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Refs completely dictated G4 outcome

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by srrm, Apr 28, 2014.

  1. photojoe

    photojoe Member

    Jul 2, 2013
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    I didn't see anything. Even on the replays we couldn't see him doing anything.

    So the only two options would be that it was just a phantom call- which is definitely a possibility with the way this series has been called so far.
    But it could have also been a possibility that he said something. Depending on what that was, it could have deserved a T without getting caught on the tape?

    I think even still, a couple of days after that game, no one really knows why he was called for a technical there.
  2. photojoe

    photojoe Member

    Jul 2, 2013
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    He already had one technical foul- for reasons we aren't really sure of. If he had argued that call more, he would have had a huge risk of getting a second technical and getting thrown out. And we desperately needed him out there.
  3. Rockness

    Rockness Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Watching last year's playoffs, the refs sure tried to give OKC game 4 (elimination game) and we all know about game 3 when you also could not touch Durant at all..
  4. Little Bit

    Little Bit Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    Not one game in this series has been officiated fairly and it's a damn shame. All of the shoving and pushing Matthews gets away with along with Dwight being hacked and pushed by Lopez and Aldridge constantly is mind-boggling when you can't even breathe on their two stars. And of course all of the bogus technical fouls on the Rockets while the Blazers get away with showing up the refs after calls and clapping in their faces in disbelief.
  5. IBTL

    IBTL Member

    Nov 22, 2010
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    I agree it is not fun or enjoyable at all. Even when we win it's not fun.

    My thing also is that it is every single game seemingly 90% of the time.

    Game 4 the entire overtime and last bit of regulation there were so many bad calls and ridiculous it wasn't like it was one time or two times or even three. It's jumped the shark so badly that it's almost every play. and it's on both sides.

    If there is the odd bad call here and there you can live with it. I no longer watch it the same as I used to. Now it's more a joke and 'how bad will they cheat next' type of laughing. that' shameful what it has become.

    And we are the avid fans. Imagine the folks that aren't as big fans? My children are all being taught it is fake and anyone I know that is a half fan tells me it's a joke and they laugh at me for it. Same way I laugh at people who like wrestling. As nba fans we have become fringe.

    I have a friend from scotland that was watching the game with me the other night and he doesn't watch normally because of the fixed joke that it is. He was laughing about how ridiculous it is.

    When you start losing the avid fans you are in trouble.

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