Well I think this would be awesome. Not as good as he used to be but better than what we have. Our defense could be elite next year.
So Kubiak didn't want Manning as Texans' coach and then tries to trade him away once becoming Denver's coach. I'd be surprised if BOB wanted him. Anything positive you do as a coach would be attributed to having Manning on your team.
SMH at Kubiak. A great QB falls in your lap (or you fall in his) and you discuss trading him? At some point you have to build your system around the players, no the other way around.
Would be embarrassing to get over the hill Manning. Theme would be similar to... Texans are so bad, Manning even sucked. Risk vs reward though How many games is Manning's leash if he's bad?
Looks like this could be a disasterous season for Denver seeing as how Manning stands in the way of Kubiaks next Schuab.
This has Ed Reed written all over it. Unfortunately, their QB situations is so horrible I wouldn't even mind the risk. This is what happens when you believe in giving an old Matt Schaub franchise QB money.
its not going to happen elway talked him out of retirment and if he was traded to a team hw would retire right then and there