How many times has Dusty choked in his career with multiple MVP and Cy Young candidates on his roster? And how many won it all after he left? He is the baseball Doc Rivers... beloved by the players and reporters but no one knows why.
Im no where close to a dusty lover I’m just a realist. I see it’s always an excuse lol. If Dusty wins it’s “talent” but any other manger wins he’s a genius. Gotcha
Will Joe lead this franchise to a chip? If he does you will consider him a good manager? Always remember Dusty was extremely close to going to 4 straight WS. Just saying.
A realist realizes realistically no sane manager would insert a washed Maldonado into the lineup 140 games per season even in his prime.
You mean injuries like sliding into second base, which is a very common injury in baseball, right/? It is like a QB in football throwing a pass and dislocating his shoulder, which is another common injury, right? One might ask if Alvarez is a Mariner fan at heart and knew that the rest of his gutless teammates would not be able to another game as long as he is out of the lineup. Why would he do that? He probably did not do it for that reason, but the "injury" sure does look suspicious to me. This is especially true given the fact that his teammates are so inept and unable to produce on their own. They are far more likely to "play" themselves out of playoff contention than into it. Any team that lost three in a row to the Reds can more easily lose the last 7 games of their crappy season. They are just lucky that the AL teams are equally inept to even be in the playoff conversation at this point.
Dusty was handed a 2019 team minus Cole. Terry Collins could have had matched Aj's success the same way Dusty did.
We would call Espada an idiot the same way we did with Dusty if he slotted Grae Kessinger at leadoff with a healthy roster. The Nico Goodrum and Robel Garcia usage should have been more like Grae's. Dusty had the luxury of Brent Strom and Joe Espada in his inherited coaching staff to boot.
Lol your bias is ridiculous. So Joe has the 2024 whitesox he’s working with? Dusty most playoff wins in franchise history and best win percentage in postseason in franchise history . I know that burns you.
Who the **** hates the Mariners? They haven’t done **** in their entire franchise existence. So tell us…what team do you root for then? And if you’re going to troll, might as well throw in a few trash cans dig. You aren’t even good at trolling smh.
I’ll say it again. Joe would never sabotage the ALCS or attempt to sabotage the team down the stretch.
Look. The Astros will probably win tonight, the edit is whether or not Yordan comes back healthy. Let’s ****ing roll
Has anyone photoshopped the Eye of Sauron into the centerfield wall so it's the Batters' Eye of Sauron? Have people already thought about this? I don't even know if it makes sense because I never watched the whole movie or read the books. I only watched the Hobbit cartoon at school once.