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Random Houston Rockets Trade Ideas - 2012-13

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. BigMaloe

    BigMaloe Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    I'd like to add that it would add a very big need of a wing defender. Not just that but he I'd also an expiring keeping flexibility. We could easily resign him or pursue a bigger third star (4th if you include Chandler bang).
  2. Mkieke

    Mkieke Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    I really wish Horford would ask for a trade. Asik/Lin/Picks/Jones makes sense for the Hawks IF they need to replace Horford. I know they don't, but their current moves just strike me as odd; not sure what they are attempting to build over there.

    Beverly/Harden/Parsons/Horford/Howard? Beautiful! But so is our team as currently constructed :).
  3. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    geez louise. you've got to be kidding me.
  4. charles_zed

    charles_zed Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    I accidentally posted in the wrong thread... and ironically it was the same suggestion as this, except with the addition of Jeff Teague who the Hawks I believe hold the Bird Rights to but have yet to offer a contract extension to.

    Beverley is not a starting caliber PG and Harden cannot be the sole offensive threat at guard.

    Omer Asik, Jeremy Lin, Terrence Jones and the NYK 2014, 2015 2nd round draft picks for Al Horford and Jeff Teague's bird rights seems pretty fair. Given the current market for PGs imo Teague will probably only receive a $5M per year salary.

    The Atlanta Hawks get a starting PG (that is imo better) than Teague and a card draw, as well as a legitimate defensive anchor in Asik to pair alongside Paul Milsap at PF, plus a young and talented SF/PF that is already NBA ready in Terrence Jones to develop and grow with their core. Plus a few 2nd round picks that can potentially turn into draft steals like Parsons, Shumpert, Budinger, Smith et al.

    The Hawks have always been happy being a treadmill team, and there's no doubt that the addition of Lin + Asik + Jones in lieu of Horford and Teague will have them as a 5th-7th seed in the East with a lot of room to grow. Meanwhile Al Horford is THE perfect 3rd banana for the Rockets squad. He addresses the hole at PF and can play as a C whenever Dwight is resting. And there's a negligible drop-off in production at the point with Teague starting who will likely be signed to a team friendly contract.
  5. charles_zed

    charles_zed Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    I say hell no to that. We get robbed.

    Noah and LMA are a wash imo so Portland have already received fair value, plus they pick-up a young PF stud in T-Jones.

    Chicago are in the East, but nonetheless they get LMA & Asik?! Instant contender status, an elite PF and an elite defensive C is a fantastic haul for Noah and Deng. Deng is basically redundant in that squad with the emergence of Jimmy Butler.

    Meanwhile we get an above average SF in Deng on, imo, a bad contract and we have to push Parsons out of position to PF where he'll be bullied and make Dwight work over time.

  6. FrancisRox

    FrancisRox Member

    Oct 10, 1999
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    I wonder if a three team deal with Portland, Chicago, and Houston makes sense.

    Chicago (out): Noah
    Portland (out): LMA
    Houston (out): Asik, DMO/TJones

    Chicago (in): Asik, DMO/TJones
    Portland (in): Noah
    Houston (in): LMA

    Then Chicago could amnesty Boozer and swap in one or both of our 4's to save on the tax. Makes sense for everyone involved if the numbers line up and Chicago is motivated by avoiding the tax.
  7. Alvin Choo

    Alvin Choo Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Why is everyone trading Asik away? Its not like Dwight going to play 48 minutes...

    Heck I can see play Asik playing about 10-15 mins at center and another 15-20 mins at PF. Which IS his average minutes of last season.

    Would only consider a trade of Asik if it lands a all star PF/center.
  8. jayhow92

    jayhow92 Member

    Jan 15, 2011
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    I actually don't see a reason to trade right now. Not in any sort of rush.
  9. BigMaloe

    BigMaloe Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    I said throw around picks however you desire to make it work. Chicago does have a desirable bobcats 1st rd pick(IIRC).

    I think your under valuing Deng, and over valuing asik. Asik won't net us Aldridge, asik + Parsons would only be the base of a deal and not get it done.

    Deng is a good shooter and an excellent defender. Perfect fit on our small ball team, and w could really use his perimeter defense.

    Also playing Parsons at the 4 isn't necessarily going to get him bullied and make Dwight work harder. Parsons played the 4 alot this past season. And its not like he would play alot of minutes at the 4, dmo/Jones/Smith will get minutes.

    I don't see how you would say hell no to such a deal. If your expecting love or Aldridge, you better be willing to lose asik/Parsons/young pf/picks...

    I brought up this idea because there are rumblings of Aldridge wanting to goto Chicago. And also that one of the suitors for asik is Chicago. And that Portland wants Noah.

    Believe me, I don't want to trade asik and honestly believe and agree that its better to have him aa backup instead of Ann upgrade somewhere else. But Im not naive enough to think he will be here past the trade deadline.

    You have to consider what's your best return. Is it Anderson? Ilyasova? Deng? Aldridge and love are pipe dreams at the Moment. Who is the best player out of your options? Deng + picks is the obvious best.
  10. gmoney411

    gmoney411 Member

    Jan 11, 2008
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    Asik and Howard cannot play together for any significant amount of time. Howard is going to be playing at least 33 minutes a game and probably more. There will only be 15-20 min available for Asik if that.
  11. vinchichak

    vinchichak New Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    T.Jones has tremendous potential but I don't think he's ready to be our starting PF

    D-MO+Cash/2nd round pick <>Patrick Patterson
  12. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Yeah, Asik and Howard can't play together but Asik and Greg Smith can.
  13. Jfan27

    Jfan27 Member

    Jun 29, 2012
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    I really don't see a trade as being a necessity right now. Like a lot of people have said, the roster looks deep and talented as is. One thing I have thought about maybe seeing is throwing a deal together with the mavericks if they don't sign a top tier center and are tanking hard this year. If Bev and Canaan show they can handle the point, a deal where we give up lin and asik and maybe a pick to get nowitzki could have a chance. That's about as good as you get for a stretch 4 who is looking for a final championship or two before he calls it quits. Like I said though, I like where we are, and I think we should just ride what we got and take this team into the season.
  14. RocketsFan69

    RocketsFan69 Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    Mark Cuban will never trade dirk, especially not for lin and asik :eek:
  15. Crutch City

    Crutch City Member

    Dec 23, 2012
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    Man, that roster looks like a winner. Metta could slide in at the 4 here & there. If/when Teagues shot comes around dude is gonna beast, like top 5 pg in the league, imo. Hard for me to judge how boston values green, after last yr playoffs, they might be too high on him, they may want more than what u offered. Think atl could do better than that for teague too, might need to add a piece or 2. I'm actually sold on the point with lin, bev & the rook. Would just like a good backup 5 if we let asik go, and at least one known commodity at the 4, I like Jones a lot, but you never really know til he hits the floor fulltime.
  16. Rookie34

    Rookie34 Member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    Nice thinking, dude. I like this proposal a lot, Horford at the 4 next to Howard would be awesome! But I doubt the Hawks are trading away the 'face of their franchise' ...
  17. Mkieke

    Mkieke Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Would you mind being a little more specific with regard to your criticism? You think it's unfair for Hawks?
  18. GOAT76

    GOAT76 New Member

    Jul 10, 2013
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    Horford for Asik and our 1st next year.

    We can take back his 12 mill salary. There are also a few bigger options involving Lin and Teague, but to keep it simple.
  19. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Horford is a good player making like $12 million. He doesn't shoot the 3. He's not distinguishable better than Asik. And you're wanting to give up a lot of our assets for him. Tell me...what could we trade Horford for if we got him??

    Good player. Not a fit with Howard. I'm not even sure Lamarcus is a great fit with Howard..much less Horford.

    In my opinion, the structure of our team going forward with Dwight has to be Dwight plus a very, very solid backup center. Then our PF slot really needs to be a guy that can shoot the 3. Now, if he's a banger and can board ala Kevin Love (or Ilyasova..yes he's a good rebounder), then all the better. And if he's a guy that can translate to the 5 in a backup role ala Kevin Love and Chris Bosh and possibly LaMarcus then all the better. But let's be honest here. The best fit at the PF spot on this team is a guy that can space and shoot the 3. That has to be the primary objective. Horford doesn't do it. Good player. Not a fit.
    1 person likes this.
  20. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Im not going to rule out the potential of this longtime Morey coveted player Danny Granger being acquired here before the season starts.


    Asik to Pelicans

    Eric Gordon to Indiana

    Danny Granger to Houston


    Not sure if you start Granger or bring him off the bench, but if Granger was healthy enough to start and play big minutes, you slide Parsons over to the 4 spot, and this team becomes the most deadly offensive team in the league.

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