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Screen names?

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by a la rockets, Jun 10, 2003.

  1. IROC it

    IROC it Member

    Feb 16, 1999
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    I believe I did this thread on the original format for the BBS...
    And again on this format at about my 100th post (oh the glory days)...

    IROC - As in Camaro Z-28 rims or "IROC" rims on my S-10 pick-up

    Rocket - object of my basketball affection

    IROC it - play on the terms, both my interests at the time in 1998 or so...

    had been other names before that... this one stuck
  2. francis 4 prez

    Aug 15, 2001
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    it was 3 am when i registered so i wanted a name quick so i could respond to whatever post made me wanna sign up in the first place. francis was my favorite rocket at the time and being unoriginal i decided to use his name along with something that i thought was just funny (but now seems dorky). it was "for president" at first, then when that didn't fit, it was "4 president" and then when that didn't fit, it was "4 prez."

    only regret is that it makes it seem like i'm some francis fanatic who'll support him at any cost when in reality i've followed the team since 89-90 and have barely missed a game since 93-94. with the whole yao-only fan thing my s/n could make me look like a francis-only fan. but i wouldn't change it b/c of my post count and it's my persona for better or worse on this bbs. no one would know who i was if i switched it so it'd be like starting all over. someone might think i was a newbie!!!
  3. houstoncart

    houstoncart Member

    Feb 9, 2003
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    Mine stands for Houston comets, astros, rockets, texans.
  4. Mori

    Mori Member

    Jan 12, 2003
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  5. ima_drummer2k

    ima_drummer2k Member

    Oct 18, 2002
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    Uh...isn't it obvious?

    I like tennis!



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