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[QUIZ] How Well Do You Know Your Fellow BBS Posters?

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by fadeaway, Nov 4, 2004.

  1. fadeaway

    fadeaway Member

    Apr 25, 2000
    Likes Received:
    Do not cheat and look up any answers. Do not scroll down to look at any answers either! Also, you cannot name yourself as the answer to any of these questions unless it specifically refers to you and there are no other possible answers. Have fun! :)

    1. Name one poster who vehemently opposes the rodeo.

    2. Who has this signature: "humble but hungry"

    3. Name three Canadian posters.

    4. Name three European posters.

    5. Name two posters who live in the southern hemisphere.

    6. Name 7 posters who attended the Smeg gathering (if you yourself were in attendance, you must name 12).

    7. Who crapped in a box and mailed it to a former employer?

    8. Name a poster who does not wash his/her hands after taking a leak.

    9. Name two posters who pee in the shower.

    10. Name one poster who absolutely, positively does not pee in the shower.

    11. Name 2 vocal advocates of the Mozilla Firefox browser.

    12. What is Smeg's favorite NFL team?

    13. What was Bailey's previous moniker?

    14. What is the URL to emoreland's website? (don't cheat and look it up)

    15. What is RC Cola's current favorite drink?

    16. What would Haven have been known as if his side had lost the bet?

    17. Who was Ren?

    18. Name 4 posters who make a point of adding their name at the end of every single post, like I'm doing here.
    - fadeaway

    19. Manny Ramirez is older than Iron McFist -- True or False?

    20. Name two self-professed gun nuts.

    21. Which BBS poster owns a strip club?

    22. Which poster got into an argument (over the BBS) with the owner of the strip club after he visited the place?

    23. Provide 3 classic YoYao quotes. They must be exact.

    24. Trader_Jorge is a Contributing Member -- True or False? (don't cheat)

    25. Whose details are these (make a guess; don't cheat):

    Contributing Member
    Posts: 4417
    Joined: Nov 1999
    Member: #937

    26. "Only One Too" is an anagram for which poster's name?

    27. Name the poster!


    I knew someone would start a "should the Rockets sign Eisley thread".

    There is a reason he was traded and released. He's done.



    Hillary in '08
    the Dems would be idiots not too

    I hope they don't make the mistake of tagging her up
    with Obama . . . .

    I like Obama but I doubt americans will vote
    for a ticket with a WOMAN and A MINORITY

    It is unpopular to say . . but i beleive it


    I tore up everybodys ass there. Me and my long distance three point shot, my intimadating Defense, my killer crossovers, my shot blocking abilities, and all that stuff.


    Fortunately Lil Pun has cracked the code for nWo34Life.

    28. How many posts does Sir Jackie Chiles currently have? (make your best guess)

    29. Jeff has more posts than Dr. of Dunk -- True or False?

    30. And finally, here is your essay question:

    "Seldom is the question asked: guns kill squirrels than REDRUM to fools across the nation"

    Discuss in as much detail as possible.

    That's all for now. Good luck!
    #1 fadeaway, Nov 4, 2004
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2004
  2. RIET

    RIET Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Name a Canadien poster who has way too much time.........

  3. moestavern19

    moestavern19 Member

    Dec 8, 1999
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    1. Name one poster who vehemently opposes the rodeo.

    Mrs JB

    2. Who has this signature: "humble but hungry"


    3. Name three Canadian posters.

    MacBeth, Fadeaway and 3814.

    4. Name three European posters.

    Sir Jackie Chiles, GhettoStar85 and arno_ed

    5. Name two posters who live in the southern hemisphere.

    SmeggySmeg and Elvis Costello

    6. Name 7 posters who attended the Smeg gathering (if you yourself were in attendance, you must name 12).

    RunninRaven, TheCat, Kam, Manny Ramirez, DeanBCurtis, Behad, Rocketman95

    7. Who crapped in a box and mailed it to a former employee?

    I don't know, I'll guess bamaslammer.

    8. Name a poster who does not wash his/her hands after taking a leak.

    Lil Pun

    9. Name two posters who pee in the shower.

    kidrock8 and diseased_monkey

    10. Name one poster who absolutely, positively does not pee in the shower.


    11. Name 2 vocal advocates of the Mozilla Firefox browser.

    Vengeance for sure and rockHEAD i'd think.

    12. What is Smeg's favorite NFL team?

    Minnesota Vikings

    13. What was Bailey's previous moniker?

    Who cares, nobody listens to anything he says.

    14. What is the URL to emoreland's website? (don't cheat and look it up)

    do not know.

    15. What is RC Cola's current favorite drink?

    Dr Pepper.

    16. What would Haven have been known as if his side had lost the bet?


    17. Who was Ren?


    18. Name 4 posters who make a point of adding their name at the end of every single post, like I'm doing here.
    - fadeaway

    Droxford, DaDakota all I can think of now.

    19. Manny Ramirez is older than Iron McFist -- True or False?

    True, Manny is about 32 and Ircon McFist is only about 16.

    20. Name two self-professed gun nuts.

    Roxran of course, anddddddd I dunno bigtexx maybe?

    21. Which BBS poster owns a strip club?

    22. Which poster got into an argument (over the BBS) with the owner of the strip club after he visited the place?

    23. Provide 3 classic YoYao quotes. They must be exact.
    "Hey it's summer people suppose get horny"
    "Are you hot?"

    24. Trader_Jorge is a Contributing Member -- True or False? (don't cheat)


    25. Whose details are these (make a guess; don't cheat):

    Contributing Member
    Posts: 4417
    Joined: Nov 1999
    Member: #937

    I'd guess it was someone who joined around November of 99. Not that helps me at all. I'll go with

    26. "Only One Too" is an anagram for which poster's name?

    i dunno

    27. Name the poster!


    I knew someone would start a "should the Rockets sign Eisley thread".

    There is a reason he was traded and released. He's done.


    Sounds like DaDakota.


    Hillary in '08
    the Dems would be idiots not too

    I hope they don't make the mistake of tagging her up
    with Obama . . . .

    I like Obama but I doubt americans will vote
    for a ticket with a WOMAN and A MINORITY

    It is unpopular to say . . but i beleive it

    Gotta be Rocket_River


    I tore up everybodys ass there. Me and my long distance three point shot, my intimadating Defense, my killer crossovers, my shot blocking abilities, and all that stuff.


    Fortunately Lil Pun has cracked the code for nWo34Life.


    28. How many posts does Sir Jackie Chiles currently have? (make your best guess)

    My guess is 8,378

    29. Jeff has more posts than Dr. of Dunk -- True or False?


    30. And finally, here is your essay question:

    "Seldom is the question asked: guns kill squirrels than REDRUM to fools across the nation"

    This is just a clever ploy to make gun-owners look sophisticated, it is nonsensical but it serves it purpose.
  4. fadeaway

    fadeaway Member

    Apr 25, 2000
    Likes Received:
    u suk
  5. RIET

    RIET Member

    May 20, 2002
    Likes Received:
    21. RocPaint

    22. FattyFatBastard

    Who bought hotwings for everyone at the BW3 Smegg get together:


    For that reason alone, he is my favorite poster
  6. codell

    codell Member

    Aug 26, 2002
    Likes Received:
    1. Jeff and/or Mrs. JB
    2. PSJ
    3. McBeth and 3814 are the only 2 I know of
    4. SJC, Bailey and arno_ed
    5. Smeg and ....can't think of the other two, but they were married I think
    6. R2K, Behad, FFB, Lynus, Traderjorge, RM95 and AntiSonic
    7. RocketmanTex
    8. RM95
    9. RM95 and ???
    10. drapg
    11. Vengeance and ???
    12. smeg likes the NFL?
    13. GBRockets?
    14. dont know
    15. Water
    16. dont know
    17. dont know
    18. droxford, sabonis (stuart), rocketriver and Evan
    19. True
    20. Roxran and myself (closet)
    21. RocketsRedGlare?? (GiGi's Caberet)
    22. FattyFatBastard
    23. fomfotable ...its summer, people suppose to get horny ....
    24. True
    25. rimbaud
    26. Looney Toon
    27. #1 - Sam Fisher
    #2 - Rocketriver (the format is a dead giveaway)
    #3 Kam
    #4 DrofDunk or one of the other mods

    28. around 4,000
    29. False
    30. dont know
  7. codell

    codell Member

    Aug 26, 2002
    Likes Received:
    31. Which BBS poster has lost at least 3 bets??

    32. Name 3 posters who you know have more than 1 moniker (bonus points if you can name the monikers)

    33. Name the poster who brought us the very first "vide guerra" thread
  8. DanzelKun

    DanzelKun Member

    Nov 16, 2002
    Likes Received:

    I thought she admited to doing so?

    All I know is the answer to this MUST be MacBeth!

    And great thread, I was thinking the other day it would be interesting for each poster to post personal trivia questions (Age, location, school, occupation, and more interesting things of course) and see who could answer them.

    Then I realized no one would know anything about me so I should save myself the embarrasment .... :D
  9. fadeaway

    fadeaway Member

    Apr 25, 2000
    Likes Received:
    Hey man.. start your own quiz. :p
  10. RIET

    RIET Member

    May 20, 2002
    Likes Received:
    You know his wife and your wife share the same profession.
  11. codell

    codell Member

    Aug 26, 2002
    Likes Received:

    Yeah I remember. They actually both worked for the same company and the same office.

    well, did anyway (my wife left there)
  12. Oski2005

    Oski2005 Member

    Nov 14, 2001
    Likes Received:
    1. Mrs. JB
    2. PhiSlammaJamma
    3. McBeth, Grizzled, and fadeaway
    4. SirJackieChiles, arno_ed, and Heath
    5. Smeggy (Australia) and Elvis Costello (New Zealand, right?)
    6. Behad, Kam, Lynus, Rocketman95, Manny, T_J, AntiSonic
    7. ?
    8. ?
    9. Batman Jones
    10. drapg
    11. rockHead and vengeance
    12. Vikings
    13. ?
    14. ?
    15. Cherry Vanilla DP
    16. ?
    17. ?
    18. droxford, DaDakota, Rocket River, ?
    19. True
    20. Roxran, bamaslammer
    21. ?
    22. FattyFatBastard
    23. Its summer, people suppose to get horny and fomfotable are the only 2 I remember
    24. True
    25. ?
    26. Looney Toon
    #1 - Sam Fisher
    #2 - Rocket River
    #3 Kam
    #4 Clutch

    28. 3,000 something
    29. False
    30. LHutz?
  13. Behad

    Behad Member

    Feb 20, 1999
    Likes Received:
    1. Mrs. JB may vehemently oppose the rodeo, but has she ever started a thread about how much she hates it?

    2. ??
    3. MacBeth, fadeaway, Grizzled
    4. Bailey, Sir Jackie Chiles, ????
    5. SmeggySmeg, Christopher
    6. Behad, Smeggy, heypartner, RocketsPimp, DVauthrin, RIET, DeanBCurtis, Rockets2K, zzhiggins, The Cat, Kam, FattyFat b*stard, Jeff
    7.Rocketman Tex
    8. Trader Idiot
    11. Vengence, ?
    12. Vikings
    13. Dreamer?
    14. Something like Texasfudge.com
    15. Water
    16. miss be haven
    17. Ren Rendiggler
    18. DaDakota, rocket river, droxford, ??
    19. True
    20. RoxRan,
    21. Roc Paint
    22. Fatty Fat b*stard
    23. it's summer, people supposed get horny, fomfotable
    24. Who cares
    27. #1 DaDakota
    #3 Kam
    #4 Clutch
    28. 9000
    29. False
    30. That's a combination of Bush saying that...someone...had in their signature. I want to say ZRB, but I don't think that is right.
    #13 Behad, Nov 4, 2004
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2004
  14. Isabel

    Isabel Member

    Feb 15, 1999
    Likes Received:

    (referring to: peeing in the shower. I mean, it would still touch your feet and possibly legs... gross... I don't care if it is "sterile".)
  15. droxford

    droxford Member

    Oct 26, 2001
    Likes Received:
    I don't know what you're talking about

    -- droxford
  16. Kam

    Kam Member

    Jan 16, 2002
    Likes Received:
    wow, i'm an answer to a trivia question.

    I am flattered!
  17. moestavern19

    moestavern19 Member

    Dec 8, 1999
    Likes Received:
    sigh :(
  18. Kam

    Kam Member

    Jan 16, 2002
    Likes Received:


    I am an answer to TWO trivia questions.
  19. Faos

    Faos Member

    May 31, 2003
    Likes Received:
    And I'm not. :(
  20. AntiSonic

    AntiSonic Member

    Feb 13, 1999
    Likes Received:
    Awesome quiz! I had to guess on a lot of these.

    1. Name one poster who vehemently opposes the rodeo.

    2. Who has this signature: "humble but hungry"
    Either cometscourthouse or PhiSlammaJamma

    3. Name three Canadian posters.
    fadeaway, Grizzled, MacBeth

    4. Name three European posters.
    Sir Jackie Chiles, Jovi

    5. Name two posters who live in the southern hemisphere.
    Smeggy Smeg, No Worries,

    6. Name 7 posters who attended the Smeg gathering (if you yourself were in attendance, you must name 12).
    Smeggy Smeg, Behad, heypartner, Kam, Lynus 302, Princess, Rockets2K, Rocketman95, DEANBCURTIS, zzhiggins, Dvauthrin, Rocketspimp, Fatty Fat b*stard, Jeff

    7. Who crapped in a box and mailed it to a former employee?
    Juan Bon Jovi

    8. Name a poster who does not wash his/her hands after taking a leak.

    9. Name two posters who pee in the shower.
    codell, Jeff

    10. Name one poster who absolutely, positively does not pee in the shower.

    11. Name 2 vocal advocates of the Mozilla Firefox browser.

    12. What is Smeg's favorite NFL team?
    Manchester United

    13. What was Bailey's previous moniker?

    14. What is the URL to emoreland's website? (don't cheat and look it up)

    15. What is RC Cola's current favorite drink?

    16. What would Haven have been known as if his side had lost the bet?

    17. Who was Ren?
    Stimpy's best friend

    18. Name 4 posters who make a point of adding their name at the end of every single post, like I'm doing here.
    - fadeaway
    Da Dakota, Rocket River, droxford,

    19. Manny Ramirez is older than Iron McFist -- True or False?

    20. Name two self-professed gun nuts.
    ROXRAN, bamaslammer

    21. Which BBS poster owns a strip club?
    Roc Paint

    22. Which poster got into an argument (over the BBS) with the owner of the strip club after he visited the place?
    Fatty Fat b*stard

    23. Provide 3 classic YoYao quotes. They must be exact.
    "hey it is summer people suppose get horny"
    "where are you live?"

    24. Trader_Jorge is a Contributing Member -- True or False? (don't cheat)

    25. Whose details are these (make a guess; don't cheat):

    Contributing Member
    Posts: 4417
    Joined: Nov 1999
    Member: #937


    26. "Only One Too" is an anagram for which poster's name?


    27. Name the poster!


    I knew someone would start a "should the Rockets sign Eisley thread".

    There is a reason he was traded and released. He's done.




    Hillary in '08
    the Dems would be idiots not too

    I hope they don't make the mistake of tagging her up
    with Obama . . . .

    I like Obama but I doubt americans will vote
    for a ticket with a WOMAN and A MINORITY

    It is unpopular to say . . but i beleive it

    Rocket River


    I tore up everybodys ass there. Me and my long distance three point shot, my intimadating Defense, my killer crossovers, my shot blocking abilities, and all that stuff.



    Fortunately Lil Pun has cracked the code for nWo34Life.


    28. How many posts does Sir Jackie Chiles currently have? (make your best guess)


    29. Jeff has more posts than Dr. of Dunk -- True or False?

    30. And finally, here is your essay question:

    "Seldom is the question asked: guns kill squirrels than REDRUM to fools across the nation"

    Discuss in as much detail as possible.

    I think the Rockets should try to sign Kevin Johnson. Maybe maybe no?

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