They managed the clock to perfection. We left barely no time on the clock for the Bengals to even attempt a drive if we faltered.
Th Funny that camera angle was available for this game but not the Texans. Maybe the Camera man that worked in the end zone called in sick..
Sport is getting kinda soft man. Its supposed to be violent. Cheap/late hits I get it, but too many of these are unavoidable when you have large, fast human beings flying around trying to hit each other as hard as possible. I miss football from the 90s where you needed a neck roll just to keep your head in place!
Kareem Jackson got suspended 4 games a couple of weeks ago, very deservedly so. IMO, his hits were definitely worse than Perryman.
Man, the red pants would be awesome with that! Still think this is their best look...which they've worn exactly once against Jacksonville in 2016.
Also gotta take note of the different shade of blue being used in the tweet. I have a feeling these are going to be the primaries next year, with HTown blue instead of the navy, including the red helmets. If that's the case, I'd have to say that would be absolutely fire.