I've been spring cleaning and have a bunch of Rockets stuff just sitting in a closet. Bobbleheads- Clutch in the blue stripe uniform, Yao in a red uniform, Chuck Hayes, Carl Landry, Kevin Martin, Steve Francis in the striped uniform, Mobley in the striped uniform, Scola in the yellow/red uniform & Hakeem in the striped uniform Autgraphs- Yao's shoes, Clyde's jersey, a plush basketball with Chuck & Aaron's autograph, a Carl Landry signed game ball,2008-2009 team ball, 2009-2010 team ball, Steve Francis signed beanie If you want pictures or more details email me at swordchick6@gmail.com In the Pearland, TX area
2008-2009 team ball autograph? Interested if team ball autograph but want to know how much you want for it?
Asking $220, if you want pictures of it, just email me & I can send you a picture. Sorry it so long to reply
Thanks again to rockets87 for meeting today to sell me the Hakeem Bobblehead !! She's a nice lady ! Still trying to finish my collection, I missing Yao 2 balls Yao red jersey Battier Mutumbo Boki Juwan Hayes Parsons Scola red/yellow jersey ------ I have to trade Dmo Harden cooking Howard grey jersey Clyde Clutch blue jersey
Sorry for the late reply, selling the bobblehead for 15 but I don't have the box for it anymore. If you would like to see a picture, just email me.
Just wanted to say thanks again for meeting up and letting me get the bobble heads! It was a pleasure meeting and chatting with you!