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[Redskins.Com] Gregg Williams signs three-year contract extension with Redskins

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by rikesh316, Jan 3, 2006.

  1. rikesh316

    rikesh316 Member

    Sep 28, 2002
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    The Washington Redskins have signed Gregg Williams, assistant head coach/defense, to a new three-year contract, the team announced on Jan. 3

    "Gregg is a valuable and important member of our organization,' said Head Coach Joe Gibbs. "This is a first step in recognizing his contributions and maintaining consistency among our coaches."

    After returning to the Washington Redskins in 2004, Gibbs made putting together a premium coaching staff a priority and he started with Williams. In just two seasons Williams has solidified the Redskins defense among the best in the NFL, finishing 2005 ranked ninth in the league and 2004 ranked third.

    Considered one of the brightest defensive minds in professional football, Williams brought to the Redskins a brand of defense based on toughness and persistence, as well as a proven track record of shaping NFL defensive squads into among the league's best year after year.

    Williams came to Washington after three years as Head Coach of the Buffalo Bills, where in 2003 his defense finished second in the NFL, improving from 15th in 2002 and 21st in 2001.

    He took over as head coach of the Buffalo Bills after 11 seasons in the Tennessee/Houston organization, including four seasons as defensive coordinator, where his 2000 defensive team ranked No. 1 in the NFL.
  2. Harrisment

    Harrisment Member

    Jun 20, 2001
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    Damn, beat me to it.
  3. rikesh316

    rikesh316 Member

    Sep 28, 2002
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    From Rotoworld.Com

    He will make $8 million over three years, which is more than some head coaches. Williams was the hottest coaching candidate on the market this off-season, but he will likely succeed Joe Gibbs once Gibbs retires.
  4. Two Sandwiches

    Feb 6, 2002
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    Good. I don't think he would have been good as our head coach.

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