Prometheus isn't a perfect movie, rewatched it yesterday, but I still think it's a solid film. Biggest issue was the script. I'm personally looking forward to this up coming film. It seems pretty obvious they are they getting closer to the bridge between Alien which was always Scott's intention.
Ridley Scott?? Blade Runner Alien Black Hawk Down Kingdom of Heaven Gladiator American Gangster Really he is probably the best, most diverse director and greatest cinematic director of our time. I'll watch anything he's ever made though I also was a bit disappointed with Prometheus.
Blade Runner and Alien are legit masterpieces. Seminal works of the genre and hugely influential to this day. Then you have Black Hawk Down, Gladiator and depending on your tastes Kingdom of Heaven (Directors cut), American Gangster or The Duelists. The rest of his 25 film career is littered with **** like White Squall, Matchstick Men, Someone to Watch Over me, 1492, Hannibal, A Good Year, Exodus etc. That's a 80% sub par output. Terrible batting average for a supposed master filmmaker. The long standing opinion on Sir Ridley is that he's really more a cinematographer than a director. That he couldn't recognize a good script if it slapped him in the face. All valid points to be honest. But one point of contention I have is that he's always been kind of a spineless jellyfish when it came to caving in to studio/film executives demands. Kingdom of Heaven was **** when it was released in theaters. His extended directors cut is a brilliant film but the studio made him cut it down for time. The suits wanted a narration added to Blade Runner, nobody liked it, Sir Ridley still caved like a good little corporate shill. I don't see Fincher, Tarantino, Scorsese, Nolan, Cameron etc caving the way Ridley has over his career.
The Duelists is a severely underappreciated film. Probably because its an early 19th century period piece drama from a director known for sci-fi and action. One of my all time favorite period films, though a whole lot of the appeal is visual and it's based on a story by Joseph Conrad.
BHD is great until the actors actually talk. The action and effects are fantastic. Josh Hartnett is really a piece of crap actor and ruined entire scenes in the movie. I love that movie and skip his monologue. scott prides himself on directing through casting so I wonder if the studio pushed hartnett for box office reasons.
I didn't even know there was a different cut of Kingdom of Heaven. Now I have something to watch tonight!
I never watched any of the Alien/Predator series of movies other than Prometheus. I actually liked it. I'm not much into horror stuff, but I did like that movie or at least its premise. There were some cheesy points from what I recall, but the concept was pretty cool.
The Martian, Blade Runner, Gladiator, Thelma and Louise and Alien are all genuine masterpieces both critically and among popular opinion. Aliens, The Counselor, American Gangster and Legend were all good movies and I liked Prometheus even if it felt like a remake from past Aliens movies. There's a ton of stuff I haven't seen of his.
I guess that is none other than James Franco center playing Jesus and none other than Billy Crudup second from the right playing the "Golden God". The best quote I can come up with for this picture: "I see dead people." .
I'll watch it on the Fire Stick/DVR/Cable/Netflix . . . no money spent on this specifically. . . Rocket River
It's unfortunate that the other movie (not by Ridley but that other fellow) that brings back Sigourney Weaver and Michael Bien is currently on hold and may never get made. That's the one I was hoping to see. But, I think this one has to be better than Prometheus...which was only okay. It had all the production values and all. It just fell kind of flat imo.
I actually always assumed that was Ridley Scott's movie also. I was going to quote to say that Aliens is my favorite movie out of all of those haha
It just clicked that the Artiste James Franco is in this with Danny McBride. If there's a Pineapple Express reference as they're about to cap Xenomorphs I might watch.
Aliens is the best action movie ever made. Better than Die Hard, better than Lethal Weapon, the Matrix, all of 'em.
It was excellent. The Special Edition had some moments that I wished hadn't been cut (aliens trying to break through the barricades the Marines put up; you hear the automatic machine guns cutting the aliens down), although some of the scenes that didn't make it (Newt's family) were not missed.