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Overall quality of the BBS

Discussion in 'ClutchFans Feedback' started by Eric Riley, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Well said! I should have made clear that I was talking about the GARM. You're right that there are some really good threads there, and many excellent posts, with new ones showing up all the time. You just have to find them, and anything that can improve being able to do that has my vote. I find them sometimes after there's been pages of discussion, which can make it hard to catch up. And I have no doubt that I miss some. Part of that is due to the success of the BBS. There's just an amazing amount of traffic. Many people have no idea how much of an increase there has been in numbers of members, and volume of traffic the last few years. It's simply enormous.

    Some may be complaining about other forums, but honestly, the other forums are largely doing very well, in my opinion. D&D goes nuts from time to time (so what else is new?), and there are way too many threads there that are simply posted columns supporting one view or another, where the OP doesn't say anything worth mentioning himself and just sits back to see who it ticks off, or what the response is, but honestly, it's D&D. Should anyone be surprised? I have the member who bothers me the most on ignore and never post in one of his threads. That solved a lot of what was bugging me. Others should consider doing that, regardless of which side of the issues you prefer. If you notice someone has improved the quality of their posts, and it happens, then take them off.

    The GARM is what I really care about, and as I said, it's what I was referring to in my previous post. I think it has improved, and it's obvious to me that the mods are actively trying to keep the deluge of threads after games/deals, etc. under control. I think there's a real difference. Like I said earlier, I think it's on the upswing. Doesn't hurt that the team is incredibly better and more entertaining than any of us had a right to expect. They just aren't playing like a lottery team in the midst of a rebuild, and I love what I'm seeing. How can we not be excited? I sure as hell am!

    These are good times, people.
  2. D12Eminem

    D12Eminem Member

    Jul 15, 2012
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    I agree, I thank Clutch it exists! This was the same point I tried to raise a few months back. You did it with much more class than I though; after I had a OP that was a bit of a ramble, but it was a coaching question in regards to Mchale at the time.

    All I got from 80% of them was non-sense, and then trying to explain myself just made me more into their game of nonsense the "angry over-hateful, bashing, people of CF" truly showed their colors. That was my point I was setting, to show that these trolls, just ramble & try to "patronize, be overly aggressive, and defamation" of other users on this board, a FORUM about the ROCKETS! There was a small group of people who weren't so negative, and bashing, but I kept it up with the trolls that wanted to get under my skin behind their computer. That was my fault.

    Thanks for your clear, concise post. (watch out for the english teachers :) ) :cool: You did a service in making this post to the community. I've been a long time lurker, and had an old name when I was in college I lost from loss of e-mail/password reasons, etc., but my main point is here that you bring up very valid points that this is a forum for Rockets fans.
    There needs to be more respect, as I see in what you are trying to say, within the Clutchfans community. The threads that now exist while sometimes are funny it just gets old, and thus becomes no real topics to discuss. Just the same circle of questions/posts. The great posters are still around contributing at least. I know many others have left, or are no longer on the site that brought some great knowledge back in the day.

    Thanks Eric Riley on your OP.

    *-This is exactly what I wanted said by someone maybe more as a "person of interest" people will listen to, rather than I. I guess I tend to ramble when blogging on this site because I am just thinking from the head when I write mostly in here.
    (Going back to my "Dear Clutchfans post" which came after a closing on one an OP I created)
    -A lot of people thought I was upset, or whatever bc my thread got closed mostly because of trolls, and sure bc the very few that tried to answer my questions were great posters. I totally understood why my OP at the time was closed (Due to me/or my grammar, and the trolls that came outside of the 20% that just were respectful), and that is why I created a thread similar to this Eric Riley, but I admit I was a little more upset at the collapse that I have seen in some of the users on CF.

    So my "Dear Clutchfans post..." (that followed the trolling on my OP); that was set up similar to your ideas, and was not written correctly so of course the trolls came on at me trying to say I was mad, and then contradicted themselves that it was about my grammar, and then it wasn't about my grammar. When they obviously didn't understand my sarcasm when I would respond back. The point is I was over it, and understood my grammar is bad at times when writing just straight off the top of my head, and then not re-reading for edits. So I do apologize, and apologize for taking the trolls getting under my skin giving them extra ammo in my moment of just trying to make a point, as you have made, but without using your manners.
    I just wasn't in the mood to be nice at that point even though I tried my best.

    So thank you for writing making this thread ER! You are so true in everything you said, and it isn't just trolls. It is exactly what ER brought up from everything to the nonsense of the "drug" threads, to the "drunk" threads, to the "chick" threads which yes I LOVE the CHICK threads, but guess what y'all this isn't FOURCHAN!!! Thanks to all those that contribute to this site, and are very respectful people. I know I have had my mis faults when falling into the trolls that hide behind their computers so I am not perfect, but I do see, and want better just like you said in this thread!;)
  3. D12Eminem

    D12Eminem Member

    Jul 15, 2012
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    Couple edits- "an OP" in first line and, taking towards bottom should be "apologize for letting"

    -Don't want more people coming at me on my spellcheck edits that were re-placed while I was typing fast. MY bad!!
  4. D12Eminem

    D12Eminem Member

    Jul 15, 2012
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    Well judging from Clutch's posts that I didn't read before posting. I see where he is coming from, as well. They have tried to purge a lot of the re posting, and such. I love this site, and don't hate anyone in here. Like Clutch says some threads are goofy, and some are right on that thin line, but what is he to do? I agree with him there.

    I love what Clutch does, and contributes to this site. He has transformed this place into really a "mecca" I guess I'd call it in information. In fact some info. from CF has been in the media. I regress, but looking at Clutch's points now I do see his point.

    I just think there is more negative comments more so now towards, not just the players, and the play of the team, but a lot of bashing of other users. Like I said I've called people ignorant in my being abused for stuff I've written in the "incorrect form" which I understand. Just the really negative bashing that some have started directing towards other users is profound. It really started with the joking of DD. When he started making his videos after the two dudes had their version of the Rockets insider when Artest was here, and the year after, or what not. That is when I saw the funny bashing that was in between the boarder of being mean, and just liking someone, and joking. I think DD always took it with pride though. He loved CF, and I'm sure enjoyed the community so he laughed it off. Since then the bashing of the actual posters has become a little crazy at times just because of opinions. That is kind of my point.

    I do like Clutch's comments though I see what he's trying to say, and I agree with Clutch as well. I think they do their best to purge most redundant material, and posters who are "trolls."

    -I even have my giving rep to other people taken away. So like I said I'm not perfect, but even though I fed into the trolls hatred at me. I wasn't trying to be some negative person of CF. I just wanted a little more respect for not just me, but others was my point during my "Dear CF's Post..". After all most of us our, and have been Rockets fans for a long time. Some here I guess are player only favorite fans. Whatever it takes to make you a Rocket fan. Just know this is a Rockets fan site that Clutch has so graciously given us. This is my fave. place to be online. I love this place, and have since I was 14 years old when it first launched. I just want all opinions to be looked at two sided. I know that we can't change each-others' opinions, but we can contribute respect, and good knowledge to this web site!

    So thank you CLUTCH, and the crew for doing all that you do with this website! It is probably the best basketball website on the internet!!
  5. D12Eminem

    D12Eminem Member

    Jul 15, 2012
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    If I knew how to edit-"Border" sorry from my iPad
  6. D12Eminem

    D12Eminem Member

    Jul 15, 2012
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    edits-"BOARDER" is Supposed to be border, and "our" is "are rockets fans..." I'm sure there are more sorry from my ipad. Tried to edit, but I guess I can't. sorry for the quad. posting.
  7. D12Eminem

    D12Eminem Member

    Jul 15, 2012
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    Good point Indeed.
  8. david_rocket

    david_rocket Member

    Sep 19, 2003
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    Nice post, and very nice good posts
    but just one thing: how are you going to notice is someone have improved the quality of the posts if you have him in the ignore list? :grin:
  9. Shroopy2

    Shroopy2 Member

    Feb 16, 2003
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    *Probably unnecessary bump*

    I really do think (or choose to think) its part of the general internet trendings leading to lack of quality all around. Just more efficient sites and formats like Twitter and Tumblr that gets right to the point. The "micro-blogging" approach you dont have to necessarily take time to have well thought out posts. (Im posting this from my phone while trying to watch the game before the battery runs out. Quality degradation already)

    Basically, Twitter and Tumblr are cesspool sewer streams mostly unchecked. It favors people being annoying and simplistic. And people bring that into other places.

    This forum actually has MODERATORS and structure where things arent all loosey-goosey. But they have to adapt REACTIVELY to these things after its seen. Especially with the Hangout where it can turn into 4ChanWest on a moments notice. But im seeing these things all around I think not just here

    Just to say finally that the threads like Best Body Parts actually might be FlLTERS keeping the eye candy one place, rest of forum for regular stuff. And I think the GARM is just fine

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