If anyone want to celebrate the "Love Ya Blue" days, the Titans are bringing back the slogan and you can buy a hat: http://www.titansproshop.com/main_detail.cfm?nProductID=3278&sAuxTitle=Luv Ya Blue Hat- White and http://www.titansproshop.com/main_detail.cfm?nProductID=3279&sAuxTitle=Luv Ya Blue Hat - Khaki
Also tomorrow (Thursday) at 3pm on NFL Network, they'll be a documentary called ," The Birth of the Texans."
And on Saturday on NFL Network, they'll be a running a season review on the 1978-1979 Oilers starting at 2pm.
Bud Adams keeps stooping to lower and lower levels. "Luv Ya Blue" was an era created for our team and its players by Houstonians. He doesn't know when to stop.
I was watching "Castaway" last weekend. I had completely forgotten the part where Hanks' character is asking Hunter's about the football team going to the Superbowl. painfull
"Remember the Oilers" was disappionting to me. More than half of it was about the freaking Titans. The part that was about the Oilers was mostly about the Bum Phillips era, which was great, but hardly anything about the other Oiler teams. I did Tivo it and will put the highlights on dvd.
it's "luv" and **** the entire titan organization to hell for even suggesting this, let alone acting on it. **** 'em dead. with AIDS.
My hatred for Bud Adams hasn't softened up a bit ... damn that sucks. Moved to San Diego in 2002 (when the Texans started playing), so I've been a half-Chargers, half-Texans fan for the past 5 years, but its nothing like it was rooting for my Oilers.