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Report has 'smoking gun' on climate

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by Party Pizza, Jan 23, 2007.

  1. insane man

    insane man Member

    Aug 9, 2003
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    when did global warming becoming climate change?
  2. IROC it

    IROC it Member

    Feb 16, 1999
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    Solid proof that Hollywood has no brains or moral compass. ;)
  3. NewYorker

    NewYorker Ghost of Clutch Fans

    Sep 14, 2002
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    And yet there is no smoking GUn?

    Temperature increases? How on earth (no pun) do you measure global temperature?

    Let's see, temperature in cities have gone up!!!! No kidding!?? You mean, it's global warming? No...nothing to do with all the concrete that traps more heat during the day.

    Ice is melting??? Can't be because of a period of less snow???? Can't be because ice retreats and expands over the course of time???? No, the ice ages were conservative b.s. stories!

    Hotter record breaking summers? Wait, the temperture has supposedly risen 1.2 degrees. Can anyone notice that amount?

    And once again, might it have something to do with development then anything else?

    It's a joke. No one has successfully linked CO2 to anything. It's a theory - and a shaky one. These scientists are self-important, and sacraficing science in exchange for press. They are letting their politics interfere with their work - and it's disgusting.

    And now they want to hold the world back, and keep people from getting jobs - over a theory???

    Why don't they offer to resign and not work? Wait - if they admit global warming is not real - guess what, they just might be out of a job!!!
  4. Ottomaton

    Ottomaton Member
    Supporting Member

    Feb 14, 2000
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    Here is a link to a very interesting interview on NPR with someone who advises Republican politicians about the proper words to use. He says somewhere in the interview that he advocates republicans use 'climate change' instead of 'global warming' because climate change is a more 'neutral' word.

    In otherwords people sit around and think about crap like this and sometimes actively work for these changes in phrases to alter the debate.
  5. insane man

    insane man Member

    Aug 9, 2003
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    thats right. i saw him on this frontline episode on advertising. he was the one who conjured up death tax.


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