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[PHOTOS] Texans vs Titans - 11.30.14

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by rockHEAD, Dec 2, 2014.

  1. rockHEAD

    rockHEAD Member

    Mar 22, 1999
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    Heyo! Just thought I'd share my gallery of shots from the Titans game!

    FULL GALLERY: 109 images

    Here's a few sample images, but go check out the gallery for all my shots!

    1. Cheerleaders introduction

    2. JJ Watt

    3. Someone's going down!

    4. Freight Train Foster... on the run!

    5. Arian's shoes!

    6. Savage gets some snaps!

    FULL GALLERY: 109 images

    Photos originally for the Houston Press.
  2. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    Great photos... was at the game, actually sitting on the sun side... and with the roof open, actually felt the occasional breeze (and confirmed it by seeing the flags move on the goal-post that side.

    Of course, it was unusually windy in Houston this weekend.

    All in all, I totally prefer the place with the roof open.... and crowd was still plenty loud.
  3. SwoLy-D

    SwoLy-D Member

    Jul 20, 2001
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    :cool: AWESOME PHOTOS, like always!

    My daughter performed that day again, Mr. rockHEAD. HAve any of the All-Star Cheerleaders performance? Maybe a photographer by the name of MH? :confused:
  4. rockHEAD

    rockHEAD Member

    Mar 22, 1999
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    Sorry, did not shoot the halftime show...needed to take a break. =)

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