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Ron Paul prefers Obama

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Major, May 3, 2008.

  1. weslinder

    weslinder Member

    Jun 27, 2006
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    I talked to my friend last night, and it wasn't nearly as groundbreaking as I thought. He was there with the Young Republican National Convention, and spoke to many from that. There is a large movement within the Republican ranks to return to the Goldwater legacy, as I have known. What I didn't know is how high it went. The interesting quote was that when someone mentioned the GOP leadership, Newt Gingrich told them that they could "take a jump in the lake". Now that might just be sour grapes and Newt jumping onto a movement because he sees it coming.

    The other interesting bit is this: Some conservatives are leaning heavily on McCain to pick Michael Steele as his running mate. My friend asked him directly about it, and Steele's only response was that he hasn't been asked. McCain hasn't listened to conservatives much during his campaign, so I don't know if it has legs or not, but interesting nonetheless.
  2. Mulder

    Mulder Member

    Nov 20, 1999
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    Michael Steele as a VP running mate will look like pandering and will have a negative affect on the campaign. It would be a terrible move (so I hope they do it.)

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