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Poll Results: Do you like the deal?
Members who voted for 'NO'
- Joe Joe
- No Worries
- Aruba77
- Slim
- jjc7329
- don grahamleone
- right1
- cml750
- Tommyboy
- maw7079
- astrosrule
- RHU525
- dmenacela
- HillBoy
- blue_eyed_devil
- ClutchCityReturns
- prodigy08
- blackistan
- cmlmel77
- JCDenton
- Thefabman
- Mr. Dominant
- treyk3
- Nook
- Little Bit
- ashleyem
- ArtisGilmore
- bluffkin
- pharmplayer
- mfastx
- Jontro
- phasors28
- kingjosh
- sealclubber1016
- splendidchen
- ThatBoyNick
- Risingred
- Rodman23
- a time to chill
- BigggReddd
- cazyapma
- ickaruto
- Bobbythegreat
- astros123
- zmomin
- Swapshop
- Hemingway
- Rocketsdreamer
- Eddie Cecco
- clutchdabear
- jjsmooth
- Denovo
- DeBeards
- Landry's Tooth
- Sengun
- Ghost5Horse6
- Tuckmose
- J Rock
- chuckkw
- Sengoat28
- invocux
- Melik
- Jags
- HardenReturns
- Legolas
- karakedi
- bustamove
- Richard Barrow
- Coastal
70 total votes.