Can they amnesty him? Then, Morey...pick the Chuckwagon up. We will have the best defensive frontcourt at all times in the NBA. Chuck off the bench is a nightmare.
Wow, he has really regressed per the numbers. I wonder if we can work out some trade to get Hayes and Landry for Greg Smith + Pick or Dmo
Amnesty or not, we'd have to pay that contract. Not happening (although it would be nice to see another defensive stopper on the team.)
i wouldn't mind getting chuck back... great defensive presence..or hell we could start him then package asik for a deal to get someone else.
Chuck hayes in 12 minutes averages more assists than nick young all game In amnesty, Rockets would pay whatever the winning bid would be. And former team pays the rest. I dont think a portion of 5 mil would add up to much. (theyd be better off amnestying salmons though) Or both, amnesty Salmons and waive/buyout hayes
Chuck cannot be amnestied because his contract was signed after the lockout. So, did anyone watch SAC closely the last couple seasons? Hayesfan? My casual impression from a few games is that Chuck went back to his pre-2009/10 form, when he was a very good backup defender but out of shape and not nearly as good as he was during his seasons as a starter.
That would be a god awful trade. Jimmer is useless and Hayes isn't worth anywhere close to that contract.
Amnesty deadline has passed, so they cannot do that until next year I think. That said, to bid on an amnestied player we would have to have cap room. I do not believe that we have any room availble. If we do we have only a tiny amount and that is all we can bid. So doubtful we could get him.