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Rockets may be interested in White Chocolate?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Carl Herrera, Dec 23, 2007.

  1. Alvin Choo

    Alvin Choo Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Top 3 scorer for the rox in the last 5 games.
    Detroit- scola(18), Tmac(14), yao & AB (12)
    Chicago- Tmac & Bonzi (20), Yao (18)
    Denver- Yao(26), Tmac(22), Rafer(18)
    Orlando- Yao(19), Bonzi & rafer (17)
    Dallas- Yao(28) , Tmac(12), Battier(11)

    I think the root of problem for the Rox team is not the lacking of a third scorer. The problem lies at the inconsistency of the players where injury and lack of confidence plays a part.

    Another major problem is that the players have yet to get comfortable to play the Adelman way of bball, which is a combination of ball movement and player movement. And a major cause to that is the lack of a PG that plays consistently well and getting consistent minutes. Its clear that the PG plays a major role, while a huge problem for the rox team is that the supposedly 3-headed dragon is either having problem shooting, getting in shape or just plain not up to task.

    Which bring us back to jason willams who is another player that is going down hill and on the wrong side of 30, hence i rather have AB playing 30+ minutes a game and learn how to play well.

    AB may be small, but except for Deron willams, Billups, Kidd, and Baron Davis who plays tough,physical and posts up against smaller players, I cant see AB having problems with other PGs due to size difference. Heck Iverson is as small as AB but he is still one of the elite PGs out there, I'm not claiming AB would be as good, but it shows that at his position, that 2-5 inches of height difference is not such a big disadvantage that everyone is saying.
  2. v3.0

    v3.0 Member

    Jan 23, 2005
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    Sorry to make JWill feel like a ho but I would want him for his expiring contract. If the Heat can take Mike James for JWill, I'm all for it...big IF though.
  3. jopatmc

    jopatmc Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    ditto Alvin.

    I think the only reason we trade for JWill is for salary purposes to get rid of James' salary for next year.
  4. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Exactly.......and maybe you can get devoured by a Cougar as well.


  5. el_locoteee

    el_locoteee Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    What the heck did you get this stats from the last 5 games T-MAc didnt eve suit for the Denver game and who you get consistency when T_mac have miss two of the last 5 and play half of the 2, and Yao miss one half and Rafer a game living only game in Chicago as the only game where we play the entire game with a full squad. The Inconsistency come from health more than rotation. Its clear Yao and T-Mac will always provide you with the scoring and game after game lately Bonzi is coming as the 3rd score coming from the bench, the rest of the rotation will be set once the team stay healthy and dont force Adelma to try difference line-up every time.

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