Hayes is overpaid, to be sure, and I was a detractor back when he was relatively new to the Rockets. I remember voicing my frustration when he'd blow a layup or get frustrated at himself or brick a free throw, and having the fans around me glaring at me as if I were wearing a pro-Obama t-shirt at a Mitt Romney rally. But Hayes really improved. His defense is excellent and so is his passing. We're unlikely to see him in a Rox uni anytime soon, but don't let his "slide" in Sac-town fool you. He doesn't get minutes, and he's on an abominable team. It's like a good (not great) actor with the right director. Right now he's got Ed Wood for a director.
if the kings do buy him out (if no one is willing to trade for him - distinct possibility with his contract) then the Rockets should look at bringing him back at the min. First off Chuck completely fell off in Sacramento - he was out of shape (for him) and didn't play as well - that could be because of the kings and also chuck could have been just satisfied sitting on the money he made. but with jason thompson there and now re-signed Carl Landry and Patrick Patterson - there really isnt much room for another PF there at all. Chuck back with the Rockets would help add another vet presence to the team who is all about hard work and a fan favorite. He may not play too many minutes but he can definitely teach Jones and D-mo a think or two about defense and imagine the versatility he could bring defensively. all - defense lineup: beverly parsons Hayes Asik Howard yes please but if its a matter of a trade the rockets have no contracts to send back other than Lin or Asik - i doubt sacramento would covet either of those players
Agreed with Yoyo. Hayes' current contract is very Morey-unfriendly. The only chance he could be back to the Rockets would be if the Kings bought him out. Chuck is overpaid but underrated. That's a strange situation.