It may be fine. It might not be. There are too many variables to say for sure. Reading is something children should do every day. Sometimes writing a summary is just help make sure they are actually reading. Multiplication, they should memorize in third grade so they know the facts as well as they know their name. In class they learn to understand what Multiplication is and grab a deeper understanding, but on their own they need to memorize it. Some project learning and research could also be valuable. There are too many variables to say it's never good or it's always needed.
High School diplomas are pretty much participation trophies. They are literally worth less than **** now.
Yeah, just about. Give it time, College degrees will be the same soon because "it's not fair" to judge people by grading them and calling them failures. Eventually we'll make all degrees worthless the way we've made a high school diploma worthless. There was a time it actually meant something.
A high school diploma meant something when you could actually use it to land a good job. College degrees are heading the same way. It has nothing to do with the "it's not fair" or pussification narrative.
And why do you think that once upon a time you could use it to land a good job? When not everyone got them as a participation trophy it meant something. When failing out of high school was still a possibility it meant yeah, it does have to do with the "it's not fair" BS. The reason people basically can't fail out of high school anymore is due to lowered standards to make unworthy people graduate. A college degree means a hell of a lot less now than it once did for the same reason. Eventually they'll lower the standards to the point where a bachelor's degree is a participation trophy too and then it'll be worthless.
I'm very mixed. People only get to be a kid once and deserve to have that time to enjoy. Work at school and enjoy youth when out. I hated homework as a child however You will have to learn to do schoolwork out side of class, well into the evening pretty much every night if you are getting a degree that is actually worth something at university. So in that regards I see 'homework' as an necessary and easy segway to prepare students for the onslaught to come in college. My official decision: I'm in favor of no homework until High School, then mandatory homework to prep the pupils to life as a college student, assuming you are getting a complicated degree.
The problem with homework is that's when teacher is needed. It's when kids get to exercise and test out their skills and will need guidance. Related, but this idea has driven some school and teacher to do flipped teaching where lecturing is done at home via video and work is done at school with teacher to help them.
It seems like the biggest hurdle in life is getting a kid to try stuff. And by that I mean not trying to do your homework, or trying to memorize, but to actually go out and do something and realize that it's not that hard, that u can make money, and u might like it too. That seems the hurdle to me. If you can't break the barrier, then it's about forcing exposure. I almost feel like kids should spend half the day working for a living ( educational work ), half the day in school, and forget about homework. Go play. Go be creative. As the other big problem I had with school is not being able to see the why. Even in college, I would be in the lab doing cell culture work, but I had no idea how this translated into medical science, pharmaceuticals, and the real world. I just did it. And when I finally figured out why, it increased my learning exponentially.
I personally feel the entire educational system needs to be overhauled. Every subject is just repetition as opposed to really am understanding of why. It's just about memorization as opposed to understanding the logic. I'm not opposed to getting rid of homework but the system needs to be fixed.
No homework has been proven to be a better way of education. Homework is not a good way to learn. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> They are number 1 in the world of education - homework is bad. DD
How much homework did your children have at such a young age though. I don't think I had any outside of projects.
It started ramping up in Jr. High and by 8th grade my oldest had a subject that kept him up to 11pm most was ridiculous. Youngest is in 8th grade now, but his is not as bad, he did not get this particular teacher, we made sure of that. DD
I agree with it. But that doesn't mean no homework at all is the way to go. Homework should never be a way to learn. In limited applications, it can be a way to re-enforce learning.
I posted about the No Homework subject several years ago. One of the few CF threads Ive created Is Homework Really Necessary? I can say for MYSELF that in elementary I coasted on homework and still had very good to OUTSTANDING standardized test scores. That was 95% classroom teaching. I actually think the weight of homework pressure on my young delicate soul killed my interest in school going forward and upped my life anxiety. I also know that if I had better study habits even in 3rd grade I'da been better for it. Though I dont know if 2nd/3rd graders need even 25 minutes burden od homework. Maybe 1 homework assignment every 6 weeks just keep the non-school brain function lubed up
You're being ridiculous. Finland isn't #1 because they dont do homework. It has more to do with parents not treating their education system as baby sitters. If parents took their children's education seriously, we wouldn't need homework. Our education system is a joke.
Wait, so you're saying that you can't compare a small country with an almost entirely homogeneous population to the US? Crazy talk.