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Of course, the Israel Lobby is a myth

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by houstonhoya, Jul 18, 2014.

  1. kingdragon22

    kingdragon22 Member

    Nov 7, 2013
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    just a reminder before answering you.

    Israel left gaza in 2005.
    gaza have a border with a Muslim country name ejypt.
    Israel got daily rocet attacs since leaving gaza, instead of silence.
    Israel supply gazans, with water, electricity, sement and food.
    In return they build tunnels and rocets, to infiltrate and kill israelis.

    270 innocent civilians?
    A) sure those are the numbers.
    B) everyone is innocent? are you sure??

    Hamas dosent want Israel, they want all Israelis and Jews dead.
    read their amanant.

    when Israel inform gaza about an incoming strike and tell them to leave the area by a warnning strike, an SMS or radio brodcast and papares from planes, Hama force them to come back and not leave the area, for more casualties.

    ever saw any other country or army in the world asking the anamy to leave before a strike and giving them food, electricity and water?

    discrinating Arab Christians in Israel?
    not true. please bring facts!

    Why do we support the state of Israel?
    ever heard of a proxy nations?
    ever heard of sheard interests?

    you know that Israel cancelled a lot of billion dollars deals with china(twice), and with Poland ( anti missile system) and lost billions, beacause the us sactioned it.

    the us also didn't alowed Israel to develop their own fighter plane, the lavie because of competition.

    the monney that the u.s give Israel yearly must be spent in the u.s on an American equipment.

    Israel must also do whats best for u.s interst, I.e kiss turkey an ardouan( who hates Israel) butt.
  2. houstonhoya

    houstonhoya Contributing Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Best post ever
  3. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    The government of Israel is literally rooted in death cult ideology groups identical to Hamas, and any Israeli who knows the groups which formed the government/IDF and their still very much alive remnants can tell you the history. You don't even have to dig into history to find the death cult ideology prevalent in Israeli society today among right wing politicians, and even teens and children nowadays. This is a worse Israel than anyone in America began supporting years ago. Many Israelis, politicians and civilians alike, are unhappy with the direction of their government and are beginning to distrust their government. What is happening is the people who are xenophobic, racist, bigoted and sometimes evangelical around the world are extremely happy at the direction of Israel because it feeds their hatred and because those people don't care about the well-being of Israelis as a whole.

    Israel is slowly turning into pre-revolution Iran in that internal extremists and foreign extremist colonial powers are unintentionally/intentionally putting the country on a path to radicalization which weakens and marginalizes all non-radical groups - at the expense of most citizens of that country. This is alienating and will continue to alienate moderates around the world, and more importantly, moderate Israelis.

    America, as the colonial power of this time, will do what it has always done. Like it's done in Indonesia and apartheid South Africa and several Latin American countries it will hold on to its murderous allies until the bitter, bloody end. It will be among the last countries in the world to do so, and it will assault the minds of its citizens with false and fear-filled media as much as possible to prolong this goal. Organizations like AIPAC are allowed to keep tampering with Americans' right to a truly representative government. Even if we look at American citizens' disproportionate one sided support for Israel (relative to most of the world for 70 years now), the support for Israeli government from American elected officials is even disproportionately higher than that.

    Obviously as the concentration of wealth in few Americans continues to increase, so will power and hence the widening of the democratic deficit. As this situation continues to worsen, there will be less and less support for these sham politics because the support from citizens who, more than ever, have access to better information will decrease. At some point, the politicians will want money from AIPAC and American citizens will not be benefitting at all. There will be a breaking point, and when that breaking point arrives in the distant future, America will leave the Middle East with another armed violent radical government which terrorizes its own citizens and neighbouring citizens alike.
  4. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    So you can write a parody. Good for you!
  5. houstonhoya

    houstonhoya Contributing Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Zionism is racism
    #25 houstonhoya, Jul 19, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2014
  6. houstonhoya

    houstonhoya Contributing Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    1,780 homes demolished in Gaza thus far.

    Israeli demolition of homes in occupied territory is undoubtably illegal under international law. Where is the outrage in the US? Or is our outrage reserved only for Russia and Iran?

    Take a look at European cities right now, there are huge protests against Israeli aggression and discrimination.
  7. AMS

    AMS Contributing Member

    Oct 8, 2003
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    Just came in here to call you an idiot. Quit stalking me you asperger perv.
  8. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    He didn't post "Zionism is racism." There might have been a conversation there. Instead, he posted a very long attack on Israel filled with his own "racist" perceptions, in my humble opinion, along with the kitchen sink, and various other stuff laying around. I have no interest in responding to that with any substance. It would be like trying to have a conversation with a cracker from Alabama in 1961 about racism - a waste of my time. A pity. He makes good posts in the other forums.
  9. ChrisBosh

    ChrisBosh Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    Both sides are nuts and so is the international community. Pathetic all around. The only people who actually suffer are the weak, and at this point those are the Palestinian civilians. There is no solution that's going to solve this until a superpower which has no ties to either side steps ups and makes things happen. I am hoping China will be that power, it might take another 30 years but they will be running things soon. Though like every superpower they will have their agenda as well, but I hope that's not the case.
  10. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    The truth is Israel gets away with this nonsense because they control the story. They get their Generals on CNN to talk about the "terrorists" they're combating as they kill 2,000 Palestinians, women and children among them. They did the same thing in Lebanon, they do it in Syria. They basically kill whoever and destroy whatever they want without paying a price for it.

    As for Hamas, they're a bunch of scumbags but that doesn't mean they're wrong to be fighting Israel. Israel is bent on eradicating Palestinians so they can have all the land. That's what this is about. Everyone knows that. They have no interest in giving back any land they've taken. They're going to keep it and they're going to play their little shell game with the US public about how they're the only Democracy in the Middle East and yet they're also the only Democracy in the Middle East constantly bombing it's neighbors, occupying land that doesn't belong to them, and shooting little kids throwing rocks. The Zionists are every bit the scum that the Islamic terrorists are, they just have better publicists and of course the US tilting the game in their favor every step of the way.
  11. houstonhoya

    houstonhoya Contributing Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    It is a logical reality that without occupation and colonization, Hamas would cease to exist. One comes before the other, and like you've astutely said, Israeli control of the narrative and the meta-narrative convinces Westerners that the opposite must be true.

    'We are civilized, they are animals'
  12. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
    Supporting Member

    Feb 3, 2000
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    I see the anti-semites being alive and well in this thread.

    In the meantime, their brothers in spirit are burning the streets of France.

    Anti-Israel protesters rally across France, defying ban imposed after synagogue clash
    Thousands march through French cities in protest of Israeli operation in Gaza Strip; French president says will not allow violence to spill over into France.


    REUTERS - Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters marched in French cities on Saturday to condemn violence in Gaza, defying a ban imposed after demonstrators marched on two synagogues in Paris last weekend and clashed with riot police.

    A Reuters photographer said demonstrators in northern Paris launched projectiles at riot police, who responded by firing teargas canisters and stun grenades.

    Demonstrators also climbed on top of a building and burned an Israeli flag. At least one car was set on fire.

    A police spokesman said that 38 demonstrators had been arrested by early evening and that the clashes were dying down.

    French President Francois Hollande said he understood emotional responses to the killing of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip in a flare-up of hostilities with Israel but would not allow violence to spill over into France.

    "That's why I asked the interior minister, after an investigation, to ensure that such protests would not take place," he told journalists during a visit to Chad.

    Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve justified bans in Paris, the Sarcelles suburb and the Mediterranean city of Nice by saying the security risk was too great, prompting outrage from left-wing and pro-Palestinian groups.

    He had asked police in cities to examine security risks city by city and, where necessary, to issue ban orders.

    The far-left New Anticapitalist Party, an organizer of last Sunday's rally and the banned one in Paris, urged protesters in Paris to defy the ban, prompting police to issue a warning.

    "Those who do not respect the ban, in support of protests or against them, face the risk of being stopped, arrested and handed over to the courts," Paris police said in a statement.

    However, large crowds defied the warning and gathered in the capital chanting "Israel, assassin" in front of police barricades. Rallies were also held in more than a dozen other cities, from Lille in the north to Marseille in the South.

    "This ban on demonstrations, which was decided at the last minute, actually increases the risk of public disorder," the Greens Party said in a statement. "It's a first in Europe."

    Elsewhere in Europe, a man set off a security alert in Geneva when he stopped a tram to retrieve bags that included a book with a radical Islamist image in it, police said, at the same time as some 300 pro-Palestinian protesters gathered in front of the UN's European headquarters.

    The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has contributed to growing tensions between France's Muslim and Jewish populations, both of which are the largest in Europe.

    In the first three months of 2014 more Jews left France for Israel than at any other time since the Jewish state was created in 1948, with many citing rising anti-Semitism as a factor.


    These people - anti-semitic, violent and intolerant. Just like in Gaza. Just look at the picture above. Animals.
  13. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
    Supporting Member

    Feb 3, 2000
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    Oh yeah, this is what it leads to when "Islam" rules - ISIS Islamists stoning two women in Iraq.


    Thank goodness Israel is a bastion against this ideology in the Middle East.
  14. FranchiseBlade

    FranchiseBlade Contributing Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    The whole region is messed up and neither side is all good or bad.

    Each side is about getting what they believe is rightful revenge, or justice and their people see it as a strength.

    Neither side is about what is actually effective in stopping the mess.

    Israel cruelly oppresses Palestinians and illegally occupies their land. As a response Hamas feels justified in launching rockets(mostly indiscriminately) at Israel. The launching of those Rockets don't bring them greater autonomy or any closer to their own state.

    Israel responds with it's own rocket and missile attacks. Because Hamas is in amongst the population and don't have any real military sites (they are pretty much all mixed in with the population of Gaza) plenty of civilians are killed. Those attacks don't make Israel safer. They make more Palestinians mad enough to have a blanket hatred of Israel and be willing to blow themselves up to hurt Israelis.

    Because of the injustices of both sides both sides feel justified in their attacks. And maybe they are. But even if they are justified one thing is clear... the attacks and counter attacks aren't effective at stopping the cycle of violence.

    Supporters of Israel will ask, "What is Israel supposed to do? Just let Hamas fire rockets and not respond?" Which is where the problem is. Israel may have a right to respond, but it isn't doing Israel any good. It doesn't stop the attacks and will just create more attacks.

    Hamas certainly has a stated objective of wiping Israel out. Members of the Israeli govt. have proposed wiping out Palestinians.

    But Hamas has also recently offered a 10 year cease fire in exchange for allowing Palestinians access to their farm lands, easier border crossings, an open sea port, and things like that so that Palestinians can get the humanitarian needs they require.

    At least that is something new and different than the cycle of violence. So in that instance they get props for being willing to break the cycle.

    No side in this issue is all good or bad.

    The only that's clear is responding with violence because a side feels they have a right to after the wrongs that have been done to them, doesn't solve anything. It just creates more wrongs. That's been proven time and time again, and until people look a little deeper at what's going on, and move past the emotional need for retribution nothing will change.
  15. houstonhoya

    houstonhoya Contributing Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Seriously **** ISIS. But...

    What does this have to do with Palestinians? Your prejudicial tendencies are showing old man.

    This is Israel:

  16. houstonhoya

    houstonhoya Contributing Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    I mean Apartheid South Africa wasn't ALL bad, but it was a whole lot of bad... So is Zionist settler colonialism.
  17. Bandwagoner

    Bandwagoner Contributing Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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    I really hate this summation. One side clearly has human rights issues, and acts like kids running a country.

    It is like when talking about Islam vs Christianity when someone mentions murders via abortion clinic bombings. They never want to discuss numbers on both sides.
  18. houstonhoya

    houstonhoya Contributing Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    So lets talk numbers. How many Palestinians have died in this past week? How many Israelis?

    Considering that 1 palestinian child has been killed by Israel every 3 days for the past 15 years, one hopes you have your numbers right.
  19. Bandwagoner

    Bandwagoner Contributing Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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    And it seems no one is happier about those than Hamas. For a religion of peace, human life isn't that important.
  20. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    You're wasting your time dude. These guys don't give a damn. All they know is the Moozlims are bad and the Israelis are good, like an old John Wayne movie.

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