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Our #2 draft pick "Jalen Green" seems to have a ceiling of . . .Gerald Green

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by JCDenton, Nov 2, 2021.

  1. DreamR

    DreamR Member

    Oct 11, 2021
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    Keep making more threads like this one. Every time I see one Jalen has a big game.
    bmelo, J Sizzle, Bo6 and 2 others like this.
  2. DreamR

    DreamR Member

    Oct 11, 2021
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    Does Royce White count for team white or is this only a list of players who aren't afraid to fly?
  3. Downtown Sniper

    Oct 9, 2007
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    You've only seen two threads?
  4. wlekfjv923n

    wlekfjv923n Member

    Apr 7, 2012
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    cmon man
  5. Dobbizzle

    Dobbizzle Member

    Feb 1, 2021
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    Nice for you to admit you're a complete idiot.
    majicdonjuan, Verbal Christ and xaos like this.
  6. Squirtle

    Squirtle Member

    Mar 7, 2010
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    Lol at this post.
    saleem and Verbal Christ like this.
  7. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    Royce is too good for these trash teams.
    steddinotayto likes this.
  8. steddinotayto

    steddinotayto Member

    Aug 10, 2001
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    He's on the All-Vehicle team:

    TJ Ford
    Royce White
    Alton Ford
    Cadillac Anderson
    Hot Rod Williams
    Bo6, NewAge, MystikArkitect and 3 others like this.
  9. kjayp

    kjayp Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    kinda ringin a bell...Mobey or Morely or something like that... a good numbers guy as i recollect - but no people skills or appreciation for chemistry - he thought he was playing NBA2K or something... lol!
    iirc they had some addle minded coach (MRI? MIA?) who had been pushing a small ball mentality his whole career - with minimal success. I think the story goes... they already had 1 former MVP and the owner made this stupid trade for another former MVP or something... new guy wasnt a very good outside shooter, so the coach decided he had to reinvent the wheel bc he couldnt figure out the 'spacing' or something... so they traded away a decent center and made a few dumb moves chasing that pipe dream... im pretty sure that coach didnt get another head coaching gig after that fiasco... 2 mvps and having to resort to gimmicks - smh...
    what a bunch of maroons... lol! I have to think their fan base was just livid at the stupidity...

    ;) lol
    palmsnbananas and NewAge like this.
  10. hakeem94

    hakeem94 Member

    Sep 23, 2016
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    kjayp and Jalen Green OnlyFan like this.
  11. Jalen Green OnlyFan

    Jul 4, 2021
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    How I picture you BASKING in the joy
    hakeem94 likes this.
  12. hakeem94

    hakeem94 Member

    Sep 23, 2016
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    hahahahah!!! pretty close!
    thank you Sir, youre a gentleman and a scholar!
  13. NewAge

    NewAge Member

    Aug 4, 2013
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    Sam Mack 6th man
    saleem and steddinotayto like this.
  14. jordnnnn

    jordnnnn Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    lol you love acting like this little fantasy you have concocted is reality…

    Minimal success? MDA’s career….that’s how you categorize it? Minimal success…

    We had 2 MVPs? Having Westbrook several years after his lone MVP performance, and he sucked, doesn’t count as having 2 MVPs. Rockets could sign Hakeem to finish out this year. Doesn’t mean we have an MVP caliber player on the roster.

    Gimmick? Who has been utilizing Westbrook in a traditional way and been succeeding? Anyone? Anyone? Seen the Lakers numbers this year when Westbrook is out there with a non AD center? One of the worst teams in the league. Because it doesn’t work. And we knew it.

    Invisible Fan and YOLO like this.
  15. kjayp

    kjayp Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    facts are what they are...

    Westbrick WAS an MVP... 2017 - so not the distant past (i wouldnt characterize 2017 to 2019 as 'several years' - lol)... sorry, your Hakeem argument is total straw... lol!
    and I dont think WB is 'all that' either - great motor, can get to the rack, a good team cheerleader - but greatly flawed... thats why i said the owner made "a stupid trade" - context... ;)

    ...but for whatever his flaws... still doesnt mean trading away our only serviceable center and going midget ball was a smart move - as history has PROVEN - lol... but you keep fighting the good fight in support of a flawed game plan that has been SHOWN to be ineffective by actually having WATCHED IT PLAY OUT and no longer having to view it as having unknown results or speaking of it in the hypothetical... its history... its actual and factual.... lol!

    'Minimal success'... 55 playoff wins... 56 playoff losses... roughly 16 seasons with 3 Conference Finals losses as his highlights... minimal success...

    but best of luck to him 'advising' the Pelicans... lol

    edit... btw...
    Lakers best Net Rtg lineups (10 mins+) this year
    C. Anthony, .D. Howard, .R. Westbrook, .M. Monk, .A. Reaves = Net Rtg 28.0
    C. Anthony, .R. Westbrook, .A. Bradley, .A. Davis, .A. Reaves = Net Rtg 25.3
    .L. James, .C. Anthony, .R. Westbrook, .D. Jordan, .A. Reaves = Ner Rtg 22.9
    R. Westbrook, .D. Jordan, .A. Davis, .K. Bazemore, .M. Monk = Net Rtg 15.4
    ...now i dont think that tells the whole story... but yer the stats guy... lol
    #195 kjayp, Nov 5, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2021
  16. durvasa

    durvasa Member

    Feb 11, 2006
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    Chuck Wagon
    HardenVolumeOne likes this.
  17. jordnnnn

    jordnnnn Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Whats been proven by facts and watching it play out is that Westbrook isn’t blow your brains out god awful if he’s the only non floor spacer on the court(Which isn’t that easy to pull off when he is supposed to be your G.D. point guard). And when he is out there with other non shooters it’s an absolute **** show. There is unlimited evidence of this fact. In case anyone needed reminding….CC is the opposite of a floor spacer.

    The Lakers are witnessing it for themselves this year. We recognized it and acted as quickly as possible. We made a choice to maximize the awful situation we were stuck in. No one ever said maximizing Westbrook’s effectiveness would guarantee success. And there is absolutely zero evidence to suggest continuing to roll out CC and Westbrook lineups was going to be the most effective strategy and sure as **** wasn’t going to be the difference in beating the Lakers that year. We took the best shot possible in a shitty situation. Didn’t work. It wasn’t some misguided, no thought put behind it decision.

    You keep harping on this 2 MVP player thing and keep it in your sig as if it’s the reality of what our situation was. Westbrook was no where even in the area code of being an MVP caliber player for us. It’s dumb to say otherwise. Westbrook’s production/effectiveness took a nose dive that’s still plummeting to this day the very next year after his MVP season ended. Like I said…. let’s sign The Dream up so we can have another MVP baby!!! No gimmicks….he WAS an MVP!!!

    If MDA’s career is what you consider minimal success then 90+% of coaches in this league’s history had minimal success.

    Also your “hasn’t been hired elsewhere as a HC” comment to act as if it’s some kind of proof that he wasn’t successful is pretty cute. If you could come up with this illustrious list of new coaching hires through Gleague history of guys damn near 70 years old it might hold a little more weight….but you and I both know it doesn’t exist.

    Best of luck to your imagination land…lol
  18. kjayp

    kjayp Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    i was tagging this onto the other post...
    Lakers best Net Rtg lineups (10 mins+) this year
    C. Anthony, .D. Howard, .R. Westbrook, .M. Monk, .A. Reaves = Net Rtg 28.0
    C. Anthony, .R. Westbrook, .A. Bradley, .A. Davis, .A. Reaves = Net Rtg 25.3
    .L. James, .C. Anthony, .R. Westbrook, .D. Jordan, .A. Reaves = Ner Rtg 22.9
    R. Westbrook, .D. Jordan, .A. Davis, .K. Bazemore, .M. Monk = Net Rtg 15.4
    ...now i dont think that tells the whole story... but yer the stats guy... lol
  19. jordnnnn

    jordnnnn Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Westbrook AND Jordan(110minutes) : -4.1
    Westbrook AND Davis(240 minutes) : -2.4
    Westbrook AND Howard(70 minutes) : 0.0

    Prior to their last game Westbrook, Bron, AD + traditional center lineups were -17 net.

    Edit… lol damn I just went to check how many minutes those lineups you offered up had together. Those groups that had 10-14 entire minutes together really have me convinced.
    #199 jordnnnn, Nov 6, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2021
  20. kjayp

    kjayp Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    hmmmm... lets see....

    so if Westbrick is in 100% of the teams 4 best NetRtgs (over 10 mins)...
    DJ is in 50% of those top lineups... but WB/DJ are -4.1
    and D12 (the cancer) is in 25%.... and WB/D12 are even...
    I'd maybe look at some of the other pieces involved b4 declaring its the WB/DJ or D12 pairing...
    at least thats what the numbers would dictate... there are 5 guys in a lineup - not just 2....

    i mean their worst lineups at 10 mins+ (and only 10min+ negatives) are:
    .C. Anthony, .R. Rondo, .R. Westbrook, .A. Davis, .A. Reaves @ -43.5 (10 mins)
    .L. James, .R. Westbrook, .D. Jordan, .A. Davis, .K. Bazemore @ -14.2 (47 mins)
    i see 1 name on the naughty list that werent on the nice list... lol

    and you did say...
    "Seen the Lakers numbers this year when Westbrook is out there with a non AD center?"
    but then you follow it up by showing that WB/D12 are even... and a better net than WB/AD... so theres that...
    #200 kjayp, Nov 6, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2021

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