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Reed Sheppard is the Rockets’ Franchise Player™

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by J.R., Jun 26, 2024.


Do you like the selection of Reed Sheppard?

Poll closed Oct 14, 2024.
  1. YES

  2. NO

  1. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    You said he was similar to Sengun since when was Sengun chucking 20 shots to score 16 pts? Sengun FYI was a freaking 19 yr old MVP in the Euro league he was leagues better than Sheppard as a rookie. What did Sheppard do in NCAA? Did he win any award? No he just got overhyped and then laid an egg in MM and got eliminated. I told you Sheppard was too small with trex arms you just swallowed all the kool aid and now you falling all over yourself to defend the kid.

    I'd prefer it if Sheppard was chucking and missing than not shooting and still missing. He wont learn if he is just afraid to shoot. You made so much fun of Jalen Green as a rookie look at him now clowning you every game. If Reed Sheppard is scared to shoot he is just a 6'1 Ryan Anderson.

    Sheppard is trying hard to contribute in other ways but his main role should be as a shooter and spacer. If he can't shoot or shooting 1/3 every game he is useless no matter what he does in other ways.

    I don't know ball? You have some of the wrongest takes in the history of the forum look in the mirror bub.
    #3641 roslolian, Nov 11, 2024
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2024
  2. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    We have minutes to give FVV is playing too many minutes. Sheppard is just not giving Ime Udoka reason to play him. His plus minus almost always a negative every game we've had so far.

    He tries hard on defense but if he keeps passing up open shots that hurts the team I'm sure opponents are gonna adjust if keeps doing that and give him the Ben Simmons treatment.
    coachbadlee likes this.
  3. RudyTBag

    RudyTBag Member

    Jan 6, 2006
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    You can tell a whole lot about a player's talent when you look at deflections. Anticipation, feel, talent...

    Sell me all your RS stock. I will buy it all. :D
  4. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    He was drafted to be cocaine Curry if we wanted a defender why didnt we get Ryan Dunn? You dont want the best defender of the class but you want a 6'1.75 defender as the 3rd pick.
    coachbadlee likes this.
  5. RudyTBag

    RudyTBag Member

    Jan 6, 2006
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    The logic of this post is so dreadfully stupid that I don't even know what to say.

    Let's wait and see. :)
    persian hoopa and xtruroyaltyx like this.
  6. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Nah your logic is the one that's stupid. You are talking about his deflections and saying thats the end all and be all of his talent. Sheppards talent was supposed to be shooting. It's like you went to a steak house and the steak was shitty but you are happy because the dessert was great. If you want deflections then like I said Ryan Dunn is a much better defender than Reed Sheppard will ever be. Your logic is the one that is wack not me.

    "Wait and see" is like you wanting to be the broken clock that is right twice a day. You can always be wrong but then the moment Sheppard has a good game its omg I told you so. If you wanna make a prediction then put a time period on it.

    Theres no need to wait and see when Sheppard starts shooting great thats when he will be seen as a good player and worth the top 3 pick and not because he is doing all these deflections. In fact his plus minus is negative right now that tells you how impactful all these deflections are especially when it doesnt turn into points.

    King of deflections but averaging 3/1/1. lol
    #3646 roslolian, Nov 11, 2024
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2024
    Chayvan likes this.
  7. RudyTBag

    RudyTBag Member

    Jan 6, 2006
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    Uh huh. We'll see!

    I contend that RS is going to be very, very good at basketball. Shooting, deflections, intelligence, efficiency, all of the above. FVV (former all-star) with some added shooting efficiency.

    I'd also say that If anyone sounds like a goofball here, it is you, 10 games into Reed Sheppard's career.

    Who is the one that is trying to spike the football on a 20-year-old rookie?

    Attached Files:

    #3647 RudyTBag, Nov 11, 2024
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2024
  8. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    I never said Sheppard will never improve I am saying he sucks right now because he cant/scared to shoot. Sheppard can indeed become a multi all star/Mark Price player but he will become one via scoring and not by deflections.

    You are the one waxing on and on about his deflections like its some indicator of superstardom. What does deflections even have to do with offensive efficiency? Sheppard right now at 51% TS despite being the king of deflections. Deflections are a defensive stat. It has nothing to do with offense and lots of defensive players are garbage offensive players. You know Rudy Gobert? Trevor Ariza? Bruce Bowen? Which of these guys are offensive dynamos just because they are good at deflections? Where are the "anticipation, feel, talent" of these players? They got more deflections than Reed Sheppard. You're just full of BS.

    Here's my prediction when Sheppard becomes a star its because he is shooting the ball at an efficient rate with high volume and its not because he is leading the team in deflections.

    While Sheppard does indeed get deflections, if you look at his negative plus minus, his low statistical output and bad efficiency you will see those deflections have little to no impact on the game.
    #3648 roslolian, Nov 11, 2024
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2024
    saleem likes this.
  9. RudyTBag

    RudyTBag Member

    Jan 6, 2006
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    Deflections are part of the RS package, baby. VERY important skill to understand when you are evaluating a player's overall talent, especially instinctual talent.

    The same was and is still true with Alperen Sengun.
    #3649 RudyTBag, Nov 11, 2024
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2024
  10. xtruroyaltyx

    xtruroyaltyx Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 1, 2011
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    Facts dont matter to these guys. I wouldnt waste my time.
    Corrosion likes this.
  11. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    Did you buy all the RS stock from coachbadlee, roslolian, and ApacheWarrior? :D
    RudyTBag likes this.
  12. coachbadlee

    coachbadlee Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    It doesnt matter how good or bad their teams are. They are still logging hella minutes unlike Reed. He should be getting 20+ minutes a night in the G league. It all has to do with his development and there wont be much of that with 8 or so minutes a game.
    rpr52121 and harold bingo like this.
  13. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    They never had any.
  14. coachbadlee

    coachbadlee Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    That post made plenty of sense. The truth is we thought we were getting a 3 point sniper. We weren't trying to get a okay defensive player. Instead of Cocaine Curry we ended up with Crackpipe Stephen.
  15. harold bingo

    harold bingo Member
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    May 16, 2017
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    I think you're missing the point here - it's got nothing to do with winning or losing, or a logjam at the position. The bottom line is he needs to be playing basketball. If he is good enough, right now, to contribute to winning in the NBA then play him 20+ minutes and sit other guys down. If he's not, which is totally fine, then send him to the g league and play him for 30+ minutes. The best way to develop him is to let him actually play competitive basketball. Following the team around and getting like 5 minutes per game plus blowout minutes is just not ideal. I'm not saying this is the wrong way for Ime to handle him, it's probably correct - Ime wants to win games. But if this is the most minutes you can spare on the rockets then send him to the vipers.
    Sooty likes this.
  16. MystikArkitect

    Supporting Member

    Jul 18, 2006
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    Reed and Alpy are getting yanked too quickly. The kid looks mortified to make a mistake or he's going to get benched. Alpy is averaging 28.4 MPG. Reed is at 11 and shoots like 3x a game. Jalen looks off Reed way too much. He had him open so many times and decided to just chuck another brick.
    AroundTheWorld likes this.
  17. meh

    meh Member

    Jun 16, 2002
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    I don't care about his minutes or his shooting percentage. I care that he's simply not shooting. His per-36 3pt rate of 5.3 is only ahead of Tari/Sengun/Amen in terms of rotation players. That is a big issue. I get people using the excuse of the Rockets trying to win and he's a rookie and all that. But if he's not bombing 3s on a high per-minute basis, then he should be down in the G-League trying to figure out how he can start bombing 3s at high volume. Cause the Rockets aren't going anywhere further than play-in if they don't improve their shooting. And Sheppard is the best potential in-house option and he needs to work towards being a high volume at least average efficiency 3pt shooter on the floor.
    Easy and harold bingo like this.
  18. RudyTBag

    RudyTBag Member

    Jan 6, 2006
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    Uh no. The Rockets think they are getting a great basketball player. Shooting, intelligence, efficiency, defense. Everything Reed does is why the Rockets drafted Reed. They value those deflections and steals and gritty OREBs just as much as his shooting. Toughness. How many times does Udoka have to say it?
    cmoak1982 and Bobbythegreat like this.
  19. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    While this is true, it's not a easy for casual types to see compared to flashy dunks or whatever so it's possible they don't even know what you are talking about.

    Also, defenses guard him like they are terrified he's going to smoke them from 3... so clearly opposing defenders don't agree with the idea that he can't shoot
  20. TimDuncanDonaut

    Feb 20, 2009
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