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Poll Results: Do you like the deal?
Members who voted for 'YES'
- SamCassell
- DaDakota
- Rocketball
- Rocketeer
- PhiSlammaJamma
- MadMax
- Shark44
- buckaroo
- Rocket River
- DarkHorse
- cato13
- heypartner
- vince
- AroundTheWorld
- Francis3422
- DrNuegebauer
- Rashmon
- DJ
- Baqui99
- jbond77
- glynch
- dc rock
- across110thstreet
- RocketWalta
- nejyh
- DUCK2324
- Rockets Red Glare
- backwardhead
- Invisible Fan
- Pistol Pete
- kubli9
- Patience
- count_dough-ku
- persian hoopa
- calurker
- basketball
- wizkid83
- basso
- moonnumack
- topfive
- ThrillaNManilla
- Rockets34Legend
- Hank McDowell
- rcketsfan1
- jcmoon
- geennee
- vcchlw
- macho GRANDE
- DallasThomas
- j@amc
- robbie380
- justinh
- duffer8008
- sirjesse
- Sandi
- peleincubus
- cdastros
- Orion025
- jamescar
- Deuce Rings
- OmegaSupreme
- Xerobull
- FishBulb913
- theDude
- robgue
- entaro
- couple of d's
- BMoney
- hongxingli
- gfab-babyboi
- dockerland
- Clutch City1993
- Amel
- Shaq2Yao
- duluth111222
- A00man
- HTownTmac1
- Gnimoay
- groovemachine
- Trident
- rhino17
- MystikArkitect
- SuperMarioBro
- Vivid
- mac_got_this
- LikeMike
- The Drake
- rlmjdime
- Rocket_Man_2.0
- clos4life
- nolimitnp
- gmoney411
- Purvis2Short
- flamingdts
- Tadow
- Dream McLandry
- utgrad97
- Tmac1Yao11
- CRocket82
- DreamShook
- Rokman
- Cstyle42
- tmacfor35
- BreakYoSelfFool
- Amiga
- DontMessWithUT
- roslolian
- RedIsen
- mustang98
- bcast89
- bigred77
- TimDuncanDonaut
- Verbal Christ
- Fulgore
- CDrex
- Olajuwon
- Turpis
- Ricksmith
- charlieaustin
- cheke64
- jch1911
- mikol13
- amaru
- BleedRocketsRed
- sefril
- jank1434
- htownrox1
- majicdonjuan
- Air Canada
- Timein
- anthony59237
- jordnnnn
- lionaire
- yixiixiy
- fchowd0311
- HeyBudLetsParty
- Saeculum
- platypus
- Bo6
- BHannes2BHonest
- OkayAyeReloaded
- thedreamsteam
- Sprtstr
- VivaChelseaFC
- Damion Laverne
- Glenyo
- Corrosion
- catarax05
- evo8lover
- rockets1995
- xtruroyaltyx
- BigMaloe
- ThatboyPhuong
- dmoneybangbang
- Zen Tabak
- jayydela
- jnuge90
- cbass
- whozee
- Hall of Fame
- thedude077
- Beezy
- zeeshan2
- verysimplejason
- TheJet
- 13 in 33
- DM'sVP
- kingkingston
- pippsux
- beardsanity713
- BonziWellsGOAT
- RocketsFido
- donkeypunch
- glenadyll
- IvanLCPM
- Aware
- mightybosstone
- houstonstime
- matchesmalone
- fryjol7
- ilovehtownbb
- xaos
- Snow Villiers
- DatRocketFan
- BallSoHarden
- SkareKrow
- Nemospl
- Believe It!
- Htown Stros
- lakersuck2
- Monkeychef02
- Stephen_A
- JW86
- Rustyrig
- dhm
- CRJ713
- J_Hunter_1977
- Roomba
- harold bingo
- ApacheWarrior
- sholaemmanuel
- DreamQuake
- BaselineFade
- AKdaDawg
- HealthyHamstring
- Houston77
- 1 other person
- CarlosGM
- highpost1388
- wolstein
- BelgianRocketsFan
- Dobbizzle
- UserNamesSuck
- kpdark
- AlperenSengun
- plegus
- cryout75
- marinara
- Dickbutt42069
- Rinaldi
- Yojimbo
- Jrocketj
- Randall Hall
- Stoic Rob
- Ish
- Brad Newley the Goat
- Holybats
- Orpheus_XC
- andrei
- Chayvan
- Proud Firelander
- ScrewstonStros
- Prince_Hakeem
- GOATuve
- Tempington
- tagedieb
- RB713
- Fishbones
- rocketstruther
244 total votes.