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Random Houston Rockets Trade Ideas - 2013-14

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Jul 27, 2013.

  1. rogower

    rogower Member

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Most trades suggested on fan message boards (such as this one) suffer from the following flaws:

    1 Fans overvalue their own team's players
    2 Fans bizarrely assume that every single player in the league is available
    3 Fans ignore the fact that the majority of teams are actually trying to win
    4 Fans waste time dreaming up trades for players who are not particularly available instead of players who are available and/or are likely to become available

    Which players are available? Guys with bad contracts are always available but well-managed teams (like Houston) avoid bad contracts like the plague. Also available are veterans (i.e., guys on non-rookie contracts) on teams that know they are going to be bad in 2013-14. By January, you can add veterans on teams that expected to be competitive but wound up being bad; the Lakers will likely fit into this category. Finally, there are the veterans whose contracts expire at the end of the season and are unlikely to be re-signed; Kyle Lowry and Danny Granger are two names who immediately come to mind but there are others.

    Houston is looking to make the following sorts of trades:

    1 Non-rotation players for draft picks
    2 Quantity for quality (2-for-1s, 3-for-1s)
    3 Move Omer Asik for a good return before his salary skyrockets in 2014-15
    4 Move Jeremy Lin before his salary skyrockets in 2014-15
    5 Upgrade at PF if/when Terrence Jones and Donatas Motiejunas disappoibt
    6 If you can upgrade at PG without breaking the bank, do it (think Kyle Lowry or Steve Nash)

    Thus, here are some
  2. AndySwanny

    AndySwanny Member

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Now that Milwaukee has established a rebuilding phase with the Jennings trade, I think they'll be looking for assets to build the team for the future. Boston, unless they find a great trade for Rondo, are not tanking, and also don't have a center. Here's an idea:

    Houston In: Ersan Ilyasova
    Boston In: Omer Asik
    Milwaukee In: Kris Humphries ($12m expiring contract), BOS 2014 1st Round Pick, (maybe a pick from Houston)

    This allows Milwaukee to phase in John Henson and pick up solid assets in the process. Boston will compete for the playoffs again with the trade. We get probably the best fit at 4 of all the options out there. Good rebounder, great shooter, pretty good defensively, and not ball dominant. He's an awesome 3rd/4th option type player.
  3. jch1911

    jch1911 Member

    May 20, 2009
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    This was one of the trades that I was going to suggest. Except it would be Brooklyn's 2014 1st round pick (that the Celtics own). No way Boston includes its own 2014 1st round pick. (Boston may not want to tank, but their roster is not currently built for the playoffs IMHO.) Also, Houston would likely have to throw in a pick (or two) as well as a prospect to secure the deal. But I think that this trade scenario is one that may be appealing to all parties involved.

    The other trade that works is if you remove Humphries and include G/F Courtney Lee and F Brandon Bass instead. That would actually keep the Bucks fairly competitive and fighting for the 7th / 8th seed in the East.
  4. AndySwanny

    AndySwanny Member

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Probably right. Milwaukee should tank, but I doubt they want to.

    Just trying to visualize it. Something like this?

    Houston In: Ersan Ilyasova
    Boston In: Omer Asik
    Milwaukee In: Brandon Bass, Courtney Lee, BOS (via BKN) 2014 1st Rounder, HOU 2015 1st Round Pick
  5. rogower

    rogower Member

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Here is a good example of what I am talking about. Milwaukee is trying to win; thus, Ersan Ilyasova is not available. If they are not in the hunt for a playoff spot come January/February, Ilyasova likely becomes available.

    The Brandon Jennings trade is not a sign that Milwaukee is tanking/rebuilding. It is simply a recognition that Jennings is nothing special, and therefore probably not worth paying $8+ mil/year. Plus, Jennings REALLY didn't want to be there. Milwaukee is likely interested in upgrading at PG, which is why I think they're a team Daryl Morey likely wants to pawn Jeremy Lin on, probably for either John Henson or a first round pick.
  6. conquistador#11

    Jun 30, 2006
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    Ibaka, future pick and jackson for asik,bev and jones

    why the thunder do it: they will get great players at great prices who will be able to play at least 2 seasons before you have to spend money on them.

    why the rockets do it: Ibaka fits perfectly. Howard and Ibaka woould get like 500 blocks a game. but will harden be cool with it? or more importantly would keri hilson be cool with it?
    we also need some spanish flavor and nothing says spanish flavor like sergio de la ibaka.
  7. Normalus

    Normalus Member

    Dec 10, 2011
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    You must be kidding me. Ilyasova not worth even 1st rounder (with that 4y 7.9M$ salary, he's not worth it), and you give away Asik in bonus for him? Are you kidding me?!!! No, really. Are you kidding?! :confused:

    With all respect, we have already picked up Casspi on minimum salary (who actually may be even better than Ilyasova). There is no team who will take him now, and you must be Bucks fan tho.

    WE DONT NEED ANY SF!!! The only part we may need now is PG. And even there we have promising rookie and Lin with Bev.
  8. Deuce

    Deuce Context & Nuance

    Aug 1, 2001
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    Nice primer. Would rep if I could.

  9. bluffkin

    bluffkin Member

    Jun 20, 2009
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    I'd take Ibaka without that future pick.

    Asik, Jones, Bev(City of OKC hates him) and 2014 1st for Ibaka

    seems more likely, but i don't think OKC is going to trade Ibaka b/c they choose him over Harden.
  10. AndySwanny

    AndySwanny Member

    Apr 3, 2013
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    You serious? Ilyasova is definitely worth that salary, and definitely a first rounder and then some.

    If you honestly think Casspi is anywhere near Ilyasova you need to watch some basketball. Casspi hardly even on the radar of being a useful player. Ilyasova is a proven good player.

    Further proof that you don't know anything about him. He may be listed on ESPN.com as a SF, but he is definitely a PF. He's a 4 and has been playing next to Larry Sanders all year. We do need an upgrade at 4, and Ilyasova would be a great fit.

    We can argue about whether teams would take the trade, and if it's fair, but he's definitely the type of player this team needs. Much better than Ryan Anderson in my opinion.
  11. Francis3422

    Francis3422 Member

    Mar 14, 2000
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    I think Morey values the cap flexibility next year and the one beyond more than someone like Ilysova or Anderson at this time. I really like Ilysova as well. He would be great for us. Even if Howard and Asik suck playing together, we will win enough to allow us patience in dealing Asik.
  12. DonatasFanboy

    DonatasFanboy Member

    Feb 14, 2012
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    If a deal like that is available on Boston's end (doubt it), just keep the 2015 pick and take Bass, Lee, BKN 1st.

    Bass is a nice fit as well, albeit not a 3pt shooter. Lee is Lee. There's always value in 3D. And you basically win two picks.
  13. DonatasFanboy

    DonatasFanboy Member

    Feb 14, 2012
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    Maybe. But IMO trades would be the better approach at this point. A) this team can contend, that's not the time to get complacent, B) can always target those big time free agents like Love via trades, C) a piece like Ilyasova or Anderson, unless he gets injured, shouldn't be hard to move if necessary.
  14. hardenisaboss

    hardenisaboss Member

    Jul 14, 2013
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    I really like this trade. Ibaka would be perfect on our team BLOCK CITY.

    but I think the trade should go like
    OKC gets: Lin, Asik, Dmo, first round pick
    Houston gets: Ibaka, Jackson

    why Houston does it: we get a young point guard in Jackson who doesn't demand the ball, and Ibaka who is perfect in our system
    why OKC does it: they amnesty perkins and put Asik at center. this would actually make them scary since Asik is defensively better than Ibaka. and they could get their third scorer in Lin as their sixth man and can move Westbrook to SG when he's on the floor.
  15. yahboyryan

    yahboyryan Member

    Jan 9, 2010
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    No way they ll trade Ibaka, unless they role player or very decent pf (aka Jeff green, Anderson, etc)

    Heck I might even do Perkins + collison + future draft pick(or two) for asik + smith + Dmo or jones

    Collison/casspi/Dmo or jones

    Ibaka/Jones or Dmo
    Asik/ Smith
  16. charles_zed

    charles_zed Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    OKC and Houston aren't going to trade together anymore. We're rivals now.
  17. Corrosion

    Corrosion Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I'd love to have Ibaka in a Rockets uniform .... But Im no fan of trading Asik to OKC. Just cant see helping your likely biggest division & conference rival.
  18. Voice of Aus

    Voice of Aus Member

    Jun 28, 2013
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    perhaps a 3 team trade

    ibaka to the rox
    asik to phili
    royce to okc
  19. hardenisaboss

    hardenisaboss Member

    Jul 14, 2013
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    that trade is garbage for us and they would reap the benefit. seriously you want us to give them Asik for Perkins and fillers. look at the thunder lineup one more time. Ibaka and Asik to defend. Durant and Westbrook to score. and why don't you want Ibaka he's perfect on our team
  20. haydenfisher342

    Mar 3, 2012
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    except for the fact the pelicans would not make that trade

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