This whole B.S. narrative of the Astros got caught, now they have to take their medicine needs to stop. They didn't get caught they got told on...just like all these other teams that also got told on, in the same damn article, but are overlooked. The worst thing they did wasn't cheating, the worst thing they did was actually owning up to it. Hell even McCann basically came out and said they had to change their signs because the Dodger were cheating game 7. Everybody cheated then and everybody is probably cheating now...big whoop...
Chicago Black Sox scandal (literally threw the World Series) Pete Rose gambling on games Barry Bonds (roids) Mark Mcguire (roids) Sammy Sosa (corked bat) Countless pine tar/substance issues… Apple Watch incidents.. and then the Astros. But no, yeah it was only the Astros. Just the Astros. No one else. Give me a break.
Mike Fiers is the best thing that ever happened to Dave Roberts. He would have been fired long ago for blowing playoff games and world series. But no, the Astros cheated.