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Shams: Jimmy Butler open to being traded to Rockets Mavericks or Warriors

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by DaBeard, Dec 10, 2024.


    ROXTXIA Member

    Apr 25, 2000
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  2. MrButtocks

    MrButtocks Member

    May 29, 2005
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    I think Phoenix want Butler to play next to Booker and KD. They're not going to ship out Booker in a Butler trade.
    luckyman76 likes this.
  3. BamBam

    BamBam Member

    Nov 3, 2003
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    Keep him far away!!!

    Go Rockets!!!
    topfive and cml750 like this.
  4. OremLK

    OremLK Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Of course they do, but they might not have much choice if they want to upgrade their roster. Beal doesn't want to approve a trade unless he's going to a contender, and no contender wants Beal's contract.

    Their only pieces with real trade value are Booker and KD--they might have to trade one of them for a favorable return, and I don't think they will do it in order to rebuild, because that's not their organizational philosophy or MO. If they can get a sidegrade from Booker and a couple of first round picks that they can trade for another guy, that might honestly be their best move.
  5. theDude

    theDude Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    More like every team in th league letting him know they have no desire to discuss a long term future with him. "You want out of Miami, it's going to be as a rental."
    luckyman76 likes this.
  6. cml750

    cml750 Member

    Jun 14, 2002
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    I wouldn't want him here on a minimum FA contract much less trade for him.
    topfive likes this.
  7. OremLK

    OremLK Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    I have a little bit more sympathy for Jimmy after the Luka trade honestly. These owners and GMs have no loyalty to their players, even the best players in the league, so why do we hold the players to that standard? Some of his other behavior that's been reported like not showing up to practice and flying on his own plane is some stuck-up sh*t, but who knows how much of that is true and how much is being put out there by Miami out of sour grapes.
    FLASH21 likes this.
  8. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Beal is known as one of the worst contracts in the league what shot are you talking about? Nobody wants to take him on especially Chicago who literally traded away Lavine to save salary.

    Chicago traded Lavine who is playing much better than Beal, tanked for exactly one year and then will suddenly take on a much worse contract for a worse player with a no trade clause to "compete"? lol
    luckyman76 likes this.
  9. luckyman76

    luckyman76 Member

    Jun 21, 2016
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    Butler realizes he is not going to Phoenix and he is gone. Butler is selfish, not stupid. He knows Heat will never give him his money. He needs to be a good boy to other teams to protect his PO and ANY future contract he gets as an over-38 player.
  10. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    He is getting paid 50M this year to play great. I can understand if he wants to maximize his money but he should still have played great instead of being a distraction considering his contract.
    OremLK likes this.
  11. jch1911

    jch1911 Member

    May 20, 2009
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    You are aware who the coach in Chicago is? You are also aware that Chicago was comfortable being a landing spot for Beal, BUT Beal said he did not want to go there (mainly because they were tanking) and he still feels disrespected by Suns.

    Beal's contract is bad especially because of his NTC and the time that was /is on it. We used to have John Wall's contract as one of the worst contracts in the NBA not too long ago.

    You have your thoughts and I have mine. Always fun!
  12. baubo

    baubo Member

    Jul 14, 2014
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    I don't think players need to be symphasized with because they are all choosing money over stable working place. No trade clauses are something most players can negotiate, and certainly something even the CBA can include. But players simply choose not to do so because it would severely hamper their paycheck. This would be akin to regular person choosing a job where they stay in one city, vs. a job where they have to go on business trips all the time. The latter almost always pays better and/or have way more perks, because the employee is giving up more of their own personal lives for such a job.

    I'm personally much more of a pro-labor guy myself, but given that trades and FA deals exist in the NBA labor market that is agreed upon by both the ownerships and player unions, the players clearly made their choices on what they want. And it's not stable working environment.
  13. OremLK

    OremLK Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I agree with his actions--just that I'm more apathetic than thinking he sucks. Like watching two schoolyard bullies having a fist fight. You don't really care who wins, you just hope they beat each other up real good.
    dawesome likes this.
  14. MrButtocks

    MrButtocks Member

    May 29, 2005
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    Phoenix would trade KD before trading Booker. Booker is 28 and a fan favorite. Butler is 35, nearing the end of his career, and has an extensive injury history. If Phoenix traded Booker for essentially Butler and a couple of firsts it would be insanity. That's not a sidegrade that's a fleece. I'm not saying it's impossible because something similar literally just happened with Luka and AD, just saying it would be as baffling to everyone else.
  15. OremLK

    OremLK Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    I mean, Fox just got traded for a return pretty similar to that, and I have them at roughly the same level as players--plus Fox is a year younger.
  16. theDude

    theDude Member
    Supporting Member

    Jun 26, 2003
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    The days of loyalty are gone. There are times when special bonds can grow between an owner and player, but there are so many factors that have to be in place, you can never count on it. There are just too many variables on both sides that can cause situations to change.

    Players have their endorsements and marketing ventures, and talent agents have far more influence and agendas than just getting their client a deal that nets them 5% or whatever.

    Owners are (usually) trying to increase the value of their team. To do that, they have to show good business maneuvers. They are forced to work within CBA parameters. That does not always guarantee that you can keep players that the owner and fans have grown attached to.

    When you talk about loyalty, you are talking about a bygone era. No owner should expect that any player should cut them a deal to “stay home” and no player should think that an owner should give them a max salary just because they stayed through the end of their previous contract. At the end of the day, they are all trying to get the most money. That’s part of their job.
  17. topfive

    topfive CF OG

    Jun 12, 2002
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    On the surface it makes sense, but Miami isn't going to take scraps in return for him. So we give up substantial assets for the off-chance that Butler gets us far in the playoffs? Is it really worth damaging our future?

    Like Melo before him, Butler needs to realize that he's not the commodity he once was. I'm not saying he's washed already, but he's already on the downslope of his prime.
  18. MrButtocks

    MrButtocks Member

    May 29, 2005
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    The players might be similar levels but the situations are different. Fox is a free agent next year and demanded a trade. Building a future with him was not looking like an option for Sacramento. The short time remaining on his contract gave Fox leverage in his trade destination as he could refuse to sign an extension with teams he did not prefer. Lavine is 29 with two years left on his contract. He does not hurt the Kings' flexibility. They can still trade Lavine later if they decide to completely blow it up. He's young enough to have suitors.

    Booker has not asked for a trade and has three years left on his contract. If the Suns make him available they should be able to get full value for him. Butler is expiring either this summer by exercising his player option or next summer. If the Suns give 35 or 36 year old Jimmy the max contract he wants he'll be an albatross. Trading Booker for a potential albatross just does not make sense at all to me.
    OremLK likes this.
  19. jch1911

    jch1911 Member

    May 20, 2009
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    Define substantial.

    I am willing to do the deal if it is like Brooks + Adams + Tate for Himmy + Kevin Love. I would also consider a protected FRP that converts into 2nds if not conveyed.

    Brooks & Adams should be enough for Miami - keeps them competitive in the East. Brooks can likely be moved by Miami to open space in 2 years.
  20. OremLK

    OremLK Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Fair enough--I'm not sure I agree the situations are that different in practical terms, since it was basically known that Fox would re-up with the Spurs, but I suppose there is some difference in the situation. In any case, you can mentally re-figure the amount of draft pick compensation to suit what you think Booker's actual value is, my point was just that it's a structure that could potentially make sense for Phoenix once they realize they're not going to be able to get rid of Beal. (Assuming that is in fact the case.)

    And sure, maxing Jimmy is a bad idea from my point of view, but we already know they want him and presumably plan to extend him (which is why he wants to go there).

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