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Player Development: A Star in Two Years or You are a bust!

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Rocket River, May 8, 2024.


How long should it take for a player to fully develop?

  1. Should be evident in their 1st year

    2 vote(s)
  2. 2 years tops

    5 vote(s)
  3. 3 yrs - If not time to trade them

    38 vote(s)
  4. 4+ Years - They are a bust

    23 vote(s)
  5. It is more depended on the Team situation than the player

    25 vote(s)
  1. ApacheWarrior

    ApacheWarrior Member

    Aug 3, 2017
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    No my argument is you're a moron and my draft comp was MJ/Kobe Bryant before we drafted
    Jalen Green will continue to show their trajectory now that both have cleared the Michael
    Jordan college years.

    The minus Sengun days last season was just a glimpse of how good Jalen Green can be if you
    remove clutter extra defenders due to Sengun and spacing the floor.

    Even your blind @$$ will see this if Sengun comes back with 3-pt average near 36% and at
    approximately 5 attempts. Or if the Rockets obtain a stretch-5 like Jalen Smith.

    Not much different from the spacing Naz Reid provides Anthony Edwards. Other angle is
    Jabari gaining about 10 pounds of muscle and give us better "Hampton-5 center" option.

    You need to get over your Even Mobley failed draft pick not getting picked by the Rockets.
    I said on draft day it's not about how the player looks in year one or two.....but how they
    perform by year 5 and then on.
  2. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    This is a solid argument that you really are just a moron rather than just being hilariously dishonest, you're starting to win me over.

    Anyway, there's no reason to continue this further, your original BS was good for a laugh and an eye roll, but it's just getting sad at this point.
  3. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    I think most people realize that MJ was better his rookie season than Jalen has ever or will ever be.

    The fact that MJ had a stretch of 18 bad games once in his first 13 seasons and Jalen had 9 good games in an 18 game stretch once in his first 3 seasons does not mean you can compare the two without being laughed at.

    The fact that I had to even say that is an embarrassment to the forum as a whole.
    cml750 likes this.
  4. Corrosion

    Corrosion Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Someone belongs on the "Good for a laugh, otherwise to be ignored list"

    Maybe that's being too nice.
    Bobbythegreat likes this.
  5. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Well you were just WRONG.

  6. ApacheWarrior

    ApacheWarrior Member

    Aug 3, 2017
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    See post #58 of this thread.

    Jalen Green can check off boxes dealing with
    Coaches (Silas/Shaw)
    Vets (MJ crew was better)
    Physical Maturity (MJ a yr bigger/older in
    ............................stats year I provided)
    System (Triangle Offense benefited MJ
    ..............no more triangle as zone defenses
    .............disrupt action in small area. Jalen
    ............ benefited small ball with switch
    ............ everything defensively)

    System change had Jalen All World and the
    team was only 2nd to Boston in offensive
    efficiency for a large part of those games.

    You and Bobby are WRONG
  7. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    Rookie MJ 28.2 points per game on 19.8 attempts per game he shot the 3 at 17.3% on 0.6 attempts per game.... different era.

    That was good for a 59.2 TS% and a monster 14.0 win shares 0.213 WS/48 a VORP of 7.4 an offensive rating of 118 and a defensive rating of 107

    In short, completely dominant on both sides of the ball

    Now let's compare that with Jalen Green's 4th year as a professional basketball player.

    19.6 points per game on 16.2 attempts, shooting the 3 at 33.2% on 7.4 attempts per game

    That's good for a 54.1 TS% and 3.1 win shares at 0.056 WS/48 a VORP of 1.0 an offensive rating of 107 and a defensive rating of 115

    In short, terrible on both ends of the court.

    What a fun comparison!
    HillBoy likes this.
  8. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Maybe I am, maybe I'm not but so far Jalen has underperformed his draft position and nothing says he is going to be a great player in the league.

    4 years as a pro and still the same weaknesses as when he was 18.

    I would trade him - Cam is better...

  9. TimDuncanDonaut

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Average NBA career is what 4.5 years. Players (usually high picks) who get chances (large minutes) at year 3, are very lucky. Up to them to make the most of it. Can't blame the environment or the fans.

    Usman (2yr), Christopher (2yr), Hartenstein (2yrs), KJ (3yrs), lot people are given a decision after 2 to 3 yrs.
  10. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    The only miss was Hartenstein....and even he is a role player.

    TimDuncanDonaut likes this.
  11. astrosrule

    astrosrule Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    if @ApacheWarrior is right about jalen and @AroundTheWorld is right about sengun, we should easily win 8-10 titles. I hope they're both correct
  12. kspires999

    kspires999 Member
    Supporting Member

    Oct 10, 2007
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    <iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/Vdtq25f7TzmPFu6riI" width="480" height="264" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>
  13. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    Basically. This is why I made this thread
    Fans have little to no patience

    Rocket River
  14. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    Sometimes, and sometimes they have way too much patience...like when a #2 pick still isn't a starting caliber player after 3 years in the league and certain fans think that we need to give him 2 or 3 more years to finally be halfway decent.
  15. ApacheWarrior

    ApacheWarrior Member

    Aug 3, 2017
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    Goes to prove you don't know the topic.

    Both Sengun and Jalen Green have been in the league 3 years not 4 years.
    Don't assume Jalen Green won't improve.....in an exit interview he said he and his trainer
    are going to lock themselves in the gym starting May 1st (through entire off season).

    Determined to be the best. Said he knew he needed to work on endurance and stamina.

    In my book Jalen Green is only one year behind my projections. He failed to get to 198
    pounds going into last season. So he hit the rookie wall around 35 games....but so did
    Dillon Brooks and Fred VanVleet. Vets like them shouldn't run out of steam, but it's
    not easy being counted on so much and have to be the main show like they had to
    be (until the kids learned the Udoka system).

    What I find amazing is Bobby, you and I defended KPj by saying the paint
    is packed with defenders since our there is lack of 3-point shooters.
    So we understand why KPj had a hard time getting to and finishing at
    the rim, but you two turds can't figure out that Jalen Green would also
    have issues getting past not the first tier of defenders, but the 2nd and
    3rd would not be a problem.

    It's just dumb not understanding today's NBA and it's rules about zone
    defense. If you are defensive coordinators in today's NBA......you find
    a team with poor ranked 3-point shooters.....you would drop extra defenders
    in the paint. This acting dumb like that has nothing to do with it is silly.

    But then again, you and Bobby were two people that called Jalen Green
    a bust after two weeks of his rookie season. Green made both of you
    look stupid then and he will make both of you look stupid again.
  16. astrosrule

    astrosrule Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Green has been a colossal bust so far. Doesn’t mean he will be a bust when his career is over, but it’s definitely looking like that
    jim1961 likes this.
  17. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    I think the major issue is not so much if they will be a STAR or not
    so much as how much to pay them

    J.Green - If he is not a star . . .he can be a contributor.
    That is the greatest question
    For every Jocic(51 million) there is an Aaron Gordon (23 million)
    Better yet look at OKC - SHAY (36 Million) - the Highest paid player. - Everyone else is significantly lower

    Let's say Sengun and JGreen can be held at that level 30~35 Million for the next 5 yrs
    Then FVV and Dillion drop off it would open up a Max contract
    (My other thread about who deserves a Max)

    IMO Right now we are in the age of OVER PAYING
    Not so much I am watching their money as much as I am watching the percentage of the Salary Cap

    The Ideal of someone is taking up 40+% of your salary cap is problematic
    Since IMO Neither has demonstrate 50Mill plus ability (thought I suspect they have the capability)
    It would be best to lock them up on a good contract now
    (Dallas wishes they had locked Brunson )

    Rocket River
    fchowd0311 likes this.
  18. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Calling Green a collosal bust is unhinged. You can say disappointing. That is within the realm of reason. But collosal bust?

    He isn't even Marvin Bagley or Weisman level disappointing.

    He's RJ Barret level disappointing and I would say even that is underselling the extreme highs Jalen has shown


  19. astrosrule

    astrosrule Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Bagley has been decently better then jalen so far. Long term i would take green but he hasn’t actually been better. He is better then wiseman, i can’t argue that. Maybe you can say he been 10th percentile instead of 5th percentile or whatever of expectations but he been an absolute unquestionable bust so far
  20. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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