Andrew Goudelock has been an elite guard in Europe these last 2 years. He was named MVP of the Eurocup and VTB League in his first season here playing for Unics Kazan. He signed for Fenerbahce and played the Final Four of the Euroleague, losing against Llull's Real Madrid. He scored 26 that game. He was included in the All-Euroleague Second Team. He was the top scorer of the Euroleague with distance from the second one: He has played both guards positions in Unics and Fenerbahce. Used to play PG and second guards next to Zisis last year. He's a great scorer, really skilled player, has ton of offensive weapons. Great shooter, has had some ridiculous games of 10 threes. Good ball handler. He has a great floater that you are going to see even more in the NBA. Obviously he's nowadays a better player than he was at his rookie year playing with Dwight in LA. He's been coached under Obradovic and he really liked him, that passes the test of discipline and colective commitment. He's been an OK defender in Europe but will be below average in NBA. Has the attitude but not the best body to defend NBA PGs. Neither the natural instincts he has offensively. I think he's probably not what this team specifically needs right now (a tough defender), but honestly, I see an NBA player in him. Could be wrong but I think he's going to do well.
Better shooter than Joseph. Quicker than Joseph. Not even close to Joseph defensively or in running a team and decision making. Joseph is a true point. Goudelock is a scorer.
Seems like a good pick up. We most definitely needed a back up PG to give Beverley some rest and allow Terry to save his energy for the playoffs.
The anti Beverley. No D. Pure scorer, from everywhere. Same with Beasley, scoring fool. But no D. where's the D Morey???!!!!????
Goudelock has 0 defence. But that is way more than Lawson. He can also shoot. And he doesn't just throw it away. So big improvement over Lawson...
I know, right. Even a 53 yr old Hakeem just blows right by them. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Goudelock RT <a href="">@SoConSports</a>: <a href="">@StephenCurry30</a> .... toughest player you had to guard in the SoCon</p>— Stephen Curry (@StephenCurry30) <a href="">October 12, 2011</a></blockquote> <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
I just can't see him making a huge difference. You can see from Goudelock's clips that the offense is designed for him when playing overseas. He's not going to have complicated plays drawn for him where people are setting sharp picks for him and the rest of the guys are either moving or spacing the floor. He's not going to be getting exactly the type of shot he wants and loves. He doesn't seem to be particularly good at taking stationary 3pt shots, which is realistically what will form the bulk of his contribution here given what we've seen from our coaching strategy. I'd say he's going to be a very slight improvement over Thornton for us. I guess the positive news is that our bench has been putrid on both sides of the ball, but with the addition of Goudelock (replacing Thornton's contribution) and Beasley, we might actually have a bench that's competent on one side of the ball. With Terry, Goudelock and Beasley out there you'll definitely get some points up and hopefully take some shots away from Brewer.
He should substitute Terry at the backup PG (who's been playing no defense) with Brewer at the SG, Ariza/Harden at the SF, Beasley/DMo at the PF. At most play alongside Beverley, with Brewer as 3. If JB puts together Terry and Goudelock, that's not going to help the team, but that's on JB.
He's the next Troy Daniels, but with a decent enough handle to operate as an off-ball PG to Harden. But the guy is a gunner 1st and a gunner 2nd. I liked him a lot coming out, maybe he can find a niche.
Don't think you are giving Goudelock enough credit. He is a true off the bench scorer and an improvement over anyone currently on the team, including Terry and MT. Rockets want the ball in his hands when Harden is sitting. And his intangibles are off the charts. Mini Mamba is a coaches dream for more than his work ethic.