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Official "React Viscerally and Joyfully to Carlos Beltran's Laughable Failure" Thread

Discussion in 'Houston Astros' started by Zac D, Oct 19, 2006.

  1. msn

    msn Member

    Dec 31, 2002
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    No kidding. The trifecta of enemies for Houston: LA, NYM, and Atl. Philly and StL are just blips on the radar screen.
  2. hatemavs4life

    hatemavs4life Member

    Jul 1, 2006
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    Ah yes, there once was a time where the NL was king and the AL was the doormat. Those were the days ... :rolleyes:

    But seeing Carlos knees buckle on that 'uncle charlie' man, that was a sick pitch.

    One thing, FOX and ESPN failed to mention is though Carlos has been ridiculous in now 2 NLCS series, he completely basically disappears in game 7's.

    Remember, he was no where to be found in our game 7 vs STL in 2004. Just thought I would mention that a pattern is starting to develop. Carlos chokes when the series is on the line. :D

    A priceless ending. RIP Mutts! :D
  3. msn

    msn Member

    Dec 31, 2002
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    Should probably give an honorable mention to Fred Fat Freaking Brocklander. I hope somebody pissed in his wheaties today.
  4. RocketManJosh

    RocketManJosh Member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    That was an awesome strikeout ... he just watched his teams hopes go right through the strikezone
  5. Buck Turgidson

    Feb 14, 2002
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    LA's faded since realignment, though, and there's no recent playoff history b/t them. ATL is still easy to hate, even though the Stros have had upperhand recently. STL seems like more of a mutual-respect situation, (aside from Pujols/LaRussa/BFiB...who I can hate with much enthusiasm), especially in the eyes of the players & coaches. Never sensed hate for Philly, they just won an incredible series.

    '86 was different, and Houston's never had a chance to avenge that (correct me if I'm wrong, but Hou & NYM haven't even been in the same playoffs since '86). The Mets, by far, top the "hate list", at least for me - there is nothing, aside from Willy Randolph (who seems like a decent enough fellow), about the Mets that deserves respect, not 20 years ago, not now.

    Just me, though.
  6. Buck Turgidson

    Feb 14, 2002
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  7. Rocketman95

    Rocketman95 Hangout Boy

    Feb 15, 1999
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    Weren't the Mets and Astros both in the 1999 playoffs?
  8. Buck Turgidson

    Feb 14, 2002
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    Yep, lost to the Braves in the NLCS. Thought they were there only in 2000 w/ the Subway Series & all that noise.
  9. Icehouse

    Icehouse Member

    Jun 23, 2000
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    No baseball fan here so fill me in. Why is there such a dislike for the Cards? I know they beat us one yr, but didn't the Mets break our hearts even worse?

    I don't even watch baseball so I was quite pleased that Beltran had an historic nut-up during one of the few times I was tuned in.
  10. MadMax

    MadMax Member

    Sep 19, 1999
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    the astros and cards have finished 1 and 2 nearly every year since realignment. it's developed a pretty good rivalry.

    i still hate the mets far worse, though.
  11. superden

    superden Member

    Jun 5, 2003
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    All I am saying is that the Astros did not do everything they could. Money wise it is virtually the same amount of money. He might even save more money because Boras takes a cut of of the salary and getting a "lower" salary in Houston means less money for Boras. Your guess is as good as mine. The money was virtually equal, and I think he would know that as well.
  12. MadMax

    MadMax Member

    Sep 19, 1999
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    the money is never equal when a guy has NY media dollars staring at him.

    they played houston because they needed another bidder to drive up the offers. the yankees dropped out of the race for carlos because they perceived the same. the astros could never have dropped out of the race....the fans here wouldn't let them after what carlos did in the 2004 playoffs.
  13. Master Baiter

    Master Baiter Member

    Jul 6, 2001
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    For me, it is no freaking contest who I hate more and it all started back in 1986. As a 9 year old I cried like a baby and ever since I have hated the Mets with a passion that is pretty difficult to top. Pretty much any team from NY is the spawn of satan. Then you add a back stabbing piece of **** like Beltran to that team and there's not a snow balls chance in hell that I'd ever want them to win. Watching Beltran stand there and watch strike 3 fly by him was fan-freaking-tastic. Couldn't have been better.

    I'm not saying I have a soft spot for the Cards because that is far from the case. But as it has been stated already in this thread, we have a healthy and respectful rivalry. I don't hate the Cards but I sure as hell don't ever want them to win. Except when they play the Mets or Atlanta or when it will help the Astros for whatever reason.

    I think the people that do not hate the Mets have not been fans as long as some of us because that loss to the Mets has been tough as hell to get over.
  14. superden

    superden Member

    Jun 5, 2003
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    This could be true as well because I was only 2 years old when that happened. I think for me hatred comes from the players on each team. It is like how we hated the Spurs and Jazz. When Robinson retired, Malone and Stockton out of the league, I don't really hate the Jazz anymore. Right now I hate the Mavs. Maybe when Dirk, Howard, Terry, and Stackhouse goes elsewhere, my hatred would not be as strong.

    Don't get me wrong, I was PISSED when Beltran did not sign with the Astros and I felt like we got strung along for so long. I felt like management did a lot along with the city to keep him, but I think I will feel a lot more hatred if we had done just a little more. If we did offer him that no trade clause and he didn't take it then I will hate Beltran for the rest of his career. Until then, I will hate with a little reservation.

    I hate the Cards more than anything right now, pretty much with Pujols anchoring that. I think he is one of the cockiest baseball players out there right now. Maybe I am use to watching Berkman and some of the other Astros players not admiring their home runs and just running the bases. I think I can appreciate that more than someone just staring at his home run, flicks his bat to the side, and trots the bases. I also think that his base running has been pretty bad lately ( I know he is usually a pretty good base runner). He doesn't run as hard (even before his hamstring injury, or whatever that was injured) and was caught in a couple of pickles in the end of the season. That is what he gets for jogging to second when he had a long base hit.
  15. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    A part of the reason you hated the Mets was because of the guys they had on that team. It gets harder to "hate" a franchise once those guys are no longer there.

    Do I still hate Malone and Stockton, yes. Do I hate the Jazz as much now without them? No... and that's still with Sloan coaching them (once he leaves, there will be even more of a disconnect). Did I hate the Mavs back when they sucked? No. Do I hate them now more than ever? Yes.

    Things can change. I still hate Shea, I hate the media bias, I hate the cheesy music they play, I hate the apple that pops up, and they have Beltran... but without Dykstra, Gooden, Strawberry, Knight, Mookie, Darling, Orosco, McDowell, Carter, etc... its different.
  16. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    If it wasn't the no-trade clause, it would have been that they wanted more years on the deal. If they had given him more years, he would have wanted more money up front. If they gave him that, he would have wanted part-ownership, etc., etc., etc.

    Pupurra/McLane have already gone on record saying it wasn't the "no-trade clause." They're not as big of idiots to let that be the deal-breaker. They also recognized that once these "last second demands" started becoming an issue (they weren't before), they knew they were just getting played... Boras and Beltran played it beautifully.

    If you still have reservations that the Astros didn't do all they could, consider this... if they were really, truly Beltran's top choice, and they simply didn't wine/dine him enough, wouldn't you think he'd take his time and consider other options after the deadline passed? Wouldn't there be a slight moment of reflection by his camp, and their regret that they didn't get it worked out with the team he wanted to?

    There wasn't... as soon as the deadline passed, he signed with the Mets as fast as possible... there was no pause, no reflection, no hesitation. The Yankees were the team he wanted all along... but the Mets were a nice consolation... and he knew that as soon as Houston could no longer techinically be a nice "foil" so that the Mets weren't bidding against themselves, he singed as fast as he could.

    The only reservation anybody should have is that the Astros didn't realize it sooner... but then, many of you wouldn't have forgiven Drayton... so I guess its a no-lose stiuation for them.
  17. superden

    superden Member

    Jun 5, 2003
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    There is no way I am blaming Drayton or management and I think the whole city of Houston didn't. You bring up a good point with just excuses made. I guess it has been so long and with his crappy season right after that, I forgot. Maybe I should invest more time hating Beltran. Thank you Nick. haha
  18. Saint Louis

    Saint Louis Member

    Jun 27, 1999
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    I guess Beltran should be put on watch to make sure he doesn't get the urge to fly a plane around New York.
  19. VesceySux

    VesceySux Member

    Jul 31, 2001
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    Preach it, bro! Beltran totally flaked out on Houston at the last minute and went for the $$$. F*** him. And f*** the Mets for '86. Those two are made for each other.

    I hope Beltran's psyche crumbles and becomes as soft and gooey as the "new Brad Lidge". Enjoy the booing fans and hyper-critical media, Beltrash.
  20. RocketManJosh

    RocketManJosh Member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    While I love your hatred for Beltran, I hate him more for the fact that he went to the Mets for very close to the same amount of money as he would have gotten in Houston with a lame excuse blaming it on the lack of a no-trade clause. I can handle players going to teams for more money as I can't hate someone for getting more money, but he lied and deceived us just to get more money from the Mets with ZERO intentions of resigning with Houston, which is why I hate him more than any other player in the game.

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