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Poll Results: Do you like the signing of Fred VanVleet?
Members who voted for 'YES'
- BlastOff
- Joe Joe
- tinman
- Rocketeer
- SooneRockStro
- No Worries
- Aruba77
- JeffB
- PhiSlammaJamma
- MadMax
- Shark44
- SuperKev
- buckaroo
- IA Rocket
- DarkHorse
- emoreland
- rdsgonzo13
- rimrocker
- tycoonchip
- vince
- The Cat
- AroundTheWorld
- DrNuegebauer
- DJ
- ac in austin
- pippendagimp
- jbond77
- saleem
- Rocket Addict
- JoeBarelyCares
- bigdaddy
- Hard Rock
- RocketWalta
- jelanit
- ALLEN7628
- burlesk
- Manny Ramirez
- backwardhead
- travfrancis
- don grahamleone
- arno_ed
- Pistol Pete
- fore
- Preston27
- Deckard
- kubli9
- ucansee2020
- a la rockets
- Patience
- slothy420
- jlaw718
- persian hoopa
- basketball
- Lost_Packet
- rfrocket
- Jturbofuel
- Sledge187
- stab
- KingCheetah
- percicles
- Trader_Jorge
- RC Cola
- Baseballa
- rocketlaunch
- Phillyrocket
- Hank McDowell
- jcmoon
- xiki
- prs325
- ArtV
- aristophanes34
- studogg
- kellume
- j@amc
- Easy
- B-Bob
- astrosrule
- robbie380
- sirjesse
- Sandi
- peleincubus
- madbomber
- dmenacela
- fasthand2000
- Williamson
- pillardsap
- Ming The King
- CXbby
- csnerd84
- Tuk88
- prettyitalian
- seclusion
- Hippieloser
- OmegaSupreme
- Rocket888
- blue_eyed_devil
- forchette49
- Xerobull
- whag00
- theDude
- jboslett
- supastevefoo
- torque
- entaro
- hieuytran
- FadeAway_Dreams
- R=$
- BMoney
- noppeper
- hongxingli
- gfab-babyboi
- dockerland
- Rox Addict
- Haymitch
- Amel
- Shaq2Yao
- Marsarinian
- Medicine N Music
- Drift Monkey
- HTownTmac1
- Gnimoay
- groovemachine
- ElDobleK
- Rocket Guy
- sparky
- Maxgx
- rhino17
- matty101
- MystikArkitect
- kjayp
- cdrive
- mac_got_this
- The Drake
- s3ts
- dumbartonbass
- Spacemoth
- tallanvor
- pmac
- swakid8
- Bids9
- ilias
- larsv8
- Smacktle
- Fullcourt
- Commodore
- Sweet Lou 4 2
- carib
- ShiniKashi
- rammo
- utgrad97
- Rokman
- Convictedstupid
- i3artow i3aller
- bro2044
- alex_eg6
- txtony
- napalm06
- Mathloom
- acruz2
- roslolian
- Derp McFlopsky
- PuzzledFan
- ryan_98
- varughese.arun
- Firebomb525
- jamisonrocket
- gatsby
- bigred77
- TimDuncanDonaut
- CDrex
- Yung-T
- Dacamel
- VanityHalfBlack
- cheke64
- jch1911
- mikol13
- CKent
- Nash
- Moahst
- Garner
- BleedRocketsRed
- houston#1
- Bear_Bryant
- Ariza_Brooks
- danoman
- Salvy
- serb
- majicdonjuan
- mfastx
- anchel
- rock34
- JMAD21
- ApolloRLB
- OremLK
- Rockets FTW
- coachbadlee
- lionaire
- AKVerse47
- Mkieke
- phasors28
- ramotadab
- BasketballMind
- sealclubber1016
- HeyBudLetsParty
- Saeculum
- Cakewalk
- OkayAyeReloaded
- thedreamsteam
- Sprtstr
- VivaChelseaFC
- Rox>Mavs
- JustARide
- gawee
- Glenyo
- furyn
- roro12
- SubE
- liveguy
- Rudyc281
- csc177
- jacoby
- ReverseBjorn
- whiskeyred
- RockFanFirst
- Ericonomist
- Risingred
- Madmanmetz
- t0mdotcom
- J Sizzle
- T for 3
- Zen Tabak
- jayydela
- Heartdoc
- hunterl0225
- cbass
- Ryan_Success
- a time to chill
- ktex
- CCapps
- The Law
- Coach E
- whozee
- RocsFan
- cazyapma
- Jakey
- The Beard
- thedude077
- tenit86
- larry cook
- Beezy
- House of Pain
- TheJet
- foggy94
- texans1095
- 13 in 33
- DeadGato
- dg3
- Rocket85
- Space City
- Jayzers_100
- NewAge
- beardsanity713
- BonziWellsGOAT
- BamaRocket
- glenadyll
- IvanLCPM
- mightybosstone
- Os Trigonum
- Pbev99
- houstonstime
- matchesmalone
- gogispade
- abaker28
- Dopamine
- Jhopdog1
- xaos
- PeteChilcutBoss
- Snow Villiers
- DatRocketFan
- BallSoHarden
- Nemospl
- Believe It!
- Htown Stros
- Gabe0941
- Von Rafer
- lakersuck2
- Rockets4lf
- JW86
- AceOfSpades
- CRJ713
- Mr.Pringles
- LjGarci
- Slabhurta3
- J_Hunter_1977
- Y2JT
- 39TVKidPow
- Roomba
- Viol8r
- Magicsaint
- Vonny
- BaselineFade
- Tankeio
- AKdaDawg
- ChillyPete32
- HealthyHamstring
- Htown Legend
- mikenm268
- Houston77
- Bratsche#1
- Mephisto
- Denovo
- CarlosGM
- JHarden27
- Rktfan86
- Poonwalker
- wolstein
- BelgianRocketsFan
- Dobbizzle
- Slyonebluejay
- Harlem
- The geth & the reaper
- Losmi_34
- Millennium_Fan
- kpdark
- Dovahkiin
- AlperenSengun
- cryout75
- marinara
- Tuckmose
- Dickbutt42069
- J Rock
- Submarine
- Sway85
- keeez
- chuckkw
- Rockethard
- Sengoat28
- King713
- Hive5
- Randall Hall
- Brad Newley the Goat
- HD729
- Holybats
- Aek Lokitiyakul
- dholi_1
- Messiah11
- AlpysNumberThreeFan
- clutchcity1994
- Proud Firelander
- carl_herrera
360 total votes.