**** it. Let's ignore the request. I want to see how disgruntled a NFL player can be. How long is he willing to sit out and ruin his career?
The Texans are incompetent. There is zero chance they will do the right thing - which is politely decline and work the situation our favorably.
I'm hoping the GM stands strong here. Because I doubt he wants his first move as a Texan GM to trade away one of the most talented qbs in NFL history at age 25.
Speechless. This is a sick joke. Cal McNair - this is what happens when you extended BOB after a shitty season AND THEN PROMOTE HIM after embarrassing us in the playoffs.
I'm laughing so hard there are tears in my eyes. We've gone through the looking glass on this one. First Gamestop is a world class stonk, now this. I can't. I'm dead.
At this point, we have to trade him to move on as a franchise and get us closer to our ultimate goals... BUT, I'd love to put the screws to Watson and make him sweat this out. From a negotiating perspective, we have to take some sort of hardball approach to persuade him into waiting the no-trade clause in his contract. Fight fire with fire by launching a public relations campaign against his character. Turnabout is fair play.
No trade clause will be interesting but apparently DW will go just about anywhere to get out of Houston.
Officially a Kansas City Chiefs fan, I will never ever own a Texans merchandise until the McNairs all die or sell the team to BangBros dot com. That;s the culture change we need. Lisa Ann as the Head Coach, Mia Malkova offensive coordinator, Teanna Trump as wide receiver coach.
Umm that would hurt the Texans more because IF they trade him, that tactic would lower his value and we get less in return.
Join the rebellion against management. You don't owe Cal a damned thing, especially for ruining your favorite team.