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Other Fans Showing Love To Texans

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by Ron from the G, Mar 2, 2009.

  1. Jturbofuel

    Jturbofuel Member

    May 20, 2002
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    The where you finish in the standing part of the schedule is vastly overrated. It only means two games on the schedule and since we finished 3rd last year we will play 2 other 3rd place teams. Its not a big deal we will have a tough schedule as always but hopefully this year we won't have the first month on the road this year.
  2. XBLRocketman111

    Jul 10, 2008
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    I guess you must be forgetting Zac Diles, who outplayed Demeco most of the year until he was hurt and when he was hurt Adibi filled in very nicely, we do have a good yound core.
  3. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    We have some nice pieces, but on the whole our defense is not very good.
  4. Baqui99

    Baqui99 Member

    Jul 11, 2000
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    Houston's secondary is atrocious. They need help in a big way. It seems like all the attention has been focused entirely on the D-line the last few years.
  5. XBLRocketman111

    Jul 10, 2008
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    Overall No, but you gotta look at going into this season!

    DE: Mario and Smith With Cochran and bulman pushing them

    DT: Johnson and Amobi, would't be suprised if we upgraded here although i could see bulman pushing johnson out of this spot. Bulman play with alot of heart!

    LB: Ryans, Diles and Adibi are young and solid, Diles proved last year he could be very good. Adibi played well but you still have to be suspect! I could see us getting a linebacker here in the first round Maluaga (spelling) would be a good pick for us. and I would start him depending on Adibi's progress.

    CB: Robinson, Reeves, Bennett, Molden: It's obvious to me Robinson needs some help, Reeves wasn't too bad even though the board was harsh on him.
    I could also See us using our first round pick to get Vontae Davis, pending on how the draft lies but this should be a big concern. It would ease with a signing of shawne spring but you need to get another at least in the 2nd round.

    Safties: Wilson, ferguson, Brown, Harrison, Barber: The rotating door at safety continues throw C.C. Brown back into the mix not really sure what your gonna get from the guys except Wilson played well near the end of the year. I could see us using a 4th round pick on a S but nothing higher......

    Hope you guys liked my assesments, i would like to hear your opinions on it!
    I know i left some players out IE Kevin Bentley but i wanted to make a list of potential players fighting for starting spots or back up spots
  6. rezdawg

    rezdawg Member

    Feb 15, 2000
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    Its because it doesnt matter who you have in the secondary...if given time, the WR will always have an edge over the CB. Despite the attention to the DLine, we still cannot get good pressure on the QB. Until we address that situation, its too difficult to assess where we are with our secondary.

    I can guarantee that our secondary, although not very solid, is still a lot better than they have shown, purely because the QB has all day to make a play. With an improved pass rush, our secondary will look a lot more competent.
  7. Naija Texan

    Naija Texan Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    It is both good and bad that our division rivals are worried about us.

    But it isn't surprising that it is coming from a Colts fan, in both games last season the Texans could have won them had it not been for turn overs in the first and the defense failing to get critical stops in the second half of the game in Indy.
  8. redgoose

    redgoose Member

    Jun 27, 2003
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    If we can upgrade our pass defense than we should have a shot at the playoffs. A quality pass rusher and a healthy Amobi should definitely help give the opposing QBs less time, but we still have to upgrade the entire secondary excluding Dunta Robinson. Unless there's a CB or safety i'm not thinking of that did a good job last year any of them should be considered replaceable.

    Our running game did get better last year with Slaton emerging after our winless start, but i still think we need a complimentary power back for him to get our running game to the next level. Since Slaton was a 3rd round pick last year, i think we can find someone that fits in rounds 3-4. With our recent signing, i'm curious to see if we might go with a CB or O-Lineman with our 1st pick.
  9. Baqui99

    Baqui99 Member

    Jul 11, 2000
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    It doesn't help Houston's cause that there's not a single NFL starting caliber DB on the Texans roster. Dunta was decent, but injuries have slowed him.

    Really, there's no reason why Houston can't upgrade both D-line and the secondary at the same time. The reason they're hamstrung is because of wasting 2 2nd rounders and a 3rd on Matt Schaub. Those picks could've easily been used to shore up weak spots. Then just sign a vet like Jon Kitna or something to play QB.
  10. Wakko67

    Wakko67 Member

    Jan 8, 2001
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    We only gave up two second rounders, but have more than made up for them. Plus we got another fourth this year.

    I would like to see us trade just a bit down and our fourth. Grab OLB Matthews and get another third. That would be awesome.

    I really hope we can get some help in the secondary through the draft. A second back behind Steve would be great as well. Lastly the DT spots could use help, but hopefully new coaches will make it less than we think.

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