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Rolling Stones and Kill Bill

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by A-Train, Jan 27, 2003.

  1. A-Train

    A-Train Member

    Jan 1, 2000
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    Since I don't have much to say, I thought I'd put two topics in one thread....

    1) Did anybody see The Rolling Stones at Reliant? I'm a huge Stones fan, but I'll probably never get to see them live. Do they still put on a good show, or do they sound like old geezers that need to hang 'em up?

    2) I saw the trailer for Quentin Tarantino's new movie, Kill Bill. I have to say, it looks pretty stupid. I'll go see it because Tarantino is my favorite director, but all I see is a cheesy Crouching Tiger/Matrix ripoff...Uma Thurman is still a hottie, though...
  2. Elliott03

    Elliott03 Member

    Apr 26, 2000
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    I was at the STONES concert!

    they were damn good and their stage was amazing and none of them looked too old. Mick was still jumping all over the stage
  3. Rocketman95

    Rocketman95 Hangout Boy

    Feb 15, 1999
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  4. RocketMan Tex

    RocketMan Tex Member

    Feb 15, 1999
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    I didn't bother to pay $300 to see the Stones because I saw them when they were still a band rather than a cabaret act. If it wasn't for the 10+ backup musicians behind them, I'm certain they would have sounded like crap. However, if you had never seen them before, Saturday night at Reliant Stadium was probably worth it.

    1981 - Astrodome - Fabulous Thunderbirds, ZZTop, & the Stones

    Now THAT was a show!
  5. Sonny

    Sonny Member

    Mar 20, 2001
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    I saw the freaking traffic. I went to the Autoshow Saturday night and it was packed. They charged 10$ to park, but if you went to the autoshow they refunded you 3$.

    I think the Stones are too old, they looked horrible on HBO the other night at MSG.
  6. coma

    coma Member

    Jul 17, 2001
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    I was at the show on Sat., and they were excellent.

    I've never seen so many fine ladies at a concert before. I also saw Texans' RT, Ryan Young with a hottie.
  7. LeGrouper

    LeGrouper Member

    May 24, 2002
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    I hope Tarantino's nerdy side doesn't get the better of him on Kill Bill. I have waited a long time for this thing. KillBill.com looks pretty cool. I met Tarantino at the Toronto Film Festival in 01' and he said Kill Bill would be his best yet. I hope.
  8. A-Train

    A-Train Member

    Jan 1, 2000
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    What irks me even more is that this is labelled as "The fourth film by Quentin Tarantino"...Man, is his ego THAT inflated after only four movies?
  9. pgabriel

    pgabriel Educated Negro

    Dec 6, 2002
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    This may be the fourth film he directed, but he wrote "True Romance", which was a pretty awesome flick.
  10. Rocketman95

    Rocketman95 Hangout Boy

    Feb 15, 1999
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    When they've been three awesome movies, plus numerous others he's written...

    I never thought his ego was that bad anyway. Why do you say it is?
  11. A-Train

    A-Train Member

    Jan 1, 2000
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    I guess it's the way it was presented. At the website and in the trailer, it starts off in big, bold letter "MIRAMAX FILMS PRESENTS THE FOURTH FILM BY QUENTIN TARANTINO"

    No mention of Uma Thurman, Vivica A. Fox, Lucy Liu, or Samuel L. Jackson. I might let that slide if this were a film with actors that weren't well known, but this film is loaded with stars...

    Also...the fourth film?? Are we supposed to be counting? All his fans know this is his fourth major film he's directed by himself. It's like he's screaming, "HEY!! COME SEE MY MOVIE, PLEASE!!" May.

    Jackie Brown didn't do so well at the box office, either, so he probably wants to make sure that HE is the reason that people come to watch...it's like he's trying too hard...
  12. Rocketman95

    Rocketman95 Hangout Boy

    Feb 15, 1999
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    Wow, I think you read too much into that.
  13. LeGrouper

    LeGrouper Member

    May 24, 2002
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    Tarantino is a great writer and director, but he is so one dimensional that it brings me to the point frustration. I think that he was trying to get away from that when he made Jackie Brown. The funny thing is that JB became so Tarantinoized that you couldn't tell somebody else wrote it. But you could tell that he wrote TR and Natural Born Killers even though they were directed by others. His style dominates anyone else having anything to do with a movie he writes or directs, so I think that is why Miramax is finally just saying "screw it, This is a Tarantino movie". Tarantino saves Miramax so much money because everyone wants to do his films and they act for so much less than they usually get paid. Not even Speilberg can claim something like that.
  14. mrpaige

    mrpaige Member

    Feb 5, 2000
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    Of this particular movie is massively (nearly 30%) overbudget. But it is still a relatively cheap movie. And with Quentin's built-in audience, it should make a profit for Miramax with no real problem.
  15. Elvis Costello

    Sep 21, 1999
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    Maybe I am feeling nostalgic for the 90's (as I listen to Billy Corgan's new band, Zwan; ), but I must defend Tarnatino a bit. Yes, he comes off as a bit of a wanker in interviews (yo), but we only have Tarantino's work to judge whether he is one dimensional, or not. He simply hasn't made enough movies to make that judgment, in my opinion. His first two films were arguably the two most influential films of the 90's. That style of filmmaking became a cliche because so many people copied Tarantino. Can't really blame him for that. Maybe he has said all he has to say, but who knows?

    I am looking forward to "Kill Bill." I read an article about it yesterday and it seems that Tarantino is a huge martial arts film buff and the movie is trying to be the be all/end all of the genre.. The movie was filmed in China to take advantage of the kung fu talents there (and because of the cheap production cost).
  16. LeGrouper

    LeGrouper Member

    May 24, 2002
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    I hope what I said doesn't imply that I don't like Tarantino. I think he is one of the greatest filmakers ever. He is also a remarkable student of films and filmaking. But I would like to see something a little different out of him. I remember when I saw Interiors by Woody Allen I realized that while Woody may like the light hearted romance movie, he can do anything. I would like to see Tarantino prove that.

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