Spoiler No. I don't see David killing himself. If you remember in The Crossing prologue, David says he was left alone after Shaw went into cryo sleep aboard the Engineer ship and he did nothing but learn of the Engineer's ways. He did the same after Shaw dies from his experimentation in Covenant. David is a learning machine above all else. His quest for knowledge is insatiable and he wants to find applications of that knowledge through the act of creation. So, David will be around forever, perhaps not in the same physical body, but as the same AI sentient being. Right now, the goal of this prequel trilogy is to bridge us to the original Alien timeline. Also, I'm not sure if the Predator, hunters, etc are considered canon anymore and how they fit into the next iterations of the franchise.
Spoiler I figured that the Ship's AI, the one they called 'Mother' know of David. I think it could be of the same mold and could think on its own in time or side with renegade AIs like David. And there likely would be an Alien: Awakening sometimes soon happening. About the canon and non canon thing, I suspect Ridley Scott doesn't like the Hunter race so much, I would like to watch more Spinoffs and know more about how Engineers lived, but it could unveil the mystery around it too much.
Very nice write up. I liked this one slightly more than Prometheus, just better pace for me. Interesting to see the creation theme play out in the assumed sequel. Question: Spoiler Do you think this is the last we see of the Engineers? Can't imagine their entire species population, a space faring one, was on that planet.
Spoiler No. I don't think that was the last of the Engineers because that wasn't their home planet. It looked like another installation on a remote planet, perhaps a temple or a shrine. For lack of a better comparison, I would say it's the Jedah City of the Engineers who also happen to wear Jedi robes for some reason. Perhaps, Engineers are the balancing force in the universe? And their black goo is actually midi-chlorian? Who knows what Ridley is going to retcon next? Besides, the Engineers are the most interesting part of this new franchise. What else have they been up to? Did they seed other lifeforms including Predators? Imagine the sorry Engineer who drew the task of porking a crab to birth the Yautja. There's too much potential here to simply squander. With studios all going nuts over making cinematic universes and Shane Black already working on The Predator, perhaps this will all be connected somehow.
Fact is Ridley Scott is 80. There should be writers, other people continue carrying out those stories. Jupiter Ascending? You probably want to see a Xenomorph Queen Mother, couple of Space Jockey fighters and a bunch of Yautjas - Predators. Joining the party a T1000 and a T800. Androids and Humans would lose bad, relying on weapons and their intellect alone.
I agree overall, however I remember Shaw telling David in Prometheus she wanted to go where they were from so I assumed that was their homeworld.
Had a free ticket on my Regal card and used it. Old man Scott basically ate a batch of Memba Berries and repaked Alien, Aliens and even Aliens 3. It worked for JJ I guess. Movie was sh8t except for Fassy.
I was really hoping the "debut" of the first proper Xenomorph would have been handled in a more exciting fashion. It just felt like another part of the movie, and not the birth of the franchise icon. It also bothered me that it looked so much different than the OG chestbursters. Too much CGI, and I don't think there was a single guy wearing an alien costume in the entire movie. Overall the movie was just OK.
7.7 Better than I thought, I went in with low expectations. Action scenes were not my favorite but there was some good narratives hidden in there. Of course this could have been done more nuanced. Overall happy with it. I love all the Creatures (creepy, man!) in there, Fassbender, McBride and Waterston's 'Daniels'. Billy Crudup not so much. This is a movie that I could learn a lot about Aliens. Got me into the Alien Saga again and made me want to re-watch A: 1-3 and Resurrection.
https://www.polygon.com/2017/5/20/15669826/alien-covenant-blade-runner Alien: Covenant includes a subtle nod to Blade Runner
I just watched it. Meh it was ok. The best scene is when the guy is brought back on the ship for medical care. Otherwise I like the story it self it's just not executed that well. And the action sequences I've seen a few hundred times already.
Very well maid, enjoyed it more than Prometheus. This movie is not like it however because Prometheus was all about questions and this one is more about action. The thing that I don't like or understand is how does David get these motives when he's a synthetic? He's full out emotional and crap. The original story was supposed to follow the engineers but now we are following Davids story... The action horror scenes we've seen too many times before. I enjoyed the time they spent on the planet exploring where the signal came from most. Will add more to the thread later
You may be mistaken here. According to Kevin McCarthy last week (Fox and Friends, DC, and Philly movie reviewer), there was a single tall dude wearing an alien costume during filming for the movie.
Say what you will about Prometheus, but what it did was create so much interest and mystery and so many awesome and well thought out theories. Everyone was talking about it. Alien Covenant basically killed all of that mystery and just repeated a basic alien movie while teasing the same basic Alien movie...on yet another planet.
Got a chance to see the movie yesterday. It was solid, but not amazing. It is more "Prometheus" than it is "Aliens" in my opinion. That's not a bad thing depending on what you expecting. Despite its flaws, I liked Prometheus. I'd say the majority of the reviews in this thread are on point. I'll look forward to the next one, I enjoy the mythology of the series.
I haven't seen this one yet. I'll have to wait for UVerse. But I wonder if diminishing box office returns will allow for another "Alien" film. I do hope they finish the arc of the story; and, if they do, "they" being "he", "he" being Ridley Scott. He's 80 years old now although, by all accounts, he's one of these "he must be on coke, where does he get the energy" types.