EXACTLY -- which was my desire, until the crazies dropped their drawers and pooped all over the thread.
If 65 Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders were to jump into that pool, I'd stay in there until mr Happy shriveled and withered away, but 65 black kids...oh hell no! I'd beamed my ass out of that pool so fast, you'll be asking which way did he go? However, that swim club deserves to be ridiculed, they got some dimwits in charge .
I would make fun of this post, but I'm not sure if you're actually serious or not. It's also hard to understand this post.
I don't think it's surprising that I assumed you were referring to me, considering that you quoted my statement and said:
See, all I can imagine is five dozen women chatting inanely, while rejecting me with their eyes. Like a really compressed version of work, college and high school. Here's a brain twister for you esteban, what if the cheerleaders...were all black? (dun dun dun)
Racism exists for the sole reason of people wanting to feel superior to someone. Hate. There is no reason... Kinda goes without saying I thought. Regardless, it is evil...
we know your argument Trader on Racism Racism is unacceptable on any level. We must ask what is the source of other races being suspicious of blacks on the street? That should be the focus here, not just throwing more accusations against non-blacks of them being racist. The guilt machine rolls on... We must address the root cause of all of this, which is crime and behavioral patterns.
If the cheerleaders were all black...hell yeah i'd stayed in that pool, remember these are the Cowboy cheerleaders(the standards are high), but the kids, you know a few of them is bound to have an accident... BTW, you're not too bad Pouhe!
ASSUme all ya like but the reality is. . . what I am saying is that while folx like you self are constantly trying to give them the benefit of the doubt the racist in our society use that doubt to there benefit They do racist isht . .. and folx like you self are attempting to 'find' the non-racist explaination any and every possible explaination besides simple racism and Racist evade and avoid being called what they really are they gain . . . 'Plausible Deniability' Rocket River
RR, just as a matter of intellectual curiosity, would you find it acceptable to discriminate against someone based on their ability to construct sentences, spell words, and use grammar? Or would that be racism? Thanks in advance for your civil response.
If you want that create a Thread about it. But judging from how you have behaved before on other threads, I dont think you can truly give an unbias, and objective view. I don't know how open minded to others opinions judging from what you said before. In fact I can guarantee it .
65 dallas cowboys cheerleaders jump into the pool and I'm dropping a duece in the pool and leaving. F**k Dallas cowboys anything.
The facts point to racism. They are paying the price for their actions. I propose they are wishing they had let these kids swim for the Summer at this point.
I don't, as a rule, try to give racists the benefit of the doubt. The other examples that you posted above, comparing blacks to apes or showing watermelons on the front lawn, I DO think are racist. I even said that this case was probably racist. I was just trying to figure out if there might be incompetence involved as well.
Yeah, safety concerns was their only respectable explanation http://www.tmcnet.com/usubmit/2009/07/10/4267771.htm They also look more respectful revoking all camps involved, not just the 1 so they appear fair and balanced. Though they didnt claim it, not wanting to be liable for a child death and sued out their pants is an understandabe position, even a sympathetic one.