The problem of you and the other poster's rage on this simple issue is this : - you both are using your own personal standard to judge other people, the whole world and believe everyone should value things the same way as you do and live the same way you live. This is not about right or wrong, nor this is about should we challenge the law or not. This is about you are living in a reality world which not everything will / should work the way you like or prefer. Of course you can go on with your way trying to be a crusader and change the world to the way you prefer, but here is the reality for you, most people will be just laughing at you like the few in this thread.
It's funny you should mention that, because I'm laughing at how ignorant you are right now. Moving along.
Honestly I'm impressed... He finally realized the flaws in his game and was just practicing his offensive driving.
^^^^ This....thanks and repped Just another case of people on message boards, at their cubicles, riding tall horses. It's not that serious and we don't even know the full story yet, but here comes the opinion crusaders lending us all their inside voices.
50 Cent disses Patrick Beverley. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Yal be safe out there in them streets now, wear your seat belts. Hard to get around with no E-Z pass… <a href=""></a></p>— 50cent (@50cent) <a href="">November 11, 2015</a></blockquote> <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
That's the only explanation I can think of. I hope a single violation isn't enough to get yourself arrested. You'd think the cops would have bigger fish to fry than that. And BTW, if it was due to multiple violations, get a damn EZ Tag, Bev!
Bev is being given judged mainly because he was arrested for a violation that easily could've been avoided. It shows poor judgment on his part. I wonder how significant his toll fine had to be to be arrested.
My credit card expired for by toll tag and they made me submit a sperm sample to get it re-activated because it had a $30 negative balance. I hate the HCTRA.
I really don't know.........we are all assuming at this point, but regardless and with respect to you.....I don't care. He could have forgot about the fines, mistake by HCTRA or just choose not to pay...I don't know and don't care. It's not news; It's gossip. He's not a criminal lol I'm sorry....i'm not the "pass judgment" guy. I'm actually dealing with fortbend toll now about about discrepancies/ tag/ licence plate issues. I remember 6 or so years ago I had issues with the HCTRA and my dealer tags. I called them to give them my dealer tag info when I bought the car, they took that info and still sent me fines like I was stealing from them until it was corrected lol. I'm just saying that's it's not an exact science sometimes with the Toll Road Authority and their employees. I don't know what happened with Bev and his business. All the "he should know better" "poor judgement" "high standards" ok, ok ....I just need him to make his corner 3's and work on his pick and roll passes lolol
Fair enough. We are assuming the arrest was over a collection of fines since we can't think of another reason for his arrest. I don't think Bev forgot about the fines because they would've kept the mail coming. I think it's more likely Bev didn't care about the fines. I can't say for sure what his thought process on that is, but I'm concerned he might feel immune to certain rules, as insignificant as they may be, and that could spell more legal trouble in the future that we don't want as fans.