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Obama Rewards Sub-prime Borrowers and Society's Deadbeats with Housing Bill

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by El_Conquistador, Feb 19, 2009.

  1. SamFisher

    SamFisher Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    Obviously we are among GOP royalty - ladies and gents I present to you zan tabak, son of Joe "The Plumber" Wurzelbach.
  2. Bandwagoner

    Bandwagoner Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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  3. zantabak1111

    zantabak1111 Member

    Aug 13, 2008
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    its a forum for a god sakes I dont write, then proof read with an editor. I read something and write in the heat of the moment, sometimes typing quickly because Im enraged at some liberal comments about how everyone should be equal and we should help everybody. If you read some of my posts earlier on I lived in boston, went to school up there at tufts and am a very educated person. I may be little outspoken but I;m tired of people wanting handouts. My father is 68 years old and came to america with no degree and $50 to his name in cash and made himself into a millionaire through hardwork after working jobs such as a janitor,jewel salesman,hot dog vendor at a football stadium. The one thing he had going for him was the desire to support his family back home and work hard and he made it. The point is most people in this country just want handouts and jobs with benefits and I personally know many friends who've turned down $65K jobs bc they feel a tufts MBA is worth much more.
  4. pgabriel

    pgabriel Educated Negro

    Dec 6, 2002
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    Do you know if i disagree with bush on everything, don't confuse me with those types, thanks.

    also, I would appreciate if you would stop lecturing
  5. Bandwagoner

    Bandwagoner Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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    I'm lecturing?

    I don't know what the first sentance meant.
  6. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Zantabak11 has come on strong lately.

    Either he's been lying about the MBA, he cheated to get it, the University he got it from doesn't really teach any classes, or He's forgotten everything he learned since he got the degree.

    His posts are so far removed from real circumstances, logic, and knowledge learned from introductory level college courses that I'm left puzzled, and finally immensely amused.
  7. pgabriel

    pgabriel Educated Negro

    Dec 6, 2002
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    you lecture, yesterday you were asking me why I debate with tj, now you're telling me not to bring up when bush does the same thing as obama, not for the purpose of debating, but for the purpose of lecturing. I really would appreciate it if you wouldn't. I don't mind debating, I don't mind being point out when I'm wrong, but I do mind the lecturing. seriously
  8. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    IT isn't the spelling errors that call your MBA into question, it's the fact that you can supposedly get a masters from Tufts and still not understand that you aren't qualified to speak for "everyone" and claim they all want handouts. You have no idea the work other people are doing, or have done.

    It doesn't make since that you can ignore scientifically gathered data about which investments into the economy receive a larger return and rely on a statement about one person in your family who know. Not to mention the fact that the qualifiers in your stance are bogus to begin with.

    I could go on and on. I don't mind folks having different opinions, but making fallacious arguments based on things that don't make sense and a lack of logic makes it hard to believe you have an MBA from any place, especially a school with the reputation of Tufts.
  9. zantabak1111

    zantabak1111 Member

    Aug 13, 2008
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    its not logic that the top 5% of society pay almost all the taxes in america?

    its not logic that most american jobs are easily outsourced to equally qualified people in foreign countries with cheap labor?

    My whole thing is Obama wants to employ Americans and its just not possible. Americans require benefits and healthcare whereas people in other nations do not. China has more students in university than we have people in the united states. Tell me those people cannot be our investment bankers of the future? Will they require $300K/year like some of my colleagues got upon completion of their MBA? No they will not because they want the important things in life like food and shelter and it's going to be damn near impossible for Americans to compete in a world that's becoming more and more digital and thus easier to outsource.

    Moreover the business that employs you was created by somebody who took a risk at some point. Why are people going to take risks when American employees are so difficult to deal with. We can file lawsuits whenever, we can file sexual harassment suits as we please, and the list goes on and on. I read a book in college about 1987 and how our stock market crashed and so did Japan's. We had 800,000 pending lawsuits against brokerages as of 2003 while Japan had 0. Does that tell you more about why people want to outsource more? Obama wants to punish people for outsourcing, I call that anti-capitalism. My parents came to America because it was the land of opportunity back when, we are no longer the land of opportunity and slowly people will begin to see that.
  10. glynch

    glynch Member

    Dec 1, 2000
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    Good post. It is the same reason why folks go bananas when someone of food stamps scams $50 per month, but don't get as mad when the top guys make billions or millions off their dishonesty.

    Even having observed this phenomenon for many years it is hard for me to feel much sympathy for the person in California that bought a no document loan with nothing down and only interest or whatever.

    I have a couple of cousins in CA who have become millionaires simply by buying a house in San Francisco 20 years ago. Even with a 25% hit they could cash out and never work another day if they moved to Texas.
  11. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Workers having the right to sue for wrongful treatment isn't something wrong with the American system it's something right. Frivolous law suits are also wrong. Workers demanding health benefits isn't something wrong with our workers, it's something great and that should be applauded.

    Pressure should be put on other nations to make sure humane conditions are used there as well.

    Yes you can file any lawsuit you want, but if it is pointless, the odds are courts won't even let it go to trial. We have a system in place to weed out those things.

    Capitalism isn't about screwing over the worker. Workers who use their leverage to work out the best and safest conditions for themselves are operating within the very spirit of capitalism.
  12. El_Conquistador

    El_Conquistador King of the D&D, The Legend, #1 Ranking
    Supporting Member

    Jun 11, 2002
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    Rocket River claims to have graduated from Chicago Law School. Reconcile that, friend.
  13. zantabak1111

    zantabak1111 Member

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Why should workers demand health benefits? Since when is health care a right in life. It isn't a right for everyone to see the best doctors. I suppose you think everyone should just be given a ferrari then too under the same logic. If you've earned it go see the best doctor, he has his fees for being so qualified. If you don't like it, tough,work harder until you can afford him. I'm sorry no sympathy on giving people anything for free will come from me. Healthcare is not a right and companies are happily outsourcing your american jobs to show you just that.
  14. Bandwagoner

    Bandwagoner Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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    The T_J thing was to keep the thread on topic. I hate seeing him derail something by pissing you guys off.

    The bush comment was a joke honestly.
  15. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    Did you pay for your college education or did your father?
  16. zantabak1111

    zantabak1111 Member

    Aug 13, 2008
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    scholarship for my undergrad but I worked 3 years after graduation for Lehman Bros as an MLP Fund Trader/Analyst. I saved up my money for 3 years and paid for grad school. I was 26 at the time I entered grad school, having dad pay would be kind of sad.
  17. insane man

    insane man Member

    Aug 9, 2003
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    i am so sick and tired of freaking children of immigrants who think just because their parents were lucky enough to be successful or at least lucky enough to guide their children to success, that everyone should be required to suffer thru whatever bullsh!t their parents supposedly suffered. yet these folks are blatantly ignorant about the realities of our country

    guess what? in the 60s when your parents came here a crappy job paid a decent wage. now it doesn't.

    in the 60s when your parents came here, they more often than not had a scholarship waiting for them. schools were cheap. welfare was plenty. unions took care of their people.

    tell us, how did your dad come here? on a plane? how did he buy the ticket if he had no money or degree? who did he stay with? because if i just took lets say 200 bucks and flew into ireland, i woudln't know anyone there. so did he know people in the US? did he stay with relatives? did they hook him up with jobs and shelter?

    bullsh!t from immigrant kids makes me want to go on an immigration rant like i was a racist republican hick on chronicle's comment section.
  18. insane man

    insane man Member

    Aug 9, 2003
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    healthcare is afforded in every other civilized society on the planet. and you're right companies shouldn't have to pay for it, the government should institute a single payer system to ensure universal coverage.
  19. sm0d

    sm0d Contributing Member

    Jul 14, 2004
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    my father came in the 70s. and he has no idea what the hell youre talking about.
  20. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    You have a bizarre take on health care. I'm sure an 8 year old who was diagnosed with Usher's syndrome, or Diabetes should be punished because they didn't earn a solid living when they were 7 years old to be able to pay for a lifetime of treatment.

    Do you have any idea how healthcare works at almost any level of employment? Most management, and executives have healthcare packages. It isn't just workers that demand that stuff. But for some reason you seem to only blame the workers for wanting healtccare.

    Your ignorance of the fact that most executives also get health benefits only adds to the list that makes me think something is strange about you having a masters in business from Tufts. That's just strange.

    Nobody is outsourcing my job anywhere. Most industrialized nations provide healthcare. There aren't that many places to outsource jobs to that don't provide healthcare.

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