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Qb situation

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by MambaJoe, Aug 25, 2015.

  1. MambaJoe

    MambaJoe Member

    Jul 11, 2009
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    i love the Texans just as much as I love the rockets. Probably even more. But one thing that is incredibly frustrating as a fan is the decision making that is going on with the management. I know Hoyer is named starter. I'm fine with that. Mallett hasn't shown me anything that would make the case for him.

    What bothers me is that our qb situation is between mallett and hoyer (two below average qb). When will the Texans say enough is enough and let's do whatever we can to address the qb issue. Hoyer may be better than Fitzpatrick but he's no answer. The Texans wasted the years of Andre Johnson with poor qb. They overworked Arian Foster way too much. I love Foster and he's one of the best backs in the league but we can't just rely on him only. For years I felt like the Texans never addresses their offense.

    JJ watt and the defensive team is good. You have the best defensive player in the league, add in Vince, healthy Cushing, reloaded the secondary and added Rahim Moore made the Texans defense look stacked. But we can't rely only on defense to win games. We can't stall out and wait for Foster to return and overworked him until he's hurt again.

    The Texans will not make the playoffs this year again because the offense just cannot move down field. My biggest question is... When will the Texans feel like it's time to finally draft a franchise Qb. He doesn't have to be Andrew luck, Brady, manning or Rodgers. Just a young qb that is capable to leading an offensive team and give the Texans a chance at the Super Bowl. Even Tom Brady's backup garropolo looks way better than all of our qb right now.
  2. Snow Villiers

    Snow Villiers Member

    Mar 13, 2015
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  3. Mr.Scarface

    Mr.Scarface Member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    Can you name a franchise QB in the draft? Andrew Luck doesn't come around often. And...you have to be BAD enough in the right year to get those QBs. Texans were bad a year too early to get Winston or Mariota.

    Next year, both Ohio State QBs can come out....but both will probably be top 10 picks. Texans are probably going to be...at worst...8-8. Wont get it.

    It's nice to say draft a franchise QB.....but they dont come along very often. Just because u are high pick doesn't mean squat.
  4. Mr.Scarface

    Mr.Scarface Member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    BTW...Garropolo has NOT looked very good. Come on...u are reaching. If you said Bridgewater....fine or even Derek Carr.
  5. MambaJoe

    MambaJoe Member

    Jul 11, 2009
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    You guys are killing me here. I'm saying the Texans should have addressed this problem a long time ago. You guys know that The Texans should have gotten a prospect to replace Schaub years ago. Im sorry about saying garropolo, I'm just being bitter.

    But the Texans could have landed teddy or Derek last year. The fact that coach bill O'Brien said that he will not draft a qb unless the qb is perfect for him. He gotta take chances on some of these kids. Even on 610 radio, they also felt the same way I do. That when will the Texans say ok this is enough, we need to fix this issue because Mediocre is this team's future.

    I love the defense so far. But we can't win games because our offense simply cannot get yards without Foster. I can't wait for Foster to return because blue is not cutting it. But the Texans cannot keep loading so much workload on Foster. He's not going to be healthy all the time.
  6. Ericstocracy

    Ericstocracy Member

    Dec 24, 2012
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    They had no need in finding a replacement for Schaub while he was still playing as a top 10 QB. They also saw that when he got hurt, Yates stepped in admirably as a rookie and they felt like they were okay with the backup. You couldn't have predicted Schaub's drastic fall. Most QBs don't just fall off the map like that, his was the rare occasion that he got hurt a couple of times, and both injuries hurt him just enough to diminish the little talent he did have. I don't fault Kubiak in that aspect. I do fault him sticking with the guy when he was single handily losing games for the Texans.

    I also do not fault O'brien on not selecting a QB in the past 2 drafts. He has specific preferences for a QB, and the only QB that they publicly showed any admiration for was Mariota. They wanted Mariota to come out a year earlier than he did, and they would have taken him. Otherwise, They didn't like any of the other guys. That being said, They knew they couldn't get the guy they liked. They then decided the right path was to fix the team as a whole. Become even more defensively dominant. Get a competent special teams unity, and start rebuilding the offense to run O'brien's scheme.

    They're creating a buffer for the next young QB to come in. They want a much stronger team as a whole, to build a buffer for when they do draft a QB. Which, I do whole heartedly believe will occur next year. I rather have a rookie QB/Savage infront of a O-line built for the long haul, with offensive weapons at RB/WR, and a defense that is going to put the team in position to win every game. The kid will be mostly insulated and will be allowed to grow. He won't have to be scared to make mistakes, and he won't have as much pressure on him as someone like Luck being Indy's only savior.

    Just take a look at Seatle, they did exactly what we're doing right now. They're fortifying the roster so that when they picked their QB, he wouldn't be behind the 8 ball right off the bat. It's worked better than anyone anticipated, and I believe it is the best strategy in building this Texans team.

    O'brien I beileve clearly knows that neither Hoyer or Mallet are franchise QBs. If he believed so, they wouldn't have battled it out, one of either of them would have been named the starter immediately. He's pretty much come out and said that the QBs are on a short leash, and that they will start only if they're winning games. That's not how you speak to a franchise guy. They've got their sights on the future, while still trying to win and flip this pathetic franchise around in the right direction.
  7. Fantasma Negro

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Mallet is third string, Savage is the only qb that will still be on the roster at the start of next season
  8. Mr. Clutch

    Mr. Clutch Member

    Nov 8, 2002
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    If Hoyer fails, at least we'll be able to see what Savage can do.
  9. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    "You can be a millionaire... and never pay taxes. You can have ONE MILLION DOLLARS... and never pay taxes. You say, 'Steve... How can I be a MILLIONAIRE and never pay taxes?' First: get a million dollars. Now..."

  10. Ericstocracy

    Ericstocracy Member

    Dec 24, 2012
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    Mallet clearly isn't the 3rd string qb. He may have practiced there today, and may do it a couple of more times, but that's just for a punishment. Savage isn't ready to be an every day backup yet. By the end of the season he will be, just not yet. Still has a lot to learn, and is in the perfect spot to do so. People forget how raw he is for his age. He went through very long stretches of not playing, and he was never in a system for more than a year. He's got a lot to work on.

    But I don't disagree with the last assessment, they won't have either Hoyer or Mallet next year, baring some freak Hoyer injury and Mallet showing he has true QB1 potential. I do believe that Savage will compete for the starting role next season and will either win it or be our backup for a good amount of time.
  11. Mr. Clutch

    Mr. Clutch Member

    Nov 8, 2002
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    Mallet is on the roster but not a QB according to BOb.
  12. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    That's ludicrous. Plenty of teams have drafted successors. If you end up not needing them, they have trade value. When there is a QB on the board that you think can be special and can get without giving up anything (your slot) or giving up very little (trade up), I think you almost always do that. Do you do it in Tom Brady's prime? Maybe less likely, but you still consider it.

    He did step in admirably but I don't remember personally thinking, or the consensus being that Yates was a long term or even short term NFL starter.

    I'll say this about Kubiak. Once he got his zone blocking scheme system and running back tandem to work, and after a few years of some consistency on the o-line and learning the system, he developed/had a really good system to hide Schaub's faults and highlight his strengths. Part of the reason he "fell off the map" was because once the o-line disintegrated a little bit, you started to see that Schaub was really just a system QB put in a great system for him.

    I don't fault him either but do wonder what his plan is/was. As far as I remember, and a quick google search seems to confirm, Mariota was pretty set and announced he would return for his junior season before Bill was hired.

    For a guy who "gets" QBs, in a league where QB is increasingly important, was there a plan beyond what one can only assume is stopgap, stopgap, stopgap until he identifies a QB in a draft he just loves and overpay to trade up to get said QB?

    Right, this certainly seems like the path. And if it's not next year, then it's probably too long.

    I've seen people say next year could be a great QB class, and people say next year is nothing special. I've got no freaking clue.
  13. Ericstocracy

    Ericstocracy Member

    Dec 24, 2012
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    There's nothing ludicrous about my statement at all. Schaub was hurt in 2011, came back the following year and went 64.3% on 544 attempts with 4008 yds 22td and 12INT. He looked to have come back from injury just as good as he was the previous two years, so they extended him long term. He was 31 at the time and they were probably assuming he would be operating at the same level for at least another 4-5 years.

    You simply aren't going to draft his replacement that far away from your perceived time line. Yates at the time was also regarded as one of the best backup QBs in the league after what he did with keeping the Texans on playoff track and winning his first playoff game. They could have also believed he may workout as a long term backup/future successor.

    The line did regress in 2013, but not so much to cause everything that was wrong with Schaub. What didn't help Schaub was the fact Foster missed have the year. Defenses could focus on exploiting Schaub's weakness a hell of a lot more since they didn't have to respect the run game. He was sacked less however in 2013 than 2012 (21 vs 27), but he was sacked at a higher percentage of pass plays in 2013 than 2012 (5.5 vs 4.7).

    As far as what next years QB crop will look like coming into the draft, there are 4-6 guys that have potential to be a starter in the league. Some are a lot further along than the others however, and then there are some guys that are projects later on in the draft. At any point, we don't need a project seeing how Savage has been O'brien's pet project now going on 2 years. The list goes as in any order you chose;

    Conor Cook
    Christian Hackenberg (I don't think he is as high on the Texans list as ppl think)
    Cardale Jones
    Jared Goff (I like him the most)

    Then you've got guys that might not be a 1st round, but will still go very high in;

    Dak Prescott
    Gunner Kiel
    Joshua Dobbs
    Possibly Cody Kessler.
    Mayb Carson Wentz

    I'd take Goff over every guy here, I just feel some type away about him.
  14. MambaJoe

    MambaJoe Member

    Jul 11, 2009
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    I heard on the radio today on 610 am that the coaching staff was saying they truly believe this team will be Savage's team in the long term. It's a matter of when more than if. They were saying that Tom Savage was incredibly special but he's still young and still has a lot to learn.

    By hearing that, I felt a tiny bit easier because I have a sense of direction the Texans might take. I couldn't take any more rogue QB every year where you just don't know who's the Texans qb next year.

    Savage to me seems to have good potential. He's not Rodgers, Manning or Brady but he kind of reminds me a little bit of Romo. He can be incredibly slippery in the pocket and if he learns to read the defense a lot better, he may be a pro bowler in this league. You can tell that the coaching staff is carefully grooming savage and keeping him close.
  15. MambaJoe

    MambaJoe Member

    Jul 11, 2009
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    My thing is I've been frustrated with the Texans QB situation for far too long. Even when Matt Schaub was at his best in Houston, I can see clearly how badly flawed he is. That's why I wanted the Texans to find a highly talented phenom QB and groomed him for the future. They knew Schaub was not the long term answer. I think a lot of people in Houston knew that already.

    I think for the city or Houston sake, we the fans want to see the QB position solved. We want to see a player that will be THE Texans QB. I'm hoping Tom Savage can quickly developed and take over the position this year or beginning of next season.
  16. Ericstocracy

    Ericstocracy Member

    Dec 24, 2012
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    It's clear that they are investing in him and allowing him as much time as possible to get acclimated to the NFL game. He's made such a dramatic stride this year alone, a lot of it being contributed to the glasses that tracks his eye movement and what he's looking at down field. Being able to correct his read pattern and how to properly progress through the offense according to defensive sets.

    The guy has all the physical traits. He's 6' 4" or 5" depending on the source and right around 230lbs. He has shown signs of increased athleticism this year with his ability to evade pressure in the pocket. His arm is as strong as anyone's in the league, but he can also throw for touch, which a lot of strong arm QBs have difficulty doing (ie. Mallet). He's look rather accurate on tape this pre-season vs last. His overall knowledge and maturity in the system has shown to be the most dramatic improvement. He's in command of the system, has control of the huddle, and has a good grasp of what he needs to accomplish on the play.

    His issue is that his progressions are slow and he's holding onto the ball for way too long. He's causing himself a lot of unneeded hits. All of which as looked vastly better than his rookie season, but not upto NFL standards as of yet. His progress in these abilities does show that he can and should continue to improve in these areas as he continues to learn.

    The ceiling is very high for the guy, especially with how very raw he was coming into last year and how much growth he's had in his short time here. His floor is probably a very good backup QB/game manager and his ceiling is very high. The only guy I could say he potentially could be comparable to would be Roethlisberger if he continues to develop his mental game, or Flacco if he peaks mentally a little under his potential.
  17. Buck Turgidson

    Feb 14, 2002
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    Is this new information?
  18. Ericstocracy

    Ericstocracy Member

    Dec 24, 2012
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    Not sure if serious, but if so, No.
  19. RasaqBoi

    RasaqBoi Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Blake Bortles looked good 2nite.
  20. Harden2Capela

    Harden2Capela Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    should have taken bridgewater, but uncle bob didnt want him???... i wonder if johnny football was there at 32

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