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[Random Trade] Unspectacular (But Possibly High Reward) T-Mac Trade

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by BimaThug, Nov 10, 2009.

  1. Dave_78

    Dave_78 Member

    Oct 12, 2006
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    Don't you think there is a reason the coach is keeping this super talented kid on the bench?

    Also, do you follow GS fans? I don't so I don't know how they feel about Randolph but based on the two times I saw him live and up close I suspect they don't have a positive view of the kid. You can't appreciate it when he is on TV but up close, if you pay attention to him, you'll swear you are about to witness a train wreck. Maybe it will never happen but I don't want him in Houston to find out.
  2. durvasa

    durvasa Member

    Feb 11, 2006
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    We're talking about Don Nelson. There's maybe a 50/50 chance there is a sound reason behind his decision.
  3. Dave_78

    Dave_78 Member

    Oct 12, 2006
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    LMAO...I almost put in parenthesis "even Don Nelson" in that post. Still, I think the kid has mental deficiencies. I don't want him here.

    Sorry to derail the thread, Bima. I know this was about Chicago and not GS.
  4. leebigez

    leebigez Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    Dave78, I really didn't like randolph coming out, but watching the kid, he's going to be a pretty good player. Of course he has some maturity issue, he's 20, but he competes, has a high skill level, and cares. Nelson has used his ghetto pass to the fullest after beating dallas, but he's wasting talent. To me, randolph makes more sense than scola going forward. That's the kind of dude that would be great to build with araza and brooks along with yao. To me, that's a guy the rox should really try to get.
  5. CriscoKidd

    CriscoKidd Member

    Oct 18, 1999
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    I really don't like the trade at all, and I'm a Hinrich fan.

    It's basically a straight up swap of Tmac for Kirk. The pick is a small consideration at this point and Jared is a huge pile of nothing.

    I'd prefer to get something a little more enticing to go along with Kirk. Either an upgrade somewhere else or a serviceable center.
  6. leebigez

    leebigez Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    Moes, I only bring up camby because we could use a upgrade at the center for hayes and have him back camby and I would like to see chase play about 30 mins a night. We need a center and flexibility and they have 3 with camby expiring.

    Bima, I agree with a lot of what u say, but we can all assume the mindset of what management thinks about tracy. I like hinrich, but for 9m and on the bench, not so much. You also assume the knicks will give up that pick. They oprate very different with walsh than with thomas. They haven't given a mle deal out nor have they signed lee or robinson to long term deals. I agree they've painted themselves in a corner, but it looks like they're adding young talent role guys that will help with the attraction of a free agent. I think they're going to end up with joe johnson.
  7. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Here's something I think might work..

    Knicks get the cap room they need. Kings dump 2 longer term contracts and get an expiring and a guy with 1 more year left. Rockets get Kevin Martin, and a shorter contract than Nocioni's coming back.
  8. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    I'd be all for it but why would the Kings do it? They just traded their best player but didn't even get a real expiring, they're still paying someone money. I doubt JT would be a good inducement, what about if we add Landry/Scola or Lowry to the deal?
  9. Rox Addict

    Rox Addict Member
    Supporting Member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    What is it with Heinrich ? What has he ever done that so many people on this board love him ? He Sucks plain and simple !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. t_mac1

    t_mac1 Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    i live in SF so i'm surrounded by rabid GSW fans. most of them want nelson to retire simply for the fact that he doesn't play randolph. GSW fans love randolph and they want to build around the guy. nelson doesn't.
  11. leebigez

    leebigez Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    People forgot how nelson ran webber out of town. I really like Randolph as a building block. He still needs to fill out some, but I like his skillset. I'd offer scola for randoplh and see what happens.
  12. DaDakota

    DaDakota Rockets forever!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Of course you would.


  13. Hui

    Hui Member

    Nov 9, 2009
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    I think Morey will beat that deal! That proposed deal seems lousy.
  14. Melechesh

    Melechesh Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    C'mon Bima we can do better.

    I mean Kirk is good but do we really need him and his 9 mils per year salary when we have a great combo of Brooks/Lowry?

    A 2012 pick is meaningless, the Knicks might be good by then.

    I'd like Morey to get Kevin Martin when the price is right, e.g. McGrady and Taylor for Martin, Nocioni and Rahim. :D

    If the Grizzlies don't want to pay Rudy Gay his 50 mils, we can always propose this:
    Battier, Cook and the 2010 first round pick (top 8 protected) for Gay and Jaric. :)
  15. texascityman31

    Aug 10, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Incoming Players
    Andres Nocioni
    6-7 SF from Argentina (Foreign)
    10.4 ppg, 3.6 rpg, 1.0 apg in 24.1 minutes
    Kenny Thomas
    6-7 PF from New Mexico
    1.3 ppg, 4.0 rpg, 0.7 apg in 12.3 minutes
    Kevin Martin
    6-7 SG from Western Carolina
    30.6 ppg, 5.4 rpg, 2.6 apg in 41.7 minutes
    Outgoing Players
    Chase Budinger
    6-7 SF from Arizona
    10.6 ppg, 2.6 rpg, 1.2 apg in 17.1 minutes
    Carl Landry
    6-8 PF from Purdue
    14.3 ppg, 6.2 rpg, 0.7 apg in 25.1 minutes
    Tracy McGrady
    6-8 SG / SF from Mount Zion Christian Academy (HS)
    No games yet played in 2009-2010
    Sacramento Trade Breakdown
    Change in Team Outlook: -17.4 ppg, -4.2 rpg, and -2.4 apg.
    Incoming Players
    Chase Budinger
    6-7 SF from Arizona
    10.6 ppg, 2.6 rpg, 1.2 apg in 17.1 minutes
    Carl Landry
    6-8 PF from Purdue
    14.3 ppg, 6.2 rpg, 0.7 apg in 25.1 minutes
    Tracy McGrady
    6-8 SG / SF from Mount Zion Christian Academy (HS)
    No games yet played in 2009-2010
    Outgoing Players
    Andres Nocioni
    6-7 SF from Argentina (Foreign)
    10.4 ppg, 3.6 rpg, 1.0 apg in 24.1 minutes
    Kenny Thomas
    6-7 PF from New Mexico
    1.3 ppg, 4.0 rpg, 0.7 apg in 12.3 minutes
    Kevin Martin
    6-7 SG from Western Carolina
    30.6 ppg, 5.4 rpg, 2.6 apg in 41.7 minutes

    add a 2011 first round pick from rockets to kings.

    2010/2011 rotation:

    PF - Scola

    SF - Ariza

    C - Yao

    SG - Martin

    PG - Brooks


    PG - Lowry

    SG/SF - Battier

    SF/PF - Nocioni

    PF/C - Hayes

    C - Anderson
  16. worzel gummidge

    Sep 30, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Rockets: Dunleavy + Foster + Diener + Head (non-guaranteed) + unprotected 2010 1st round pick
    Pacers: McGrady + Taylor (min excptn) + 2011 1st round pick

    *Should Yao succumb to another season ending injury... Yao, Battier, Dunleavy, Foster are all off the books for 2011 FA.

    * Budinger's style of play/performance so far is backing up my belief that Dunleavy can succesfully carry over from the Pacers motion to Adelman's system.

    *With or without Yao in 2011, Budinger can succeed Dunleavy on the team. Just like Sr it's two seasons as a Rocket for Jr. Sr made it to the finals in that time. Hopefully history repeats.


    Rockets: rights to Rubio + Blount + Wilkins + Cardinal (all three expiring contracts)
    T-Wolves: McGrady + Taylor (min excptn) + Pops (non-guaranteed, min excptn)

    * http://blogs2.startribune.com/blogs...vs-warriors-146-105-loss-is-seventh-straight/
    Kahn needs to do something. 7 losses on the trot. He can't sell only Jonny Flynn the entire season.
  17. rockets934life

    Nov 11, 2007
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  18. BimaThug

    BimaThug Resident Capologist
    Supporting Member

    Mar 24, 1999
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    Can we?

    I'd be very interested in the rumored Kevin Martin deal, but I still don't know why Sacramento would deal Martin without requiring the other team to take Beno Udrih. Frankly, I think Kevin Martin is the single best player that the Rockets could realistically acquire for T-Mac's contract. Phoenix is playing well, so I don't see them dealing Amare. Utah would probably like to unload Carlos Boozer, but I want nothing to do with him (I'd rather have Hinrich, with Scola and Landry continuing to man the PF position). And I doubt that any team is going to trade a young stud who is headed for restricted free agency (like Rudy Gay).

    If the Kevin Martin deal is not true (and I'd be surprised if it is), then I really don't see another REALISTIC deal that makes the Rockets a better team, both this season and beyond. This team needs players that fit. Hinrich would fit the system well. And don't forget that another key player could be acquired using the MLE. Perhaps even another player could be had for the LLE. It doesn't end with my proposed deal.

    And the Knicks will suck forever. :D
  19. Melechesh

    Melechesh Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Yes we can.

    In Morey we trust.

    Trade Shane Battier for Rudy Gay please. :D
  20. baller4life315

    Sep 2, 2003
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    You and I have gone back and forth on Hinrich before. Your points are well argued but I still have a problem with this idea (even if we're not giving up Brooks like we originally discussed). He seems to be regressing as a player. Yeah, he would probably start here but still....his seemingly declining play is definitely not making a believer out of me.

    Hinrich missed his "opportunity" in Houston. He's a JVG type player if there ever was one -- basically the backcourt version of Shane Battier. And hell, Hinrich was even still a productive basketball player while JVG was coaching here. That, IMO, would have been the time to experiment with Hinrich in the picture. Now? Not so much. I know there's the 2012 draft pick involved but I expect better return on T-Mac's massive contract than a fringe starter. I might be being a bit too greedy, but I can't go from Kevin Martin "rumors" in one thread to settling for Kirk Hinrich in another. That's like thinking you won the Powerball and then finding a $20 bill in your jeans pocket later that night instead.

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