Not sure there's anything to really debate, but it didn't feel like this belonged in the Hangout... My G-d, man. Leave that city alone already. I'm not saying jokes about the blackout aren't funny or shouldn't be made. But this moron is not the one that should be making them.
ladies and gentlemen, I give you self professed right wing Troll- former SC GOP Executive Director Todd Kincannon <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>This Super Bowl sucks more dick than adult Trayvon Martin would have for drug money.</p>— Todd Kincannon (@ToddKincannon) <a href="">February 4, 2013</a></blockquote> why are these guys always "former" something?
Holy crap. I don't even know the guy but if he said that anywhere near public, I'd have to punch him in the face.
It is ahead of its time. We don't really need a geiger counter for idiocy at this point in our history.
I have to leave my job and walk around for a few moments. I need some water and some air This is the single most disgusting tweet I have ever seen Rocket River it is definately a HERES WAY THEY THINK ABOUT YOU MOMENT