[youtube]JssjaX1Sld8[/youtube] The Jerryd Bayless alleyoop to no one has got to be the winner, had me in tears.
That's why centers aren't allow to make any type of fancy passes unless they are capable of it. Honestly, just because Perkins plays with two top five players in their respectable position, doesn't mean he can try to get fancy to make highlight reels... I don't know about how you guys feel but I just think Perkins is overrated. Yea sure he's a so-call tough guy and set screens but I never was a big fan of him...
the karl facepalm after mcgee's layup was hilarios i think bayless takes this one. perkins close second
Did you see Karl's facepalm last month against the Pacers after McGee fell down trying to lead a fast break and nearly blew out Ty Lawson's knee? That was priceless.
I don't know, JJ's was pretty hilarious. At least Bayless threw the pass correct. That was just bad communication. JJ's was just a horrible pass!
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