
The adults are having a discussion. You can find the Houston Chronicle comment section elsewhere on the Internet.
I totally agree... You have people who take a religion and twist it... James Jones... Heaven's Gate... Waco.... ISIS is nothing more than a very sick cult.... T_Man
Learn to live with the terror. That is what french government told its people. I guess all Europeans should start learning too. You reap what you saw. Pretty soon you will be running out of prayers. I hope by now some naive ppl understand that bad policy kills.