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    After a long layoff, the preseason resumes when the Rockets take on the Pelicans tonight. We're watching it live -- come hang with us.

    LIVE! Rockets vs. Pelicans

For Sale Season Ticket holder selling tickets....

Discussion in 'Hot Deals and Classifieds' started by kingdallas, Jan 15, 2015.

  1. kingdallas

    kingdallas New Member

    Jan 15, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Looking to sell some of my Houston Rockets tickets for the upcoming games! I can not make every game so feel free to make me an offer for any game. THESE ARE FLASHSEATS.I accept Paypal

    Houston Rockets Season Tickets
    Section 117 Row 21

    Thursday January 15, 2015: Oklahoma City Thunder - $300 for both.
    Saturday January 17, 2015: Golden State Warriors - $350 for both. -
    Monday January 19, 2015: Indiana Pacers - $275 for both
    Wednesday January 28, 2015: Dallas Mavericks - $325 for both.
    Wednesday February 4, 2015: Chicago Bulls - $350 for both. -
    Friday February 6, 2015: Milwaukee Bucks-$300 for both
    Sunday February 8, 2015: Portland Trailblazers - $350 for both.
    Saturday February 21, 2015: Toronto Raptors-$300 both
    Monday February 23, 2015: Minnesota Timberwolves-$325 for both
    Wednesday February 25, 2015: Los Angeles Clippers - $350 for both.
    Friday February 27, 2015: Brooklyn Nets - $250

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