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[rockets/clutchfans history] the Worst off season

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by tinman, Jun 17, 2011.

  1. tinman

    tinman Member
    Supporting Member

    May 9, 1999
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    Back when we never questioned Clutch City,
    we were fighting to keep it. This is the story about how some REAL ROCKETS FANS saved the Rockets.



    Enron looking to keep Rockets in Houston

    FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 2000 3:53 PM CST
    By Clutch
    Copyright 2000 ClutchFans.net
    According to a Houston Chronicle article, pessimism is growing about the Rockets chances of staying in Houston as the team has spoken with several cities about relocating when the Compaq Center lease is up in 2003. However, there is hope. Enron Chairman Ken Lay, who played a key role in keeping the Astros in town and getting a new stadium built, has said he plans on playing a "prominent role" in keeping the Rockets in town.


    Thanks to the fans ...
    MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2000 1:15 AM CST
    By Clutch
    Copyright 2000 ClutchFans.net
    After posting a request in the late afternoon Sunday for fan stories about a special moment concerning the Rockets, we were flooded with email and received tons of great stories (we couldn't possibly post them all). We want to thank those who sent in and told their personal stories. You can find many of them in the Great Moments in Fan History section of saveourrockets.com. If you have a personal story releated to a particular Rocket highlight/moment (any year since the Rockets were in Houston), and would like to be included by telling what the Rockets mean to you, please feel free to send it in to us at clutch@clutchcity.net with your name and we'll do our best to get it out there.


    Chronicle: SaveOurRockets.com a "necessary development"
    TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2000 3:21 AM CST
    By Clutch
    Copyright 2000 ClutchFans.net
    Well it's past 3am and I still haven't responded to even half the emails nor completed all that's needed to be done ... so you can imagine what Jeff has on his plate! First off, thanks to all those who support the site and wrote in how to help. Monday was nonstop publicity for the Save Our Rockets! movement... from KPRC Channel 2, FOX 26 KRIV, 610 KILT and others. Be sure to read the SOR News page and Special Thanks section. But apparently the buzz wasn't restricted to the fans and media. In a Houston Chronicle article entitled SaveOurRockets.com site a necessary development, Jonathan Feigen reports that SOR "caused an immediate buzz in the Rockets' offices and even briefly in the locker room". Said Rockets CEO George Postolos "It's a catchy name. These guys did a nice job. I hope it's effective. We appreciate the support these guys are getting together. Putting together the site in support of the organization, we really appreciate that. These kinds of things are effective if they generate a major grass roots movement. Look at other cities. Those kinds of things have made a difference." Fantastic news. As SOR has now taken on a life of its own, we will return our focus at clutchcity.net back to Rockets hoops tonight when they take on the Cavs and inform you from time to time of new developments at SOR.


    SOR Time: Louisville courting Rockets, Comets
    TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2000 11:35 PM CST
    By Clutch
    Copyright 2000 ClutchFans.net
    KRIV, citing unidentified sources, is reporting that Louisville is courting the Rockets, Comets and Thunderbears. Louisville officials have called Rockets management to let the team know of their interest in bringing all three franchises to their city. The Rockets did not say much, but CEO George Postolos did say they are fielding offers and "We have received a number of inquiries and we will respond to those. We don't intend to comment beyond that." SaveOurRockets.com had another incredible day as we have been contacting hundreds who wrote in, and some big, big things are in the future. Jeff Balke will be on Lance and John's "The Bench" show at 7:25am Wednesday on 610 to talk more about the movement.


    Save Our Rockets goes to White House with Comets

    TUESDAY, MAY 16, 2000 10:07 PM CST
    By Clutch
    Copyright 2000 ClutchFans.net
    Janice Kinchion, campaign manager for Save Our Rockets!, went to the White House Monday with the Comets, got some great pictures, and even handed a Save Our Rockets! button to Les Alexander who wore it on his suit jacket. She met that Clinton guy too, but hey ... she met Les! Great story and pics which can be found at SaveOurRockets.com


    Save Our Rockets holds press conference

    FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 2000 2:00 PM CST
    By Clutch
    Copyright 2000 ClutchFans.net
    In response to Judge Eckels' attempt to squash the arena deal in Houston, and in essence, drive the Rockets out of town, Save Our Rockets! held a press conference Friday at 4pm on the steps of the Harris County Commissioners Court in downtown Houston and the details from the press conference are up on SOR. Don't forget to give Judge Eckels a piece of your mind about his calculated opposition to the arena deal.
  2. Ricksmith

    Ricksmith Member

    May 6, 2009
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    <iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/qjhLicLWA64" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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  3. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    Bring Back That Houston Spirit
    MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2000 9:11 PM CT
    By Jeff Balke
    Copyright 2000 ClutchFans.net

    Enron Field, like the Astrodome before it, is an example of the bold spirit of Houston.
    As a child growing up in Houston, I can recall living a few blocks from a sheep pasture and just a few miles from a farm to market road. An old country road lay just beyond that pasture. My father and I used to travel a two-lane highway past a wide stretch of woods just 10 minutes to the northeast on fishing trips.

    Today, we call the sheep pasture "Greenspoint Mall." We know the farm to market road as "FM 1960" and the old country road as "Beltway 8." If you decide to go fishing in east Texas and pass that stretch of woods today along Highway 59, you’ll find Kingwood tucked inside it.

    To make the leap from sheep to Starbucks, from roads to highways and woods to neighborhoods took more than a simple plan, it took vision; the same vision a certain judge had back in the early 60’s when he decided to turn an empty plot of land into the Eighth Wonder of the World.

    But, what was once a city filled with a bold entrepreneurial spirit now seems hampered by fear and isolation. From my friends and neighbors along 59 in Kingwood to my current neighborhood home in the Heights, Houston has become a place where arm-twisting has taken the place of daring to dream.

    It doesn’t have to be that way. My parents and grandparents remember a vibrant downtown where they could work and play. We can have that again.

    Enron Field and the theater district have given us a small glimpse into both our past and our future. The excitement generated when astronauts stood on the field of the first-ever domed stadium back in 1965 was reborn in the new millennium when our first-ever retractable roof baseball park was opened in downtown. Like the 50’s and 60’s, downtown is coming alive again.

    We have a rare opportunity to continue that growth with a new basketball/hockey arena. Like the EFUS, the new arena will encourage business development, provide entertainment and generate excitement. Unlike the ballpark, however, the arena will give us over 200 more reasons every year to visit and enjoy downtown. Whether it is ice shows, hockey, concerts or basketball, people of all ages will be able to enjoy what our great city has to offer downtown.

    Obviously, this is no small undertaking. As a homeowner and a taxpayer, despite my love for the Rockets and Comets, I feel the need to be pragmatic. I don’t want to see my bills go up along with my fun. The beauty of this plan is that we get out cake and can eat it too. With no property or sales taxes, no ticket or parking taxes and no tax increases, we get an arena and avoid the pain of having to shell out extra bucks for it.

    Decide not to build it and what will happen? Well, two things are certain. First, the Rockets and Comets, the only two teams to bring world championships to Houston will leave. Second, we will build an arena anyway.

    With the possibility of luring the Olympic games here in 2012, we need a first-class new arena to get the attention of the International Olympic Committee. As a taxpayer, I would much rather we used the $105 million that the Rockets are willing to pay for the arena that the city will own in 30 years than fork over the entire sum on our own. Wouldn’t you?

    We watched the Oilers leave. I was not sad to see Bud Adams go. The roller coaster ride we all went through with that team makes the Texas Cyclone look like one of those rocking horses outside of a grocery store. Luv Ya Blue was great but much of the rest wasn’t.

    So, we let them go despite Adams offering a huge chunk of change to build a downtown retractable-roof stadium. To hell with them, right? Sound familiar? Instead of taking his money, we sent him packing to the $400 million open arms of Nashville and a Super Bowl birth while we sweated out the NFL’s love affair with Los Angeles only to spend $367 million for the Texans new stadium. I’m glad we did, but was it really the practical thing to do just because we didn’t like a team owner?

    We have a chance to do something great at a cost even a miser can appreciate. We can shed that fear and isolation and embrace each other as neighbors, Texans and Houstonians. We can learn to put aside the bickering and accept the vision the Allen Brothers and Judge Hofheinz brought to the Bayou City so many years ago.

    Let’s stop the arguing and accept our place among the elite cities in the world. It is time for us to remember the vision and spirit that made our city a great place to live. Get out there and vote to build it together.
  4. tinman

    tinman Member
    Supporting Member

    May 9, 1999
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    Clutch and Jeff worked tirelessly so that Rockets fans in the future can watch the Rockets lose in the first round of the playoffs many times, so as long as they lose in Houston .
  5. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    It's Time to Save Our Rockets

    MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2000 12:00 AM CT
    By Jeff Balke
    Copyright 2000 ClutchFans.net

    The Save Our Rockets movement's goal is to "ensure that the Rockets and Comets remain in Houston permanently"
    As you all know by now, the movement to keep the Rockets and Comets in the city of Houston is underway. As some of you may remember, I made some strong comments in my last column. To refresh our memories:

    Instead of bemoaning the possible loss of the Rockets, get out and do something to stop it. Write to your government officials. Write to the Rockets. Organize support rallies. Let everyone know just what an asset the Rockets are to Houston. Instead of fearing the worst, make the best possible scenario happen.

    Well, let's just say I took my own advice. Shortly after I posted that column, I got several emails saying how we all needed to do something. It seemed as if I had touched a nerve. Well, I went immediately and registered the domain name www.saveourrockets.com and here we are.

    Save Our Rockets and its companion website is specifically designed for fans and others interested in keeping the Rockets. Our mission statement is: It is our goal to ensure that the Rockets and Comets remain in Houston permanently. Just how exactly are we supposed to do that?

    Thanks to my ol' buddy, Clutch and his web wizardry, the website is the first step. You'll be able to get info on what we are doing and, most importantly, what you can do to help. The thoughts of rallies are great, but we have to start slow.

    On Monday, February 7, a press release will be sent out to every radio station, newspaper, television station and interested party in the city to announce the beginning of this grassroots initiative. We have already received confirmations from a couple of radio stations willing to talk about it on the air.

    Next, we hope to get your help. On the site, you'll find a page where you can collect information on how you can help. The first way is to write the people on the list given immediately. The most important people we have to reach are Mayor Lee Brown, County Judge Robert Eckles, Sports Authority Chairman Billy Burge, the Rockets and Comets organizations and the Houston Chronicle. There are addresses, email addresses, fax and phone numbers right there on the page for you. There are even templates in case you have trouble getting started on your letter.

    If you don't think your voices count, listen to this. An acquaintance of mine recently helped run the campaign for a local woman. She was a relative unknown but managed to get enough support to make it to a runoff election. In the runoff, she ended up losing by only 37 votes...37 votes!!! That is how important your voice is. It is absolutely imperative that you get involved and make the politicians and Rockets know how much you care about them and their commitment to say in Houston.

    After we have established ourselves, then we will move on to the serious business of trying to put together some public events. When the time comes, we will gather the support of the citizens, fans and business community. The reason we want to do this right is because we don't want a repeat of the Oilers rally disaster.

    For those of you who don't remember it, a group of Oiler fans faxed every major news outlet (including ESPN!) and said they were holding a huge rally on the steps of city hall to protest the Oilers moving. When the cameras rolled, they got pictures of about twelve crazy people (several of whom were drunk) standing on the steps of city hall yelling. It was an embarrassment to the city and the final nail in the coffin for the Oilers.

    Everything we do must be big, bold and calculated. We only get one shot at this! The Rockets are not gone yet and we can do everything within our power to keep it that way. In fact, we need more than just your voice and your participation in a rally. Because many of you are regulars to this site, we recognize that you are more involved with the Rockets than the average fan or citizen.

    As a result, we need everyone out there who can help in any way to let us know. Know of a print shop who'd be willing to donate some bumper stickers or t-shirts? Have a friend who works for Channel 2? Do you know someone who'd be willing to make us a banner? Do you own a business that could help out? Anything you could think of would be helpful.

    Obviously, Clutch and I work for a living and, for now, this is coming out of our time and pockets, so we are relying on our supporters to help make this a reality. We simply will NOT settle for anything less than the Rockets and Comets continuing to make Houston their home and committing to that for the long term.

    Also, it is important that we all remember to remain positive. All the political leaders, business owners and members of the Rockets organization including Les Alexander are our friends. Our goal is in line with theirs. We want Houston to continue to be a profitable, world-class city. Part of that goal is keeping our sports franchises and revitalizing the city through the building of a new arena.

    We're not proposing how to do it, just that it must get done. These are our teams and this is our city. The time for sitting and waiting is over. The time to act is NOW! Don't wait. Get involved today. You can start making a difference at www.saveourrockets.com!
    #5 tinman, Jun 17, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2011
  6. Kam

    Kam Member

    Jan 16, 2002
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    Is Les threatening to move or something?

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