I just started a thread in the NBA Dish asking what he's even worth at this point. Cleveland apparently offered Szczerbiak's expiring deal for him straight up and Thorn considered it. Check it out and chime in if you're interested.
I don't disagree with you what we need. A quality staring PG can be the 3rd star on the team for example. Players do admire what we have done but our trading assets are weak and adding talent will mean giving up a lot in return unless someone signs for far less money as you have yourself implied when it comes to getting a PG. As far the effort our guys put in,it was first rate.We overachieved to get into the playoffs and did a good job there.The winning streak was not due to luck and winning 10 games without Yao was excellent. I'm not trying to say that we don't need role players either. The February schedule was relatively easier as compared to March for example which helped us to some extent. You are entitled to your opinion and I to mine.