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[Official Playoffs] Chiefs @ Texans

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by Castor27, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. couple of d's

    couple of d's Member

    Oct 30, 2003
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    Hoyer is the qb next season, I'm done it's that simple
  2. Joe Fan

    Joe Fan Member

    Jun 13, 1999
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    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">.<a href="https://twitter.com/JJWatt">@JJWatt</a> Get up. You'll be a champion next year. <a href="https://t.co/d5Z9j8qpBx">pic.twitter.com/d5Z9j8qpBx</a></p>&mdash; Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) <a href="https://twitter.com/Schwarzenegger/status/686011149939249154">January 10, 2016</a></blockquote>
    <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  3. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    The good news? Because of how bad Vodka Collins played against the 00 Ravens in the Super Bowl and how bad Craig Morton played against the Cowboys in Super Bowl 12 this won't go down as the worst QB performance in playoff history.

    Of course, the Broncos were smart enough to bench Morton during that game, so maybe it could have been even worse if he had been good friends with his head coach the way that Hoyer is friends with BOB
  4. leroy

    leroy Member

    Jun 25, 2002
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    Welp, Spring Training is weeks away...

    That sucked to watch. The only positive that came out of that is that there is no way they go into next season without finding a competent qb. There's a lot of this team that gives me hope for the future. There's pieces there to make a run IF the front office takes some chances and gets the qb they need. If it means trading away a good part of the draft to move up, this is the time to do it.
  5. BubbaMac

    BubbaMac Member

    Nov 10, 1999
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    Because we root for JJ. He is a great person and deserves to win the big one. Its like the Portland fans rooting for Drexler in the finals as a Rocket.
  6. mick fry

    mick fry Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    To top it all off I'm not a millionare, this day sucks!!!!!
  7. Htownballer38

    Htownballer38 Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    That was by far the worst performance by an NFL QB. I really can't understand why Bill O'Brien trotted Hoyer back out there after having such a horrendous 1st half. To be honest , I am more disappointed in Coach than Hoyer.

    Way to go Coach
  8. nono

    nono Member

    Jul 26, 2012
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    Every Houston team sports team sucks.
  9. Jake Tower

    Jake Tower Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    Because this franchise is wasting his talent.
  10. ric_flair

    ric_flair Member

    Nov 28, 2011
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  11. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    Funny, but fake.
  12. nigma2000

    nigma2000 Member

    May 19, 2002
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    Well at least we are not the Bengals, my god that team is definitely cursed!
  13. Rockets FTW

    Rockets FTW Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    If you are the other 50+ players and coaches on the bengals and are not the guys who fumbled/made costly penalties...

    You have to be furious and quite depressed.

    I feel bad for that fanbase. My god that is dreadful and someone put those guys who committed those penalties on suicide watch.
  14. Rockets FTW

    Rockets FTW Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Arnold from california for next head coach!!! ayhhhhhh!
  15. cheke64

    cheke64 Member

    May 12, 2009
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    We need Tom Hermann or Katys football coach.
    I'm not mad at all. Guys tried and I know it wasn't because lack of effort or being drunk.
  16. K-Low_4_Prez

    K-Low_4_Prez Member

    Dec 25, 2011
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    I can't really blame BOB for not wanting to go with Brandon Weeden and I didn't watch the game but hopefully this pushes the FO to actually invest in a QB
  17. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    So, who is the bigger fail today? Texans or Bengals?
  18. HillBoy

    HillBoy Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    BoB addressed this in the post game presser. Wheeden had gotten zero snaps in practice and wasn't ready. Given how well the Chiefs had game planned for the Texans, I doubt it would have made much difference anyway. Once again, the Texans were out coached and outplayed by a better team. If possible, when you have calmed down, go back and look at how they defensed the Texans offense. They got consistent pressure on Hoyer, they virtually shutdown the running game and they covered our receivers like a blanket. They knew that if they forced Hoyer to have to make plays, the odds were in their favor that he wouldn't be able to do so and they were right. BoB really comes out looking bad because this team wasn't ready for what the Chiefs threw at them and could not adjust as the game wore on. Both he & Godsey looked absolutely stupid with that "Jumbo Package" play with JJ. I confess that I didn't expect them to win but I also didn't expect such a feeble effort from this team.
  19. HillBoy

    HillBoy Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    Well, good to see that the national media (as expected) piling on the Texans:


    You're right: Chiefs-Texans was one of the worst playoff games in NFL history

    USA Today Sports
    Chris Chase
    5 hrs ago

    There have been worse postseason games than the Chiefs' 30-0 snoozer over the Texans. Jacksonville beat Miami 62-7 in Jimmy Johnson’s final game as a head coach. The Giants beat Minnesota 41-0 in what was supposed to be a competitive 2000 NFC championship. The Redskins beat the Rams 51-7 in the divisional playoff on New Year’s Day 1984. There was that run of NFC teams from the mid-80s to the late 80s dominating Super Bowls by scores such as 46-10, 42-10, 55-10 and 52-17. But you could absolutely positively make the argument that the first game of the 2015 NFL playoffs was one of the worst ever for reasons that extend beyond the field.

    1. It was the fifth worst shutout in playoff history.

    Starting with the Super Bowl era, only four postseason games have had bigger shutouts than Kansas City’s 30-0 destruction of Houston. The two biggest were that aforementioned Giants-Vikings game and a 2002 wild-card game between the Jets and Colts. In addition, only 26 playoff games have been decided by 30 points or more. This was only the 20th shutout and the first in a decade. And it was certainly the only game in which a coach thought the best way to get his team back in the game was by lining up a defensive end at quarterback.

    2. It featured two teams with zero national fan base or anything else interesting.

    The only Chiefs and Texans fans I’ve ever met have been from Kansas City and Houston, respectively. Oh, sure, Chiefs country spans hundreds of miles through the vast Midwest and Houston is one of the biggest cities in the U.S., so it’s not as if these teams have the fan bases of an MLS squad. But overall they hold no national interest. I mean, how boring is Kansas City? The team was on a 10-game winning streak entering the playoffs and nobody was talking about them. As for Houston, they won one of the three worst divisions in NFL history and started four quarterbacks during the year. Then, that aforementioned genius coach, never pulled one of those four quarterbacks who got to the playoffs and immediately looked like the ball was literally an oblong piece of kryptonite.

    And unlike those Super Bowls and other championship games, there was nothing on the line in this. It was the worst wild-card game of the postseason featuring the two most boring teams of the postseason. In those Super Bowls, at least there were titles to award to sexy teams in between commercials that hadn’t been shared on YouTube four days before kickoff. This one featured Jon Gruden making ridiculous comments, a Lisa Salters microphone that had more feedback than an early Nirvana concert and a commercial for a Chris Pine movie that looked even worse than the game.

    3. RedZone. RedZone. RedZone, RedZone, RedZone.

    The greatest sports innovation since instant replay has ruined football fans from stand-alone blowouts. People didn’t know what to do during Chiefs-Texans. There was nothing else to flip to, there was nowhere else to go. During a primetime blowout on TNF, SNF or MNF, you can go to sleep or catch up on your DVR. But playoff football requires you to keep watching, just in case. As such, sitting through this game made it feel like it was 1999 and you only had 35 more channels at your disposal and no Twitter with which to make your pithy comments. RedZone: A gift and a curse.
  20. BigDog63

    BigDog63 Member

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Kapernick might be a good fit in Houston, and we KNOW one thing for sure. He CAN'T be worse than Hoyer.

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