They could make that deal the second the Cavs are eliminated from the playoffs. I am not sure if Wally can be included still though. Webber was traded for Richmond during the playoffs.
Great news. Let's trade the tallest player for the fattest player in the league and the former scoring champ for the former MVP. Here comes our new big 3! Get it done Morey!
Am I the only one that thinks Shaq would be too busy facilitating the very same lane Lebron is so akin on driving through. The paint wouldn't be enough for the both of them.
screw shaq, let him decay in a crappy team, he cant be fed good guards all the time like he's been doing his whole career, let him know what its like to lose
Maybe if we win this one, people still saying it's because Lakers didn't have Odom and Bynum.. but who cares.. We need the win to secure our home court advantage now.
Anyone else notice that these words are so grossly misused that the sentence doesn't even make sense anymore? Shaq is too busy helping the lane Lebron is analogous on driving through? C'mon man, use a dictionary!
No, because in LA you always had to have like 2 bodies on Shaq, so you couldn't leave him at all...which made it easier for guards to penetrate. It wasn't to that level in Miami...yet the Mavs still gave Oneal that level of respect in the Finals. Oneal no longer demands that type of attention. I still think Shaq/Born could work though.
i was hoping phoenix would make a run. I'd love to see Dallas miss the playoffs. Dallas has a tough schedule coming up but Phoenix isn't helping itself by shooting themselves in the foot. I wouldn't mind a kobe-shaq 1st round series either.
I'd rather see/possibly play a Dallas team limping into the playoffs, rather than a Phoenix team rolling in.
Shaq want to ride LeBron's back for a 5th ring.... Silly, first he got tired of Miami and left and he moved to Phoenix and made them worse and now they're not even in the playoffs while Wade is killing and Miami's back in the playoffs. This is why I always will see Dream as the better player compared to Shaq. Hakeem won without having the best guard in the league and he didn't gave up on his team, he fought threw the bad time (late 80's and early 90's). Shaq has no respect for the team he plays for, during bad times he quits... Lakers got enough of him, Miami got enough of him and it looks like Phoenix are tired of him too.
just wait till he leaves PHX, he'll start calling out Nash and Stoudemire and even the "scrubs", he picked on Miami's Chris Quinn when he left Miami, he has no respect for his former teammates, he's given a pass because of his seemingly playful nature but he's a sore loser.