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Robert Horry dishes on the Barkley trade and why it didn't make sense for the Rockets

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by redhotrox, Jun 8, 2015.


Should the Rockets have made the 1996 trade for Charles Barkley?

  1. Yes - liked it when it happened and still think it was a good trade

    62 vote(s)
  2. No - disliked it when it happened and still think it was a bad trade

    81 vote(s)
  3. Yes - disliked it when it happened but now think it was a good trade

    2 vote(s)
  4. No - liked it what it happened but now think it was a bad trade

    60 vote(s)
  1. Chamillionaire

    Jun 27, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Trying to multitask. Oops.
  2. leebigez

    leebigez Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    All I know as a long time rockets fan is when you lose 16 in a row to the same team, something has to give. They beat sonics in game 6 in 1993 and then lost every game until 97. Sam was the one you could see was going to be special, and even as a rookie, he didnt like practice. Thats what took him so long to replace scott brooks in rotation.
  3. tanviraman

    tanviraman Member

    Nov 22, 2005
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    I don't know what you are talking about or where you are getting your facts from. 93-94 season when we won it all, we split the regular season series with the sonics. I know the Spurs lost to us 8 times in a row up to this season and still beat us 3 times in a row after that. The Clippers had our number until this season too. And looked what happened. In 94-95 and 95-96 the rockets lost a lot of games to teams in the regular season due to turmoil and injuries. I think the whole Seattle argument is blown out of proportion.

    Plus if the playoff versions of the rockets and sonics would have met in the 94 and 95 seasons, I think we win. We would have met in WCF and that is when we played our best basketball. After both Phoenix series. Handling both Utah and SA in the WCF. Meanwhile the sonics got upset twice in the 1st round to inferior teams. We were a tougher team and played at a completely different level. If the sonics would not have gotten upset in the 1st round by the Lakers, they would have got smacked by the Spurs in 95. In 1996 they had their best team and a magical season and valiantly competed against perhaps the greatest NBA team of all time in the 96 Bulls. However 96 was our worst team with the most injuries and least continuity. And to be honest games 2-4 against the Sonics were all winnable games. And Horry had a fantastic series. It was Cassell who was not the same after his injury and Kenny Smith was atrocious. So imo the matchup was not as lob-sided as we remember as fans. I guarantee if you lookup the regular season games that year we probably had a different starting lineup in every game.
    #143 tanviraman, Jun 11, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2015
  4. pippsux

    pippsux Member

    Jul 6, 2013
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    Sonics owned us and humiliated us by sweeping our hides. Barkley, for that one year was motivated and we avenged the loss to the Sonics. After that the chuckwagon was on E.
    Good trade for one year and one year only.

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