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Saudis Will Behead and Crucify 21-Year Old for Democratic Protest at Age 17

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Cohete Rojo, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. Exiled

    Exiled Member

    Dec 20, 2013
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    We live in a world of hypocrisy , last week many said in this forum , EU refuges crises is not our problem,million of lthem were't important , they may cause security threats but now a single person trial turned them to Martin Luther King,

    Over 1/2 a billion of people lives under poverty line but who cares , a Saudi women who can't drive is more important.

    Use google ,in 2012, more than 9 terror attacks in Saudi Arabia in the Eastern province where police officer or stranger got killed by these riots .

    Someone brought the record of something like over 2000 people were beheaded since 1985s , but NONE withen decades was politically motivated according to the same source [france24]

    In the U.S. If the police officer suspected a dangerous behaviour ,he/she can use force and shoot the crap of that person, many here would say ".. Oh we need better training.."
    but if a guy was under trail for 3 years before sentenced it's an outrageous .
  2. Exiled

    Exiled Member

    Dec 20, 2013
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    BTW, this how Iran influenced Shiea's faith with their 12th sectors , specially after they won the grand-prize of Afghanistan/Iraq
    .a YouTube of their annual ceremony were youngster perform this Ashoura's meditation and very insightful teaching that can help with their peaceful approach

  3. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Again .... Do you have a link stating that this man killed anyone, like you claimed earlier?
  4. Sweet Lou 4 2

    Sweet Lou 4 2 Member

    Dec 16, 2007
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    The charges against him were not murder or mention killing a police officer. If he was not charged with that why are you claiming that is the crime he committed????

    Sounds like to me you are making stuff up.
  5. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Ahh yes Saudi Arabia, where Sharia Law rules and folks are executed for adultery, homosexuality, renouncing Islam, being a warlock and any number of reasons. Hey.... but none were politically motivated.... At a minimum they do stick your toppled head in a bag before they crucify you!
  6. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    The OP empasized the age equally as the crime. That's why he reffered to the age TWICE in the title.
    I'm glad you agree it was and is equally barbaric.
    But the thing is you can't call someone a barbar if you do something like that yourself. It's hypocritical. The word barbar insinuates (sp?) that you are better than that.

    My original comment said that I'm equally outraged. EQUALLY. Doesnt' mean I am not outraged by this incident. I am.
    I didn't say cast your stone if haven't sinned. I said cast stones to all.
    I am also outraged by the hit and run law in China and a lot appalling laws.
    It is only your own idea that I minimised the importance, when what I did it was maximise the crimes by the government done in these educated western world.
    Otherwise I would have said: you do equally bad, why do you care?
    No.You should care for both instead.

    Yes. Absolutely.
    Murder is murder. There is no justifiable murder by the state. Especially against KIDS.
    Why am I being a weirdo exactly? For having an opinion ?

    I don't knwo if he makes stuff up. I am confused for the following:
    Did he or not commit murder? Was he an accomplice to murder?
    He did throw molotov bombs that can be taken as "intent to kill".
    Does crucifixion means public execution or actually puting someone on a cross for public display?
    1 person likes this.
  7. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Now you are back tracking. The title of the piece made no reference to his age, but made reference to his crimes.

    Further again, the argument is apples to oranges. This man was charged with throwing cocktails at the police and protesting. He received the death penalty with a beheading and crucifixion. The justification was/is Sharia Law. A codified form of law that allows death for such hideous crimes as sorcery.

    We as a world cannot agree on what is a minor. In the USA it is 18, in the USA and other areas of the world you can get married or go to war at under 18. Having said that, the USA 70 years ago sentenced a 14 year old to death. That was barbaric. The difference is that the USA and other nations evolve and change their laws. Saudi Arabia doesn't.

    Further, I thought you said this kid committed murder? There is zero proof of that. What you interjected with, not only wasn't on point, but made zero sense.

    If you thinking sentencing a 17 year old to death for capital/premeditated murder is equal to sentencing a 17 year old to death for protesting; then we have nothing to discuss. We won't even go into the massive differences in the judicial systems.

    I suggest you move to Saudi Arabia, and see how fair the world is compared to Greece or England or the United States. No one is claiming that other Western nations are perfect, that was a strawman. However the response to Saudi Arabia beheading and crucifying someone for protests isn't to immediately jump to "well the USA has killed minors." That does nothing but blunt or excuse the situation in Saudi Arabia.
  8. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    Is it really impossible to understand that Sharia Law is not a central uniform set of laws? Sharia Law is interpreted so differently by wahhabists - and particularly wahabbist clerics paid by the government - versus let's say Sufis that it night as well be called anything else.

    The way common law is applied in two countries in Europe is almost identical when comparing to any two countries which practice sharia law. The reason is because there is far too much room for interpretation, whereas common or civil law don't leave that much room. Additionally, the invasion of politics into religion in countries where Sharia law is practiced make the interpretation immeasurably skewed.

    There is a reason why these things happen more in Saudi Arabia than, say, Oman although both are called Sharia Law. It's because sharia law is so amorphous in nature that the label is meaningless. A rock is called a rock because it is a rock. If it turned into a bunny, you wouldn't call it a rock anymore. When sharia law becomes so skewed in places like iran and saudi arabia, to treat and analyze them in the same way is to make that analysis useless.

    I know this was not the point of your post, just making a general observation.
  9. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    Every law is open to interpretation and application

    American Law does the same
    It is as much justice as you can afford

    Rocket River
  10. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    I'm not backtracking at all. I keep repeating what I'm saying from the first post in this thread.
    The TITLE OF THE THREAD empasized the age of the accused. When I post in a thread I pay a lot of attention in the thread title, and I would imagine most people do. You first the title before clicking to post in the thread. :rolleyes:

    Secondly about the murder: I posted what the poster Exiled provided as info. In my last post you quoted, I added that I am confused whether he was accomplish or commited murder. I wasn't the one who started posting about this allegation and I certainly didn't do it from the beggining of the argument, that had only to do with capital punishment of minors independent of crimes. BECAUSE I find capital punishment of minors barbaric on its own whether it is so called "justified" by western law or not. By my morals capital punishment is not justified in any case.
    I like how on the other hand the "throwing of molotov bomb" is downgraded to simple protesting. If an american citizen in american soil went to a protest and threw a molotov bomb on a police officer and got arrested what would be the charge against him? That's not simple protesting. That's a murder assault (dont know the term sorry I'm not a lawyer or a native speaker).

    So you suggest to me I move to Saudi Arabia because I can critisize both the ir laws and the western ones? Really? What kind of argument is that?
    You said that we supposedly learn from our mistakes. But you converse with someone who points out at some law with serious flaws and you tell her as solution "if you don't like it gtfo" ? Nice.
  11. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Interpretation plays a part in almost every religion, philosophy etc. I don't think I was saying there was a single interpretation of Sharia Law. However, I suspect that each sect/group believes THEIR interpretation is the right one.
  12. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    This is a bunch of rambling and drifting nonsense. Do you have a link that he committed murder? Do you have a link that is reputable that he was charged or accused of attempted murder?

    Another strawman, no one downplayed him throwing cocktails, I actually mentioned it. So again, are you equating throwing cocktails to first degree murder? You did earlier equate both.

    If an American citizen threw a cocktail he would be arrested for assault. He would not be beheaded and crucified.

    You can start a thread about how the USA is wrong to have capital punishment and the conversation would be very different. However equating USA law with someone that is being beheaded and crucified is insulting to the victim and comparing apples to oranges.

    Spend extensive time in Saudi Arabia as a Christian or atheist woman and we will see how equitable you think the judicial systems are.

    This is coming from someone that has been critical of the legal system, has worked with The Innocence Project and at different points in my life have been against capital punishment.
  13. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    No. Didn't I say I repeated the info provided by Exile which in my subsequent post I doubted the legitimacy?

    What about not saying instead of being arrested for protesting- arrested for throwing a molotov bomb on people. The title and the article are equating protest with throwing molotovs like this is a normal and law abbiding way of protesting.

    And seriously if a man threw a molotov straight at a policeman he would be arrested for assault? Only? Molotovs can not only cause heavily bodily harm but also kill if they explode straight on target. I find it hard to believe but I take your word on it since you are the expert.
    What's not to equate about a)capital punishment b) torture (waterboarding/ crucifixion). Because they are done by different countries?
    I'm glad you are critical because so am I. I am critical at both situations and I find both unacceptable.
    You think that I try to justify one by also critising the other. Wrong. I critisize both.

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